(no subject)

Dec 22, 2009 13:12

I have my sewing machine!

So far, I've accidentally disassembled the bobbin holder (got it back together, eventually), caused a massive thread jam where I had to unscrew the needle to clear it up, and had to rethread the needle a gazillion times. oh, and actually reading directions is good.

I'm having some trouble with the tension on the zigzag stitch, but I'm optimistic. And the straight stitch is working beautifully.

I've made a muslin drawstring bag for bulk foods (already had two handsewn) and took them to Yes Market and bought split peas, black beans, and chickpeas without using any plastic. Then I was really cold and tired, so I bought vegan jerky, which was wrapped in not one, but two layers of "biodegradable" plastic. right. I might put it in my composter if only to confirm my suspicion that it won't biodegrade any time soon.

I've also started making a project bag to hold whatever knitting or sewing project I'm working on. I've been using plastic bags or reusable giant bags, but the needles poke through. The hum of the machine and the quickness are addictive.

I also made 4 tealights using scrap wax from old tealights and leftover menorah wicks. We'll see how they burn. I've been reading about candlemaking and wanted to try it, since I learn better that way. Thus far I've learned how annoying it is to get wax residue out of a cast iron frying pan (used as a double boiler, but one of my molds leaked). I'll see if I can get a cheap little pan at Marshalls. hmmm, this might be addictive too. I've been braiding crocheting cotten and wondering how it would burn, and thinking about where I can get local sustainable sources of wax.

I also made and canned two pints and one cup of tomato sauce, which turned out pretty well, even without garden herbs, as I didn't feel like digging through a two foot snow drift. Plus, my herbs are probably happier being sheltered from this weird weather.

I made one pint of grape jelly, but it didn't really jell. I'm going to let it sit around (it's been canned) and see if it sets eventually. Meanwhile,I'll read up on recalcitrant jelly and try jelling it again if I need to.
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