So, a couple of you know about the Pinup Project already.
For those of you who don't, here we go. I love retro pinups of all sorts, but it was the pictures of nose art from the WWII planes that got me thinking. Of course our boys would have, if WWII airmen, pinups painted on their planes.
My mind went to point C (after a detour through points D, E, and F), and decided to draw our girls as retro pinups.
As this is a project, I haven't finished all fourteen yet, but I do have four. I've been working on them for a couple of months now, but decided to wait to post until I had a few.
So here we are:
Proudmouth |
Vachir |
Natalia |
Anastasia All are SFW.
Proudmouth - Of course she looks dignified in underwear. You expected a blushing virgin? Art-wise, I really like how her face turned out, especially her expression.
Vachir - She's the cheeky girl next door, of course. I thought a more cartoonish style was called for, and brighter colours.
Natalia - Is she dressing for a night out? Undressing after a night out? Who knows? Artwise, I'm very happy with her (hands excepted, as I'm bad at drawing hands). I think her nose is cute.
Anastasia - Holy shit mirrors are hard to draw. Also, if you notice any tiny details here... well, remembered she picked Amery and Balfour.