And now the finale . . .

Jun 17, 2011 19:38

The release date for SPN's S6 has been revealed . . . September 13th. Hopefully this means that S7 starts on the 16th--91 days from today.

And pics of the Gaylord Opryland Resort. BBs, the pics can't do it justice. Everything has a grand, sweeping
Gone With The Wind feel.

Welcome to SPN's Nashville Nash Vegas con '11!

View from our hotel room. We found out later the Magnolia section was the first part of the hotel built. The building across the way was where they had the panels, vendor room, photo ops, sandwiches, pop, and alcohol. A Supernatural inspired drink everyday!

This is The Cascades atrium

This the Delta Island atrium. This was the view from the pizzeria, one of the few meals I didn't have at the convention hall. You can take a boat ride around the atrium in the canal.

This is The Conservatory atrium with the skywalk where I ran into Richard. The floor below is like a little jungle. Lots of twisting paths, benches and a gazebo.

The entrance to the Magnolia section of the hotel. I wish I'd taken a shot of the double staircase that was behind me in the picture below. Yes, that chandelier is as huge as it looks. I'd guess about ten feet wide.

This was one of the shops in the hotel. We all got a chuckle at the name.

And the Swvarkski crystal studded mirror glitzy enough for Liberace. Got $5,000?

Convention space.

vacation, nashville con '11, pics, cons, pic spam, misc

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