Along with a number of other folks,
arwensouth and I were asked if we would make nibbles for Baroness Mary's vigil today. We responded that we would be happy to do so and I offered to make Digby's Most Excellent Small Cakes while arwensouth proposed to do do Mushroom Cheese Tarts. Daryoles were added to that list late on Friday morning.
We dutifully got together on Friday after work to do the last of the shopping and to make our various contributions. These dishes are among our "staples"; well liked recipes that we can put together easily and with a minimum of fuss on our part. Which is exactly how it happened. Once the mushroom tarts were popped into the oven, arwensouth went to work on the daryole filling while I built the Digby cake dough. It was easy to slip back into our usual kitchen working pattern, catching the next step for the other's current project before moving on with our own.
Because we started late - as usually happens when we have to shop before cooking, because this always occasions dinner pre-grocery store trip - we decided that once the daryoles were cool enough to plate and wrap, we would call it a night. I would finish the Digby cakes on Saturday. Which is exactly what I did, after
gilraen2 got me back home from Studium Generale in Bofhrrach. Note to self for future extended Digby cake production: do not pat the dough into a nice round lump and then refridgerate. It turns into a quite a solid lump that takes a bit of time and effort to breakdown and rewarm so it can be finally made into cookies.
Despite having to work extra hard to play with the dough, I got the cakes done and plated by 9:00, and was able to put myself to bed by 10:00.
All that is left to do now is print out directions to Anstys's house, so I can get the food there on time.