Yeah, outside of RP I've been neglecting my writing as well, something I must rectify asap.
Also, there's a point where Sara uses martial arts to fight someone, and the thing that immediately came to my mind was "You can so see that Jean Marsh and Jon Pertwee used to be married to each other." XD And Katarina was absolutely lovely, sweet and naive and fiercely loyal to the Doctor, and I loved how baffled Bret was at anything she said or did. And, of course, she broke my heart all over again. From the time the incidental music took after One's "daughter of the gods" line, I have the feeling they must have showed her dead body floating in space for what must have seemed like ages. :(
Of course, what with Maxil in one and the first glimpses of Six in the other. Ooh, I'd love it, but I'm afraid my internet's still crummy. *pouts* And yes, we'll have lots of fun!
Yes, they saw the whole trilogy, and they were very crossed at the Master at the end of Keeper of Traken because they wanted Tremas to become a companion and instead he died. :( And they swooned throughout Logopolis. *giggles*
Yeah, my icons are in desperate need to be sorted now that I've lost my extra userpics. But here, have Katarina.
& speaking of writing, how goes your tales of Fourteen & Jamie & Hye? I've missed those so much!
Teehee! I must admit, I can see Sara doing a bit of Venusian akkido - & quite splendidly at that! :D ::flails & wibbles all at once:: O, I'm so glad to hear that Katarina was just as wonderful as I knew she must have been! But I think I would find it hard to listen to her be so lovely when I know how she would end up. ::cries::
I can't wait to see Maxil! & possibly cheer when he shoots Five, but you know what a fiend I am. :P Awwwww, okay then. :( But should you ever get better internet, then feel free to ask away! ::bounces gleefully with you::
YAY! It took me a fair bit of time to watch all of it, since I didn't want Four to leave, but I'm glad the twins liked it! :D
O, mine are too! I was SUPPOSED to delete all of my other ones & upload totally new ones, but I just can't bring myself to do it. ::failkitty:: But here's a nice random one!
I haven't updated that for about a year. *bows head with shame* I'm trying to get the muses back, but they seem to be focusing on RPing right now.
I understand that. I was crying come episode 4, even with the appearance of Sara. :(
Oh, I loved Maxil. He was a bastard, but he had that face and that voice. :D Don't worry, I'll be sure to do just that.
They were positively in love with Four, so I was a bit nervous about their reaction, particularly since I didn't tell them what was going to happen - as advised by Tony from the Flashing Blade, who thinks it's more exciting when the shock takes you by surprise. Thankfully he was right, as they shouted and raved but then they cheered too because the regeneration scene was just so happy (their words) and Five was sooooooo gorgeous (definitely their words). XD
. . . ::CRIES FOREVER & EVER & EVER, THEN FOR EVEN LONGER:: I'd imagined that when I finally came back, you'd be half-done & I'd have loads to read! ::sniffles:: But I understand & I suppose I'm hardly one to talk, considering how I never write any more either. Stiiiiiiiiiill! ::wibblyface::
::clings to Katarina & sends her off to he happily cuddly & kissy with Leela instead:: THERE, FIXED IT! :D
Oooo, you tricky kitty, you! ::ruffles your hair:: Well, as far as regenerations go, Four does get a pretty gentle & peaceful one, I have to admit! & of course, Five is terribly pretty & can help one get over the sudden loss of Four, I think. :D
WHY DO THOSE LITTLE SQUARES HAVE SUCH A HOLD OVER US?! (I WILL have to do it this week though, so I can put up some Six icons for my posts. WAAA.)
The little we see of him, yes. It's been years since I saw that story, so my memory is a bit sketch, but I do remember him. :) (Ooh, hot scruffy Colin!)
Four, like Nine, smiles and seems to be trying to reassure his companions that they have nothing to worry about. As for Five's looks, well, the girls like pretty things. Carol wanted to marry Tom Baker because of his hair, and after I showed them A Fix with Sontarans after they asked me what was Six like (I didn't have time to show them a complete story that day) she decided Colin's hair was prettier. :D
He does, now that I think about it! & I think I like that kind of regeneration the most. Three sort of does too, doesn't he? Teehee, how cute. ♥ & YAY FOR SHOWING THEM SOME SIX! & you showed them one of my favourite Six things too! ::glee:: & yes, Colin's hair IS prettier, isn't it? :P
Exactly! I'd put her in Eleven's TARDIS. He'd take her to toy stores and teach her how to play with toy helicopters. :P
But of course. I also remember Nyssa being badass with a gun. (Ooh, Frazer in white hot pants!)
Actually, Three's regeneration is very sad and heartbreaking. He's a broken man when he returns, eaten away by radiation (but looking way more dignified than little crybaby Ten under the same circumstances), and then Sarah starts to cry and I'm all D: K'anpo is the one who is comforting and reassuring as he regenerates, and who later comes to do the same to Sarah and the Brig after Three's apparent death. (Speaking of Tom Baker, have I ever showed you the YouTube clip of Tony and Professor Dave searching for Tom? I feel like I did, but I'm not sure. Oh, and do you know what happened at the Flashing Blade after Jo's departure?) Oh yes, it's one of my favourites as well - and even more important at this point since Jimmy Savile (who presented the show for which that little special was made) passed away recently. Oh yes, blond and puffy.
. . . How are we going to fix this? ::moar snifflies::
EVERYBODY LIVES! WINS! :D Eeeeeek, the cuteness! DO you think they could have fish custard too? & Jammie Dodgers?
::tickles you:: WHERE?! I want to see my favourite Kitten of Traken with a gun! :D (I THOUGHT you'd enjoy that snap. ::gigglies:: I also have a fair few ones of Colin & Nicola being all kinds of adorable from various serials . . . I should really stop reblogging so much Seven & start reblogging all of the Six I have!)
O, dear. ::wibbles even harder than before:: But it's good to know that Three was still so wonderfully dignified, even in the face of death. ::cries forever anyway:: (& no, I don't think you did, actually! & no, I don't - what happened?) Tegan's hair is hysterical in it, but she & Six made a rather good team, I thought. Well, you know. (Six & Donna should have met sometime. That would be been . . . OMG, I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE. BUT I LIKE THE POSSIBILITY. :P) HE HAS BETTER CURLS, I THINK. (& as a girl with Tom Baker-esque hair, I can certainly say this. :D)
YES! Jammie Dodgers, definitely. Fish custard is probably something sentimentally linked to little Amelia for him, but he and Katarina can have something of their very own instead.
I don't remember exactly where, but it's in Arc! At least, I hope I haven't imagined it. (Of course I would. *giggles*)
Three's is my second favourite regeneration scene because Jon and Lis make me cry every time. My top favourite is Five's because I love the Day in Life crescendo until BAM!, Six is there, and the third is Two's because OMG D: (All right, then you're in for a treat. You see, Tony still has the Flashing Blade, and Dave still has Professor Dave's Ark in Space, but for a while now they've been combining forces presenting the Doctor Who Online's official podcast, the DWO WhoCast, and when the WhoCast celebrated its 200th episode they decided to do a special on Tom Baker, and in the process recorded this YouTube clip. (The mention of a Peter-loving redhead at the end is a nod to Jo, by the way.) Anyway, regarding the Flashing Blade, the WhoCast boys did an internal shift in their personal podcasts, and one of Professor Dave's sidekicks - Viki the Vixen - moved on to the Flashing Blade. It's a completely different dynamic from Jo's obviously, but it works because of that, the same way regenerations work because the new Doctor is so different from the old one. The podcast is also fortnightly now, as Tony, Bob and Viki are to present it together - only for a few episodes Bob and Viki did it on their own (one of them you should really download and listen to, as Bob introduced Viki to the world of Big Finish and talked about some of his personal recommendations), and now Tony came back from a well-deserved holiday and has been showing some Six stories to Viki while Bob takes a break. The Ark in Space is also working well with the shift, because having five presenters was a little too much, and poor Viki always ended up feeling like a spare.) Yeah, Six and Tegan (and Six and Donna) is a very interesting dynamic because they both have such strong personalities. I also loved the idea of Two and Martha together ever since I read a fic at Teaspoon where Martha crossed paths with Two during the year that never was and he nursed and fed her before she resumed her task. It was very sweet and showed just how wrong Ten was for her. IT'S A DIFFERENT TYPE OF CURLS, REALLY.
. . . WELL WE HAVE TO FIX IT SOMEHOW! ::flaily hands of worry::
I HAVE LEARNT WELL FROM NINE THEN. ::BOWS BEFORE THE TRUE MASTER:: Katarina would like Jammie Dodgers, I think! They're so sweet & crumbly & well, jammy! She could dip them in honey if she liked. ^_^ Awww - but what do you think they could have instead?
. . . I STILL can't watch it, you know. I just love Three too much! ::sniffles:: I think my favourite regeneration would probably have to be Four's, since his is so gentle & peaceful, rather than so traumatic & upsetting. & I'd ALMOST say I liked Ten's, but that's because I just wanted him to GET GONE & SHUT HIS FACE, so maybe that doesn't count? & teehee, speaking of Two's regeneration, I JUST watched the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet's rendition of his trial earlier & well . . . sad as it is, that always makes me giggle! (O, wow! & heehee! That clip was quite cute. I'll have to seek out the interview soonish, I think. :D & yay for Big Finish! Do you recall any of his recs? [I myself recently downloaded a PILE of Six & Seven audios, the Six ones being for the rewatch-athon & the Seven ones being, well, because I love me some Seven, after all. ::twinkly glee:: I also got a few more of the Five, Nyssa, Tegan & Turlough ones, having finally listened to the one you sent me & I LOVED IT, OMG. LOVED. IT! & I also got Spare Parts, which is a Five & Nyssa audio set on Mondas! :D & awwww, I'm glad to see that Six is getting lots of love!) Six & Tegan are an absolute chuckle & I have to say, I think I'd like her a lot better if she had some audios with Six. & of course, SIX & DONNA. THE AWESOME, YO, JUST THINK OF IT. & of course, Six would be OUT of that outfit & into something far classier as soon as Donna came inside his TARDIS. ^-^ O, you know, I think I actually might have read that fic once - I have a vague recollection of Two & Martha having met sometime on her travels, but sadly, I lost the link & I think I missed it when I was recollecting my Two-fic bookmarks recently - want to trade a link for that for a link to some mad adorable fic wherein Ace, Hex, Peri & Erimem FINALLY get to meet just after the events of The Veiled Leopard?) YES, COLIN'S ARE SPRINGY & BOUNCY, WHEREAS TOM'S ARE ALL . . . FUZZY. I THINK.
YOU HAVE. I'm not sure. I think you've mentioned ice cream one day?
Yeah, I've heard Tumblr is evil like that. ;) (Ooh, dark-haired!Colin! And now I can see where the pornstache comes from, and it makes a lot of sexy sense. Heh, those are great commentaries!)
Yeah, I understand. :( Yeah, Ten's is great for some heckling of him and some cheering when Eleven comes because he's so awesome right from the start. Ooh, I love the Sock Puppet trial! "In exile?" (The interview is INSANE! It's about two hours of Tom talking and saying mad stuff that come to his head, and Tony and Dave laughing their arses off. Ooh, I don't remember that many of Bob's recs, but I do recall Spare Parts was one of them, as was The One Doctor; I'll have to check it out for the others. According to them, The One Doctor is THE story for someone who doesn't know Six or dislikes him and/or Mel because it will change their opinion of both. Yes, Six & Tegan audios are imperative! Ooh, I can't find the fic! *sadface* But yay for sequel fic to a lovely audio!) YES!
. . . I DON'T KNOW. BUT WE NEED TO! ::adorably wibbly face::
INDEEEEEEEEED. I LEARN WELL. Oooo, I did! Eleven & Katarina can have ice cream together! & Katarina can be adorable & accidentally wear some on the tip of her nosie, of course. :D
IT IS. I kid you not - I have at LEAST one hundred tabs of Tumblr stuff open, ALL of it being Six or Seven-related, with bits of Colin & Sylvester awesomeness sprinkled througout. & I also have a fair few tabs of Paul McGann-related fabness & other pretty things. ::hangs head in shame:: YOU SHOULD GET ONE ONE DAY. That wat, we can have Colin Baker spam wars of AWESOMENESS on each other's dashboards! :D (SEXY, INNIT? & I actually thought that he was standing there with Lalla Ward before I actually read anything in the post. I KIND OF WISH IT HAD BEEN LALLA. & you know, I actually find the pornstache ATTRACTIVE in that cap - it works PERFECTLY with that outfit, y/n? & YES THEY ARE.)
Regeneration is so depressing. ;___; It most certainly is! ::snugs Eleven:: I love that little bit so much. I wish ALL Time Lords were funny sock puppets! (& WHY aren't there .GIFs of Two saying that over & over FIX IT PEOPLE OMG) (HEE! Tom IS quite mad, isn't he? I can only imagine what a hoot it must be to get to interview him! O, goody! I'm really looking forward to Spare Parts, even if it IS a Five audio. :P & I got The One Doctor in a lovely torrent of Six audios I found, so I might have a listen to that sometime as well. I hope he mentioned some Seven audios as well - Seven's SUCH a lovely audio Doctor. YES, YES! I hope Big Finish can make that happen some day. ::sighs wistfully:: ::CRIES:: O, well, I'll try to look for it another time then, since I probably missed a few during my first big sweep.) I WANT COLIN'S BOUNCY & SPRINGY CURLS!
I do too, but I can still kick them! ::kick kick kick::
I told you before, Tumblr is evil on normal situations, but eviler still with a limited bandwidth like I have. :( (Lalla was too busy tormenting Patrick Stewart at the time. XD And yes, the pornstache works perfectly with his outfit.)
It is. :( "I'm a girl!" That would make Gallifrey so much better! And explain the looms. XD (I DON'T KNOW! There should be.) (He's insane! As Tony had put it in another episode, it was more like a two-hour monologue than an interview. Spare Parts apparently is a work of genius - Bob summed it up by calling it "Genesis of the Cybermen". Yes, he did mention audios of all four BF Doctors - He'd ask Viki to pick one of them, and then he'd talk about the audios he picked for that specific Doctor. He also told her the story of Hex, if I remember it correctly. I hope you'll find it, because it was really lovely.) *pets his curls*
::BOWS:: YAAAAAAY! THEN can she go travelling with Seven? Pwease?
::poutyface:: I know, & that makes me uber-sad, you know. Hopefully one day you'll be able to join me! :D (AWW. O well! :P I KNOOOOOOW. I do love that outfit, I must say. SO dreamy!)
::sniffles very sadly:: TEEHEE! O, Eleven, you're so silly. ::pets him:: THEN I COULD POSSIBLY ACCEPT THE LOOM THEORY. BUT EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE SOCKS FIRST. :P (I must search for them sometime!) (He absolutely is! Which is why any interview with him must be an absolutely fascinating snapshot of time & lolarity. :D & I just listened to Spare Parts tonight & it was quite good! Nyssa's just wonderful in it & gave me more to love about her. :D But it's also very sad & creepy in places, since it deals with the Cybermen. You should hear it! Should I upload it for you? & eeeep, Hex! He's such a lovely companion for Seven, isn't he? Also, why don't people write any Seven/Hex - dammit, I require Seven corrupting everyone! So do I - I remember really liking it, if it's the same story I'm thinking of.) ::is a cheeky bunny & tugs at his curls, but all out of love::
*APPLAUDS* Maybe she should travel with Seven first and Eleven later, so that we can avoid any Charley and/or River timey-wimey mess, plz?
One day. We'll see. (Her finest moment, I think, freaking out a bit meanie with the power of her acting. XD Oh yes...)
If that hair made him think he was a girl, what would have been his reaction if Eight's hair had made a comeback? XD YES. (That one was, that I can guarantee. :D Yes, from what I heard about that audio, I figured the sadness and creepiness. Ooh, I'd love that - but like I said before, bad bandwidth. :( Oh, he is a great companion! But poor Hex is too... Hex! Nothing should corrupt that poor puppy of a person!) *giggles at the very Six-ish outraged expression he throws your way*
Also, there's a point where Sara uses martial arts to fight someone, and the thing that immediately came to my mind was "You can so see that Jean Marsh and Jon Pertwee used to be married to each other." XD And Katarina was absolutely lovely, sweet and naive and fiercely loyal to the Doctor, and I loved how baffled Bret was at anything she said or did. And, of course, she broke my heart all over again. From the time the incidental music took after One's "daughter of the gods" line, I have the feeling they must have showed her dead body floating in space for what must have seemed like ages. :(
Of course, what with Maxil in one and the first glimpses of Six in the other. Ooh, I'd love it, but I'm afraid my internet's still crummy. *pouts* And yes, we'll have lots of fun!
Yes, they saw the whole trilogy, and they were very crossed at the Master at the end of Keeper of Traken because they wanted Tremas to become a companion and instead he died. :( And they swooned throughout Logopolis. *giggles*
Yeah, my icons are in desperate need to be sorted now that I've lost my extra userpics. But here, have Katarina.
Teehee! I must admit, I can see Sara doing a bit of Venusian akkido - & quite splendidly at that! :D ::flails & wibbles all at once:: O, I'm so glad to hear that Katarina was just as wonderful as I knew she must have been! But I think I would find it hard to listen to her be so lovely when I know how she would end up. ::cries::
I can't wait to see Maxil! & possibly cheer when he shoots Five, but you know what a fiend I am. :P Awwwww, okay then. :( But should you ever get better internet, then feel free to ask away! ::bounces gleefully with you::
YAY! It took me a fair bit of time to watch all of it, since I didn't want Four to leave, but I'm glad the twins liked it! :D
O, mine are too! I was SUPPOSED to delete all of my other ones & upload totally new ones, but I just can't bring myself to do it. ::failkitty:: But here's a nice random one!
I understand that. I was crying come episode 4, even with the appearance of Sara. :(
Oh, I loved Maxil. He was a bastard, but he had that face and that voice. :D Don't worry, I'll be sure to do just that.
They were positively in love with Four, so I was a bit nervous about their reaction, particularly since I didn't tell them what was going to happen - as advised by Tony from the Flashing Blade, who thinks it's more exciting when the shock takes you by surprise. Thankfully he was right, as they shouted and raved but then they cheered too because the regeneration scene was just so happy (their words) and Five was sooooooo gorgeous (definitely their words). XD
I can't bring myself to do it, either. *sighs*
::clings to Katarina & sends her off to he happily cuddly & kissy with Leela instead:: THERE, FIXED IT! :D
Oooooooo, Colin gets be be all evil & awesome then? ::GLEE:: I can't wait to start watching it! (& since we're on a fairly related subject, look at what I found whilst preparing to fill my Tumblr with a LOT of Six posts.)
Oooo, you tricky kitty, you! ::ruffles your hair:: Well, as far as regenerations go, Four does get a pretty gentle & peaceful one, I have to admit! & of course, Five is terribly pretty & can help one get over the sudden loss of Four, I think. :D
WHY DO THOSE LITTLE SQUARES HAVE SUCH A HOLD OVER US?! (I WILL have to do it this week though, so I can put up some Six icons for my posts. WAAA.)
The little we see of him, yes. It's been years since I saw that story, so my memory is a bit sketch, but I do remember him. :) (Ooh, hot scruffy Colin!)
Four, like Nine, smiles and seems to be trying to reassure his companions that they have nothing to worry about. As for Five's looks, well, the girls like pretty things. Carol wanted to marry Tom Baker because of his hair, and after I showed them A Fix with Sontarans after they asked me what was Six like (I didn't have time to show them a complete story that day) she decided Colin's hair was prettier. :D
Now she has a future, just like Peri! ::beams:: Or perhaps I should tuck her inside Seven's TARDIS instead?
I'm so not surprised you remember him the best. :P (YES INDEED. Here, have some bonus!Frazer while I have it up!)
He does, now that I think about it! & I think I like that kind of regeneration the most. Three sort of does too, doesn't he? Teehee, how cute. ♥ & YAY FOR SHOWING THEM SOME SIX! & you showed them one of my favourite Six things too! ::glee:: & yes, Colin's hair IS prettier, isn't it? :P
IT'S NOT FAIR, DAMMITALL. ::poutypoutpout::
Exactly! I'd put her in Eleven's TARDIS. He'd take her to toy stores and teach her how to play with toy helicopters. :P
But of course. I also remember Nyssa being badass with a gun. (Ooh, Frazer in white hot pants!)
Actually, Three's regeneration is very sad and heartbreaking. He's a broken man when he returns, eaten away by radiation (but looking way more dignified than little crybaby Ten under the same circumstances), and then Sarah starts to cry and I'm all D: K'anpo is the one who is comforting and reassuring as he regenerates, and who later comes to do the same to Sarah and the Brig after Three's apparent death. (Speaking of Tom Baker, have I ever showed you the YouTube clip of Tony and Professor Dave searching for Tom? I feel like I did, but I'm not sure. Oh, and do you know what happened at the Flashing Blade after Jo's departure?) Oh yes, it's one of my favourites as well - and even more important at this point since Jimmy Savile (who presented the show for which that little special was made) passed away recently. Oh yes, blond and puffy.
EVERYBODY LIVES! WINS! :D Eeeeeek, the cuteness! DO you think they could have fish custard too? & Jammie Dodgers?
::tickles you:: WHERE?! I want to see my favourite Kitten of Traken with a gun! :D (I THOUGHT you'd enjoy that snap. ::gigglies:: I also have a fair few ones of Colin & Nicola being all kinds of adorable from various serials . . . I should really stop reblogging so much Seven & start reblogging all of the Six I have!)
O, dear. ::wibbles even harder than before:: But it's good to know that Three was still so wonderfully dignified, even in the face of death. ::cries forever anyway:: (& no, I don't think you did, actually! & no, I don't - what happened?) Tegan's hair is hysterical in it, but she & Six made a rather good team, I thought. Well, you know. (Six & Donna should have met sometime. That would be been . . . OMG, I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE. BUT I LIKE THE POSSIBILITY. :P) HE HAS BETTER CURLS, I THINK. (& as a girl with Tom Baker-esque hair, I can certainly say this. :D)
::pokes ALL the icons FOREVER::
YES! Jammie Dodgers, definitely. Fish custard is probably something sentimentally linked to little Amelia for him, but he and Katarina can have something of their very own instead.
I don't remember exactly where, but it's in Arc! At least, I hope I haven't imagined it. (Of course I would. *giggles*)
Three's is my second favourite regeneration scene because Jon and Lis make me cry every time. My top favourite is Five's because I love the Day in Life crescendo until BAM!, Six is there, and the third is Two's because OMG D: (All right, then you're in for a treat. You see, Tony still has the Flashing Blade, and Dave still has Professor Dave's Ark in Space, but for a while now they've been combining forces presenting the Doctor Who Online's official podcast, the DWO WhoCast, and when the WhoCast celebrated its 200th episode they decided to do a special on Tom Baker, and in the process recorded this YouTube clip. (The mention of a Peter-loving redhead at the end is a nod to Jo, by the way.) Anyway, regarding the Flashing Blade, the WhoCast boys did an internal shift in their personal podcasts, and one of Professor Dave's sidekicks - Viki the Vixen - moved on to the Flashing Blade. It's a completely different dynamic from Jo's obviously, but it works because of that, the same way regenerations work because the new Doctor is so different from the old one. The podcast is also fortnightly now, as Tony, Bob and Viki are to present it together - only for a few episodes Bob and Viki did it on their own (one of them you should really download and listen to, as Bob introduced Viki to the world of Big Finish and talked about some of his personal recommendations), and now Tony came back from a well-deserved holiday and has been showing some Six stories to Viki while Bob takes a break. The Ark in Space is also working well with the shift, because having five presenters was a little too much, and poor Viki always ended up feeling like a spare.) Yeah, Six and Tegan (and Six and Donna) is a very interesting dynamic because they both have such strong personalities. I also loved the idea of Two and Martha together ever since I read a fic at Teaspoon where Martha crossed paths with Two during the year that never was and he nursed and fed her before she resumed her task. It was very sweet and showed just how wrong Ten was for her. IT'S A DIFFERENT TYPE OF CURLS, REALLY.
*pouts at the icons*
I HAVE LEARNT WELL FROM NINE THEN. ::BOWS BEFORE THE TRUE MASTER:: Katarina would like Jammie Dodgers, I think! They're so sweet & crumbly & well, jammy! She could dip them in honey if she liked. ^_^ Awww - but what do you think they could have instead?
I TOTALLY can't wait to see it now! I'm actually about to start watching it after I reply here & before I do any more Tumblring - Tumblr eats you alive, you know! (& I'm glad you did! & since I have them out, here's Colin looking sexy WITHOUT curls, Colin looking a bit like Eight's fashion protege & me REALLY liking it, Colin having way sexier ankles than me & because I'm fangirling the hell out of both of them, Six & Seven being adorable together. O! & one more from my Tumblr, 'cause the commentary is just so ace - no pun intended. :P)
. . . I STILL can't watch it, you know. I just love Three too much! ::sniffles:: I think my favourite regeneration would probably have to be Four's, since his is so gentle & peaceful, rather than so traumatic & upsetting. & I'd ALMOST say I liked Ten's, but that's because I just wanted him to GET GONE & SHUT HIS FACE, so maybe that doesn't count? & teehee, speaking of Two's regeneration, I JUST watched the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet's rendition of his trial earlier & well . . . sad as it is, that always makes me giggle! (O, wow! & heehee! That clip was quite cute. I'll have to seek out the interview soonish, I think. :D & yay for Big Finish! Do you recall any of his recs? [I myself recently downloaded a PILE of Six & Seven audios, the Six ones being for the rewatch-athon & the Seven ones being, well, because I love me some Seven, after all. ::twinkly glee:: I also got a few more of the Five, Nyssa, Tegan & Turlough ones, having finally listened to the one you sent me & I LOVED IT, OMG. LOVED. IT! & I also got Spare Parts, which is a Five & Nyssa audio set on Mondas! :D & awwww, I'm glad to see that Six is getting lots of love!) Six & Tegan are an absolute chuckle & I have to say, I think I'd like her a lot better if she had some audios with Six. & of course, SIX & DONNA. THE AWESOME, YO, JUST THINK OF IT. & of course, Six would be OUT of that outfit & into something far classier as soon as Donna came inside his TARDIS. ^-^ O, you know, I think I actually might have read that fic once - I have a vague recollection of Two & Martha having met sometime on her travels, but sadly, I lost the link & I think I missed it when I was recollecting my Two-fic bookmarks recently - want to trade a link for that for a link to some mad adorable fic wherein Ace, Hex, Peri & Erimem FINALLY get to meet just after the events of The Veiled Leopard?) YES, COLIN'S ARE SPRINGY & BOUNCY, WHEREAS TOM'S ARE ALL . . . FUZZY. I THINK.
::kicks them for a bit::
YOU HAVE. I'm not sure. I think you've mentioned ice cream one day?
Yeah, I've heard Tumblr is evil like that. ;) (Ooh, dark-haired!Colin! And now I can see where the pornstache comes from, and it makes a lot of sexy sense. Heh, those are great commentaries!)
Yeah, I understand. :( Yeah, Ten's is great for some heckling of him and some cheering when Eleven comes because he's so awesome right from the start. Ooh, I love the Sock Puppet trial! "In exile?" (The interview is INSANE! It's about two hours of Tom talking and saying mad stuff that come to his head, and Tony and Dave laughing their arses off. Ooh, I don't remember that many of Bob's recs, but I do recall Spare Parts was one of them, as was The One Doctor; I'll have to check it out for the others. According to them, The One Doctor is THE story for someone who doesn't know Six or dislikes him and/or Mel because it will change their opinion of both. Yes, Six & Tegan audios are imperative! Ooh, I can't find the fic! *sadface* But yay for sequel fic to a lovely audio!) YES!
I can't kick them! I love them all!
INDEEEEEEEEED. I LEARN WELL. Oooo, I did! Eleven & Katarina can have ice cream together! & Katarina can be adorable & accidentally wear some on the tip of her nosie, of course. :D
IT IS. I kid you not - I have at LEAST one hundred tabs of Tumblr stuff open, ALL of it being Six or Seven-related, with bits of Colin & Sylvester awesomeness sprinkled througout. & I also have a fair few tabs of Paul McGann-related fabness & other pretty things. ::hangs head in shame:: YOU SHOULD GET ONE ONE DAY. That wat, we can have Colin Baker spam wars of AWESOMENESS on each other's dashboards! :D (SEXY, INNIT? & I actually thought that he was standing there with Lalla Ward before I actually read anything in the post. I KIND OF WISH IT HAD BEEN LALLA. & you know, I actually find the pornstache ATTRACTIVE in that cap - it works PERFECTLY with that outfit, y/n? & YES THEY ARE.)
Regeneration is so depressing. ;___; It most certainly is! ::snugs Eleven:: I love that little bit so much. I wish ALL Time Lords were funny sock puppets! (& WHY aren't there .GIFs of Two saying that over & over FIX IT PEOPLE OMG) (HEE! Tom IS quite mad, isn't he? I can only imagine what a hoot it must be to get to interview him! O, goody! I'm really looking forward to Spare Parts, even if it IS a Five audio. :P & I got The One Doctor in a lovely torrent of Six audios I found, so I might have a listen to that sometime as well. I hope he mentioned some Seven audios as well - Seven's SUCH a lovely audio Doctor. YES, YES! I hope Big Finish can make that happen some day. ::sighs wistfully:: ::CRIES:: O, well, I'll try to look for it another time then, since I probably missed a few during my first big sweep.) I WANT COLIN'S BOUNCY & SPRINGY CURLS!
I do too, but I can still kick them! ::kick kick kick::
:D Perfect!
I told you before, Tumblr is evil on normal situations, but eviler still with a limited bandwidth like I have. :( (Lalla was too busy tormenting Patrick Stewart at the time. XD And yes, the pornstache works perfectly with his outfit.)
It is. :( "I'm a girl!" That would make Gallifrey so much better! And explain the looms. XD (I DON'T KNOW! There should be.) (He's insane! As Tony had put it in another episode, it was more like a two-hour monologue than an interview. Spare Parts apparently is a work of genius - Bob summed it up by calling it "Genesis of the Cybermen". Yes, he did mention audios of all four BF Doctors - He'd ask Viki to pick one of them, and then he'd talk about the audios he picked for that specific Doctor. He also told her the story of Hex, if I remember it correctly. I hope you'll find it, because it was really lovely.) *pets his curls*
Meanie. :(
::BOWS:: YAAAAAAY! THEN can she go travelling with Seven? Pwease?
::poutyface:: I know, & that makes me uber-sad, you know. Hopefully one day you'll be able to join me! :D (AWW. O well! :P I KNOOOOOOW. I do love that outfit, I must say. SO dreamy!)
::sniffles very sadly:: TEEHEE! O, Eleven, you're so silly. ::pets him:: THEN I COULD POSSIBLY ACCEPT THE LOOM THEORY. BUT EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE SOCKS FIRST. :P (I must search for them sometime!) (He absolutely is! Which is why any interview with him must be an absolutely fascinating snapshot of time & lolarity. :D & I just listened to Spare Parts tonight & it was quite good! Nyssa's just wonderful in it & gave me more to love about her. :D But it's also very sad & creepy in places, since it deals with the Cybermen. You should hear it! Should I upload it for you? & eeeep, Hex! He's such a lovely companion for Seven, isn't he? Also, why don't people write any Seven/Hex - dammit, I require Seven corrupting everyone! So do I - I remember really liking it, if it's the same story I'm thinking of.) ::is a cheeky bunny & tugs at his curls, but all out of love::
I'm not mean! ::pinches you::
*APPLAUDS* Maybe she should travel with Seven first and Eleven later, so that we can avoid any Charley and/or River timey-wimey mess, plz?
One day. We'll see. (Her finest moment, I think, freaking out a bit meanie with the power of her acting. XD Oh yes...)
If that hair made him think he was a girl, what would have been his reaction if Eight's hair had made a comeback? XD YES. (That one was, that I can guarantee. :D Yes, from what I heard about that audio, I figured the sadness and creepiness. Ooh, I'd love that - but like I said before, bad bandwidth. :( Oh, he is a great companion! But poor Hex is too... Hex! Nothing should corrupt that poor puppy of a person!) *giggles at the very Six-ish outraged expression he throws your way*
OW! See? Meanie!
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