Laura Shapiro explains that Jay Smooth and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are
making a documentary about remix, and seeking video submissions--vidders should consider participating!
Also, the
OTW is seeking stories from fans who’ve received DMCA notices, or who’ve heard mention of the so-called “right of publicity” and its relation to RPF.
Did we ever get a serious explanation for Samuel Campbell’s resurrection? I mean, I see it as a great way to give soulless!Sam something to do that isn’t bothering Dean, and I absolutely see why Castiel would’ve thought that was a decent idea, but it’s such a big WTF that it stands out for me. (Also because of the absolute crapsack world of the Winchesters: they had a hunting family all along, but didn’t know it-isolated from them for no good reason! I mean, why didn’t anyone show up at Mary’s funeral and look at shellshocked John and ask him if something was hinky about how Mary died? Now I want that story-John shoving them away, maybe, because he doesn’t know anything about them; them only knowing him as a worthless civilian and deciding not to press.)
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