Aug 14, 2009 11:46
One of the reasons I'm not a fan of brinksmanship is because things can go wrong in spite of all my planning. I like for that to be a setback rather than a disaster. Today that has been:
1. *yet another* form for the graduate division (that I was aware of but thought I didn't need to fill out because I wasn't registering copyright);
2. last minute scramble with my graduate assistant, whose email said, "I just heard that someone is here to file your diss tomorrow. Great! Can you give me some information about what you're doing related to sociology to put in the letter for reinstatment of candidacy. I've got to do the letter in the next hour, because I'm not here tomorrow. Have you taught, been to conferences, published, etc? to keep up with discipline? or other things? Please reply ASAP by email or phone." This *after* having her check a couple months ago that my candidacy hadn't lapsed.
So, the filing won't actually happen now until tomorrow. And luckily, the deadline isnt' until tomorrow. 2 cheers for advanced planning!
This does mean there won't be raucus celebrating this evening, however. Deal.