Jul 07, 2008 18:32
Wow...it has seriously been so long since I've been on here that...I almost couldn't figure out how to post a new entry. ^^; How's that for embarrassing?
Well, anyhoo, I hope everyone has been doing well! My year at the HA is coming to a close (and my last post was at the beginning of the HA year. Wow, I have been gone a REALLY long time...), and then I will be heading home to Ohio! Whoo! I have written 7 newsletters so far, all of which I have mailed/emailed out to numerous people and posted on my Facebook. If you haven't received any or some of these, please let me know and I'll email them to you post-haste! ^^
I...can't remember why I...oh duh! I got on here to update my usericons, because I don't like all the ones I have. ^^ Some trends get old after a while, or I just wasn't particularly fond of the picture.
I may be posting on my Xanga now...I'm not sure yet, but I did discover that they've made some agreeable upgrades that make it less annoying, like the fact that you can actually REPLY to people's comments now! =D Whoo!
Anyhoo, that's all for now. I have done a good deal of drawing this year, so I have a bunch of new pictures, and I've even gotten some writing done! And I have been doing a lot of growing, spiritually. I can't say I'm anywhere near perfect yet (not that anyone is), but I think I am learning some things about God and growing stronger in my faith. That alone makes this year a success. =)
Welp, that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well! ^^ Ttyl!