Title: Rue the Day
Characters/Pairings: Wilson, W/S, H/C, H/W
Rating: General
Summary: Wilson returns home after seeing House.
Notes: Post ep fic for 7x08 Small Sacrifices.
The loft was quiet and still when Wilson arrived home, dragging himself through the front door on heavy legs. He lifted his newly bought liquor onto the kitchen counter and looked at the labels on each individual bottle. The whole point of going over to House’s was that he wasn’t stocked up on the stuff. Well, no, it wasn’t the whole point. He’d finished off what little he had here and went to visit him, hoping for a sympathetic shoulder, or if that was asking too much he would have settled for House’s brand of 'get-the-fuck-over-it' comfort. He could really use that right now. But those days seemed to be coming to an end. He hadn’t realised it fully until tonight when, for the first time in a long time, House had refused his company.
He opened up one of the bottles and raised it to the room at large, chuckling despite himself, before starting to scull it down. He knew this was pitiful but he had a strong need to suppress all the emotions and thoughts of the day. Suppress the hurt of Sam leaving again, of House and Cuddy and the thought of them together.
Sam was gone. It was hard to believe things could turn around so drastically in a day, from having someone in his life and some sort of direction, to having no idea where he was going to end up or what he was even doing. He took the ring from his pocket and placed it on the counter, sighing as he turned away from it, willing that numbing haze to wash over him sooner.
He took another mouthful and as he brought the bottle away from his lips, his eyes fell upon the organ in the corner. He smiled sadly as he walked over to it. He removed the cloth that was covering it and sat down. Placing his bottle on the floor beside his seat he then looked back over the keys, flexing his fingers once before he slid them across the top.
Sam had given up after he’d tried so hard. Tried to do it all, have it all. He’d even entertained the thought of having children with her! He thought he was starting to build this ideal life when really he had no idea what he was doing. He couldn’t win.
He pressed down on a few keys but nothing melodious came from it.
He’d had it all within his grasp and then he went and blew it, leaving him with nothing. It was his fault, he knew. He’d pushed too far, moved things too quickly, started making decisions without thinking them through. It was just like every other time. He couldn’t ignore that. Yet somehow it was different. Sam may have given up on their relationship but for weeks now he’d felt that he already gave up something worth so much more.
And now...
He balled his fists over the keys and smashed down on them, over and over and over again. The horrible off-key sound filled the room and mingled with the cry he let out.
Now he’d ruined it all.