(he's made one for himself one for me too one of these days he'll make one for you)

Dec 08, 2011 10:36

O, goodness. ::clutches internet to her bosom:: Never leave me again, my beloved high-speed internet, never ever!


So, I've actually been without internet for almost a month or two. (we cancelled one cable service provider, meaning I lost the internet since it was all connected, we switched to AT&T, which was a joke, as it never even got set up properly & just . . . sigh, it was a mess, really!) But just this morning, the barbarian & I - well, mostly me, as she left me to field any questions & such from the installer chap that came by - got everything all settled. Hooray!

O, goodness, it's nearly Christmas, isn't it! (Or Yule, or Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you celebrate during the winter months, of course!) I've so much to do - well, as we all, I suppose - baking for the barbarian & I, baking for a visit to my favourite relatives before Christmas, gift shopping & tree-decorating when it gets here . . . o, I just love the holidays, don't you? Which reminds me, I do believe some of you have holiday card posts up? For those of you that are still taking addresses, could you please link me to them? I'd love to have a card or two to display!

Also, I have a bit of a twofold surprise for everyone . . .

♥ I'm returning to school!

Yes, I'm returning to proper (more or less, I suppose) academia in January as a proper student at my local college. Granted, the barbarian sort of forced & wheedled & wore me down until I agreed to return, but also, I was getting terribly bored of such a formless mass of days my life seemed to become. I was getting bored, yes, & missed exercising my mind, but still. I'm quite nervous about the whole thing now, I must admit. As you know, I don't do well with people my own age & I never did well when I was forced to go to school anyway.

So yes, I suppose I'm a bit scared, but really . . . best not to think about it, right?

Maybe. I don't know.

I just . . . who knows, really.

& now for the more fun surprise!

♥ I'm going to be doing another Doctor Who rewatch-athon!

Yes, yes, I am! Remember the great & mighty Troughton rewatch-athon of 2009? The year where I earned my degree in Two-ology? Yes, that's it! Well, as you know, I loved doing the rewatch-athon & recapping & discussing all of Two's serials with my friends & so, I've decided to do it all over again, but this time, for the Sixth Doctor! I was torn between doing a Six or Seven rewatch, as I absolutely love both Six & Seven, but with a little help via Twitter, I decided to go with Six. I love Six to absolute pieces & like Seven, I feel that Six is a vastly underrated & far too maligned as the Doctor. Sure, Six had a lot of poor turns during his era, but I think it's time to start remembering & highlighting the good in his era. The things that make him THE DOCTOR, unquestionably.

So, yes, I'll be doing a full Six rewatch-athon, both series & plus a fair few audios. (Mostly the Lost Stories, but a couple of the multi-Doctor stories as well, along with Davros, which is my absolute favourite Six audio, along with being one of my favourite Big Finish audios in general.) I'll also be adding in the Five serials Arc of Infinity (bonus Colin Baker pre-Six!) & of course, The Caves of Androzani, which needs no introduction. I'll cap off the rewatch-athon (most likely) with Time and the Rani, though there could be audios after that.

Now, with all of that in mind, & a loose structure as to how I'll lay it all out, I just need to decide when I'll begin the rewatch-athon. I wanted to begin it this month, but December is such a busy time for people, isn't it? I thought about perhaps January, when I'd have more money for buying more Six serials on DVD (watching them on DVD is SO much more insightful & I'm absolutely dying to hear Colin Baker's own words about his era!), but then I'll be so busy, what with getting back to a student's milieu & with school-related responsibilities.

Though, Six's era is rather short, & even with the audios, it still wouldn't be as extensive as the Troughton era was - that was nearly twenty serials, plus three audios & three (or was it four?) bonus stories. Six's era, even with the Lost Stories audios, wouldn't even come close to being as massive. So perhaps I could do it this month? (I estimate the whole thing taking a month & maybe two or three weeks of January, roughly.) If anyone has an opinion, please do chime in!

Eeek, look at how long this entry became! I was really just popping in to mention the rewatch-athon & to explain about this total Tumblr&LJ blackout & look what happens! O, well, I never can stop talking once I get started, can I? Well, that said, I'm off to collect audios & Six serials for the rewatch-athon & try to catch up with everything!

(p.s. as you may surmise from this post, I was unable to make it to Providence as I so strongly wished to. The barbarian whined & whined & cried & complained about me going, claiming I would run afoul of all sorts of evil creatures, so in the end, I did not go, just to appease her. I live very poorly with that choice, even if it pleased her. But I don't wish to speak of it, honestly.)

she: thoughtfulthinky, she: real life, the technicolour dreamcoat extravaganza , obsessions: doctor who, six of the techinicolour dreamcoat

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