So, I decided out of curiosity to track the books I've read this year.
Here's the list. Grand total: 84
Longest: The Blade Itself, 593 pages
Shortest: The Tales of Beedle the Bard, 109 pages
Average page count: 257.79
Total pages: 21,654
Most popular author: Lynsay Sands (14)
From anthology: 1
First time reads: 49
Re-reads: 35
Fiction: 79
Non-fiction: 5
*By Genre:
Romance: 34
YA: 19
Fantasy: 12
Supernatural/paranormal: 26
Sci-fi: 1
Historical: 29
Comics: 6
Books I reread because the next in the series was going to be released: 13
Books I reread because I just felt like it: 23
Authors I read for the first time this year: 11
Gregory Maguire, Sarah McLean, Julia Quinn, Christina Dodd, Gail Carriger, Cassandra Clare, Joseph Heller, Naomi Novik, Bryan Lee O'Malley, Joe Abercrombie, Patricia C Wrede
Series I read all or part of: 13
*Distinction between fantasy and supernatural/paranormal is that supernatural/paranormal novels are set in our world and have fantasy elements, while fantasy novels are set in a world completely their own.