Once again I say people must realize that in a country which prides itself on "Freedom" no one has the right to take away someone's happiness. No one has the right to decree who you can and can not fall in love with. And no one should have the right to say who you can and can not marry. Therefore, I, like many others, post this:
Marriage is love. And before anyone makes comments about how marriage is a "sacred institution" and "only between a man and a woman" let me give you a few history lessons.
Marriages went on long before Christianity was even a thought. Hate to break it to you, but even the Old Testament has ancient marriage rites. In fact, a large portion of the "marriage traditions" seen in the U.S. today were started by uppity wanna-be Europeans in the 1800's.
And in all the thousands of years marriage has existed not once is it explicitly stated marriage must be based on a person’s gender. And really the only reason "marriage" was sanctioned by the Catholic Church was for propaganda purposes in needing to produce more followers for "Holy Mother Church." The only "legitimate" way was a "vow before the eyes of God." Obviously, esp. in this day and age no one takes those vows seriously. If they did we would have a very small divorce rate. Therefore, it is plain that in America marriage is far from a "Sacred institution." And once again, for those playing the home game, marriage is only a sacred vow to Catholics, hence the no-divorce law. The Protestants nixed the sacrament so their King could get divorced. So much for your "sacred institution."
And furthermore, the "Great Civilizations" America prides itself to match, mainly Greece and Rome, were civilizations in which homosexual relationships were more encouraged and largely openly practiced than heterosexual ones. The Great Thinkers obviously got the whole thing about love knowing no boundaries. Of course, this could be due to the fact Zeus/Jove was bisexual, but that, kiddies, is for another day.
And before you throw the Bible defense into the air, let me make one more point clear. Very few Bible ranters actually read the Bible closely. The Bible has been tinkered with many times over the years. The Catholic Bible contains books the King James' Version does not and this is also the same within the Eastern Orthodox Church. The translations Americans have also deviate greatly from the original text. Remember, the OT was in Hebrew and the NT was in Greek, and King James omitted a lot to make the Bible more flowery. Trust me when I say many things were lost in translation.
Bare basics: To think you have the right to tell someone who they can/can not love or marry leads to control of other things. Maybe things such as clothing, religion, hair color, skin color, eye color, health status, so on and so forth...wait, I've heard of this game before only it was a black and white film from the 30's and they were speaking German...(thank you Mr. D. Miller). If you claim to be a true "patriot" all about "land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE" then prove it. Get your nose out of other people's business. You have no right to "play God" (and if you do, that's idolatry and sorry, buddy boy, that'll send you straight to hell with your golden calf).
The most important aspect of marriage is love. Not financial services, not children, love. Anyone who even thinks about having the right to deny someone that obviously has no soul, conscience, or heart. On this day dedicated to little winged cupid, let's all remember "Love looks with the heart and not with the mind, and therefore is winged cupid blind."