Eye exam tomorrow morning at nine-thirty. Grrrr. Definitely not looking forward to sporting my Tenth Doctor/Clark Kent specs or lacking my Edie Sedgwick-esque eye makeup. But I need an eye exam & more contacts quite badly, so sacrifices must be made, alas
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& I have to say, I'm quite glad I've now seen both versions of Zod, side by side (since I'd finished Smallville a day or so before) - fab, fab, each time, to give you the short version, since I have to leave for work soon. But yes, it's always good to know one's history. ^__^
O! Something I've been meaning to mention: Terence Stamp shows up in Smallville a few times! Well, his voice does anyway; he's the disembodied voice of Jor-El in series nine. Though, interestingly enough, Jor-El himself does show up in two episodes (or it could be three; my memory's a touch fuzzy there), but alas, no Terence Stamp. But since all of his scenes involve Zod, that would have been utterly hysterical in a metafannish way, y/n?
Also, those two or three episodes are actually quite poignant for Zod. & fangirlish flaily lust aside, I do mean poignant - heartbreaking & full of wibble. & actually, not just on Zod's part. At least, that's how I came out of them feeling.
YAY, NO RESEARCH! ::BREATHES:: Thankyou! & LOOOOOOOOOLZ, WHAT IS LOIS WEARING?! ::gigglesnorts:: But aside from her hysterical waistcoat, she does look a lot like Sarah Jane! & she's having one of Sarah's feminist moments as well. :P
Randomly: Sarah Jane & Lois = BFFs?
& GAAAAAAAAAH, I forgot to plug this absolutely awesome (& spoilery for series one through ten, but think of it as a crash course in Smallville, minus the trainwreck episodes & Torchwood-esque-ness of everything), comprehensive picspam that you should see.
Zod has always been a fascinating character, even way back in the comics.
Ooh yeah, I've heard about Terence Stamp's voicing Jor-El in Smallville but couldn't see how things would fit into the story, particularly since I had seen a flashback clip with someone else in the role. And I know that in previous seasons the face of the older, non-clone Zod appeared (either in hologram form or as an illusion, I can't remember) and it looked just like movie!Zod, which makes everything even more metafannish.
That's a suede waistcoat that, believe it or not, keeps trying to come back every other year. I can see Sarah wearing one during her Pertwee era, since that's the time when she was at her more Lois-ish.
I can easily see them becoming BFFs, and discussing their alien best friends/boyfriends with each other. :P
Oh wow. My internet is being a bitch right now and won't let me load that page properly, but I'll definitely bookmark it for later. Thank you!
And now for some random news:
* I found a king-sized Kimmidoll! It's twice as big as a regular one, and really heavy and so very lovely. I also got a Yoshi doll - I have the feeling I might buy any Kimmidoll product I find that depicts Yoshi.
* I got my hands on a delicious vanilla & raspberry tea called "hot love".
* I got two more cute little animals from the Littlest Pet Shop. One is a purple walrus I called Jo (for obvious reasons) and the other is a cute mouse that comes accompanied by a small Blythe doll - I called them Cutie and Anneke, respectively.
* Speaking of cute pets, check out my profile page! (A suggestion - try the brush on him and see what happens - but be sure to have the sound on your computer speakers on. ♥)
* And speaking of linking Anneke to dolls, you should check this out!
* I've been listening to an assorted collection of podcasts while at work in order to maintain my sanity, and a few days ago I sent a large e-mail to one of them (a very popular Doctor Who podcast called The Flashing Blade) in reply to their request for people to describe their first memory of Who. Their next installment will be available for download next Sunday and I'll be spending the whole week worrying about whether I made the right decision in writing them since I'm so shy and they have such a large following.
* I can't remember anything else. Sorry. :P
& see, now for Zod & Supergirl, I would go back to reading comics again. (though I haven't touched one in years & even then it was all Marvel rather than DC, but I can make my way through things!)
I actually hadn't known anything about his voice being in a few episodes, so when I found out, I was all, 'OMGWHAT?!' But I was just a tiny bit disappointed that he didn't actually get to be Jor-El - how confusing was that! ::sighs:: & I remember having read that for a few series, they'd been sort of hinting at Zod making an appearance in Smallville, but I didn't hear about holograms or illusions! Possibly, I might have just taken those appearances as shortcuts. ;P
I have to admit, & this may seem odd, considering how I love a well-dressed fellow in one, but I actually hate waistcoats. I hate them in just about every style, but the one that Lois had on was just . . . no. No, no & no! But yes, Sarah probably wore one during that time - but hopefully, we never had to see it! :D
YES! ::clappy hands:: I think that Smallville!Lois would get on well with Sarah as she is now - it's a bit hard to explain without going into the events of the episode Hostage, but basically, Perry White & Lois meet for the first time (& even work on a story together!) & he ends up getting her a job in Africa by the beginning of series ten & I think Sarah would probably have that same inspiring influence on her that Perry did. (& he also got her & Clark their jobs back after they got fired in an earlier episode)
Now I HOPE that made some sense. :P
* OMG, you finally found Yoshi! ::bubbles:: & I've never seen a big Kimmidoll myself - what's her name?
* Oooooooo, saucy! How is it?
* OMG, POLLY!DOLLY! ::FLAILS:: So precious!!
* EEEEEK! ::pets Mason & brushes him:: I gave him snacks too - he's so sweet! ::cuddles him::
* O, I think you did! Without e-mails to encourage & inspire them, there wouldn't BE such awesome podcasts! ::pets you:: Have faith, bunny!
* Silleh! :P But here, have my dolly sixties Hello Kitty!
Yeah, they should have allowed him to play Jor-El and make meta history. :)
As for what I had read about Stamp!Zod being seen in earlier seasons of Smallville, here's what I just found at Wikipedia:
General Zod appears as a recurring villain in Smallville, although generally off-screen at first. References to Zod began with season five's season premiere "Arrival" which featured two Kryptonian disciples of Zod (who arrived on Earth in the meteor shower of the season four finale) searching for Clark Kent (Tom Welling). The series builds to a conclusion, wherein the Kryptonian artificial intelligence known as Brainiac (James Marsters), having granted Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) Kryptonian superpowers is able to make him host for Zod's consciousness. The season six première opens with Zod (Rosenbaum) set to rule over a devastated Metropolis. However, Clark is able to evict Zod's consciousness and send it back to the Phantom Zone. Zod's disembodied spirit resembles Terrence Stamp.
I like waistcoats in either a hippy-like ensemble (in which Lois' would fit well) or an androgynous look, so it doesn't bother me that much. I very rarely use them, though.
It's funny to think of Perry as an inspiring influence as he's usually written as comic relief in TV/movie adaptations. He's treated with a bit more seriousness and respect in the comics, though.
* Her name is Miuchi. There were other large Kimmidolls in that store but I ended up going for her because a) I loved the fact that she has the power of friendship, b) she looks like she could be Yoshi's sister, and c) her name made me think of Much. :P Here's a pic of her and the info on her power.
* It's sweet and velvety and I love it - totally deserving of such an alluring name. I must have drunk half the box by now. :)
* Isn't she just? I already have a Polly (a 2-inch Barbie doll dressed like a miniskirted version of Buckingham Palace guard) so Anneke she became.
* Hamster!Mason is indeed adorable. Occasionally he'll steal the snack out of my hand/cursor and eat it in a corner, and I'll melt.
* And Lady Yatexel posted a new one today! This time, the companion who gets to dress like Barbie is Zoe.
* But I can't help but feel that I talked too much and made a fool of myself and ooh I should just relax, right? And I forgot I sent you some stuff from that podcast, didn't I?
* Yay Hello Kitty!
Dude, I can't even IMAGINE how epic that could have been - I think EVERYONE would have died from the epicness! (or at least, we probably would. :P)
AH! I did my Wiki'ing on Zod months back & that's where I found out that there had been so many early hints about Zod making an actual appearance, but due to my spoiler phobia, I skimmed most of the Smallville-centric section. But ironically, it didn't matter because I forgot anything I'd read by the time I saw it. :P
Yes, Lois' waistcoat is TOTALLY hippie. Maybe that's why I detest it. ;)
O, Perry is great in Smallville - very serious, very inspiring for Lois & I loved him. (Lois even saves his life! :D) It was a great reintroduction to him, since I only remembered him from an episode of the fifties Superman, where someone was out to drive him crazy by making Caesar's ghost appear every time he said 'Great Caesar's ghost!' (& he only says it once in Smallville. & also, he's dating Martha Kent!)
(however . . . this might help make the total Zod-deficiency of the last one go away. Mind, it IS pretty spoilery, & I'm not sure how much I should spoil you since I fully plan on making you watch series nine for Zod & Tess because girl, you NEED to meet Tess!, so I'm going to let you call it for yourself. It doesn't spoil ALL of series nine, but some of the good bits are here.)
* Miuchi is adorable! & yes, she does look like she could be Yoshi's sister! Good choice! :D
* Aaaah, envy! I'm back on my diet, so I probably wouldn't be allowed such luscious, delightful tea. :O
* Awwww! Curiously enough, one of my dresses is called Anneke.
* OOOO! ::coos & flaps her hands happily:: How adoooooooorable!
* But that's why they produce their podcast - to connect with other fans & to enrich the fannish experience! If they didn't get e-mails & feedback from their listeners, they'd stop, right? ::snugs:: Relax, lovey! All is right in the fenosphere! & yes, you did!
* I made that icon! Isn't she pretty? :D
Yeah, at least the two of us would have.
That has happened to me in the past.
I like hippy stuff, myself. *shrugs*
Perry dating Martha Kent? You mean something happened to Jonathan? But... but... I like Smallville's Jonathan Kent! I used to have a huge crush on the actor when I was a wee kidlet!
(Ooh yes, that helps a lot. And don't worry about the spoilery stuff - the clips I have are very Tess-heavy, remember?)
* Miuchi is a bit heavy, but I love holding her in my hand when I'm just lying back watching TV.
* But tea is not fattening, is it?
* I love it that Zoe has her trademark chipmunk smile in that pic. I love her smile but nobody ever shows it in fanart.
* Yes, I know that. I don't regret sending them feedback - it's just that I talked and talked, and my e-mail became way bigger than I had planned and filled with blabbery stuff that probably shouldn't have been shared. I'll post it to you, if you want it (and I might post it in my journal if they read it in the podcast), but be warned that it will break the comment box. As we always do. :P
* It is, yes. :D
Then we would have probably broken a thousand comments with our glee. :P
Isn't it weird when that happens?
I'm odd & never have, actually - I guess I'm too high glamour for the hippie look. ::giggles::
Um . . . well . . . you find out sort of what happens in series nine, but I'm not about to spoil you any further! (Unless you really wanted me to, of course . . . )
(WASN'T THAT FABULOUS TO SEE? & YAY! Then . . . might I ask you what you think of Tess so far? She came out as my second favourite in series nine & not just because she was so close to Zod. She's the kind of woman they coined the acronym HBIC for - & she lives up to it! :D I LOVE TESS, OMG.)
* ♥♥♥
* & I don't think so, but some tea might have calories!
* ::pets Zoe:: I love her smile - makes me go AWW!
* I think the more personal, the more rewarding such feedback can be. It shows that you really connected to such fab work. :)
* YAY!
And if you want another movie rec featuring Terence Stamp, back in the sixties a movie about a female version of James Bond called Modesty Blaise was made. I grew up reading her comics, so I was curious about the movie, and I quite liked it as she was very glamourous and a bit on the mod side - but the best part was that a very young and boyish looking Terence Stamp played her plucky sidekick Willie, and they looked like this. (He also looked like this if you want to enjoy a bit of eyecandy!Terence.)
Yes indeedy.
That's how our brains work, I guess.
I've always liked the hippie look. Low maintenance, I guess.
I'm scared...
(YES! I rather liked Tess. She was a nice surprise, since she's not in the comics - she's probably the only Smallville-only character, though I don't remember Chloe from the comics either. I like it that she's able to hold her own with Zod, and that she's able to carry on with the Luthor legacy on her own.)
* ♥
* But less than any juice or soda, I reckon.
* Me too. :)
Let me show you it, then:
Dear Tony, Jo! and Bob,
Greetings from Portugal! I discovered your podcast after hearing Jo at the Goodies Podcast, decided to listen to a few episodes, and pretty soon I was hooked. I'm allowed to listen to my trusty mp3 player at work, thank heavens, as it helps me stave off boredom and retain my sanity (if you knew my co-workers, you'd understand), and since September was a rather tough month the Flashing Blade was a lot of help - so thank you!
Anyway, Tony has asked people to share their first memories of Doctor Who. I was already in my early twenties when I discovered it; as far as I know the classic series never aired in Portugal, although I recently went to a library and discovered a few novelizations that were published in 1983.
In the late '90s, my family finally got cable television, and I began watching BBC Prime. One day, I switched on the TV, and I saw a girl running down a corridor accompanied by a robot dog. I would later learn that those were the second Romana and K9, but at the time I had no idea of what was going on, or what it was that I was watching. For the next few months, this situation would be repeated: I'd switch channels, and find it was halfway through an episode. Then one day, the scene I spotted featured two girls I didn't know talking to a blond guy and calling him "Doctor", which made me stop and go "hang on, what's going on?" Once they mentioned something about the regeneration failing (as this was from Castrovalva) I put two and two together. Although intrigued, it took me months to find Doctor Who again, but eventually I managed not only to watch a complete episode from start to finish, but to watch a complete serial: Arc of Infinity. As you can imagine, the plot confused me immensely, as it required knowledge of the show's history, and said knowledge was something I was seriously lacking. However, rather than giving up watching, I decided to check the internet and do some research on the backstory of Doctor Who up to that point. It helped that, at the time, I was completely obsessed with the Goodies and had just watched an episode featuring Jon Pertwee as a mad Welsh vicar in a Snape wig. After learning that Pertwee had played the Doctor, I decided that it was worth to investigate further on, as I was very curious to know how that screechy-voiced madman could have ever played the Doctor.
Heeee - I've always liked looking supremely glamorous, even as a wee Betsyshape!
I cannae tell you . . . you has to see it! & of course, unless you really loved Tess & Chloe, you'd never have to watch another series!
(TESS IS BADASS, OMG. & wait a moment - Chloe's actually comicverse herself? I don't know about Tess & I don't think so, but IS Chloe original DC-verse? She's very much like Oracle - she mostly stays at Watchtower & oversees the technical aspects of things for Clark & Oliver [yes, we also have Green Arrow in Smallville - I have no idea how I feel about him. CONFUSED!]. Hmm. I think I need to look into this, since I loved Chloe almost as much as I love Tess - she's their Tosh! & YES, Tess remains kickass with Zod - she's not afraid to lie to him or, on occasion, get into a physical disagreement with him. & in the series finale, among other things, she causes him injury! :D & also, I think she owns part of, or was the editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet in series eight - it gets messier in series nine.
& after all of this, I'm going to overhaul my Tess icons . . . needs moar Tess!)
* ::glomps::
* Well, yes, probably. Hmm.
* Now I keep thinking of Zoe as a chipmunk. :P YAY! She likes shiny things, so do chipmunks.
& darling, I just love your letter! I don't think it's full of babble at all - I loved reading it & found it very interesting! & since they asked for their listeners to share their memories, of COURSE e-mails will get long & involved - I hate when people offer up lame, one or two sentence answers to things - it makes me feel like they don't really care enough about the question to really put much thought into their answer. I hope they read it on-air (or at least some of it!), sweetie!
One bit of trivia related to the first Superman movie you might find interesting/funny. Some time ago, I was rereading the 1970s journals of Monty Python member Michael Palin, who at some point became a board member of Shepperton Studios, where the movie first began filming before they decided to move to a bigger studio. In an entry dated May 6, 1978 (22 days before I was born!), Mike met Margot Kidder (movie!Lois), and wrote the following in his diary:
The length and design of Superman's cock was the subject of much controversy, which culminated in Superman appearing at a photo session with a large metal dong down his tights. Margot said she got so fed up with this thing digging into her leg that she took to flicking it with her fingernail, causing a light but noticeable metallic ting every time she touched his shorts.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, mind. It allows us to rediscover information and manage to re-experience the feeling of surprise.
I always liked the "woodland nymph" style so many hippie chicks seemed to have - maybe I felt it made them look like fairies and wanted to be one myself?
Okay, I'm intrigued.
(SHE IS! Well, Chloe was created exclusively for Smallville because the powers that be wanted a Lois-like character but decided it wouldn't make much sense for Lois to be around since in the comics she only met Clark when they were already adults - which is now funny because eventually they did introduce Lois to the show. Her relationship with Jimmy Olsen means she's now somewhat being the Smallville equivalent of Lois' sister Lucy, who is Jimmy's girlfriend in the comics. HOWEVER, Wikipedia says that Chloe will make her debut in the comics this November, her background altered slightly so that readers unfamiliar with the show will not think of her as a mix between the roles Lois (the reporter) and Lana (Clark's old friend from back home) have in the comics. Oracle is actually from the Batman comics - she used to be Batgirl, until the Joker shot her in the spine and she became confined to a wheelchair. I'm yet to see how Smallville!Oliver is like; I've always thought of him as being British and with a Kenneth Branagh-sort of looks and manners (plus he had Dinah - is she still around in the show?). Your smiley makes you sound so happy that Tess hurt Zod. :P)
* *snuggles*
* That's why Celestial Seasonings' sales pitch regarding their candy-flavoured teas is that people can appreciate the flavour without their waistlines suffering the consequences. :P
* Well, chipmunks are adorable, and so is she.
Thanks for the reassurance. But you know me - I'm very insecure and will be worrying about it until I actually listen to their reaction when they do read it (and they'll very likely read the whole thing - sometimes their feedback section is the longest part of the podcast).
& OMG WHUT. XD ::IZDED:: Well, that might actually lend a more . . . interesting dimension to the first movie when I see it. ::mad cackles:: I guess the size of one's wang IS of some important if you're getting into the Superman suit! ::thoughtful!girlie!face::
That is true! & therefore, is probably a good thing when it happens. ::nods::
I like a pretty faery look myself, when I don't feel like being very glamourou, but I like it in riverdresses (it's a word all its own!) & bare feet, mostly.
(SHE'S COLD-BLOODED, BUT SHE HAS A HEART AT THE SAME TIME. SHE JUST HIDES IT VERY WELL. OH! O, yes, now I think I get the origins of Chloe better - interestingly enough, I believe Lucy IS featured in Smallville at some point, while Chloe is Lois' cousin & they also share a flat together. & I think EVERYONE knows that Lana was in Smallville, but was kind of a total trainwreck, from my understanding. (Either way, I'm not interested in her & won't be seeing any of her episodes.) My main contact with Oracle is from the Birds of Prey series & I adored her so much there. I really do see a lot of her in Chloe; almost as much as I see a lot of Tosh in her.
& weeeeeeeell, I'll tell you a bit about him, BUT. I'll tell you now that I kind of don't really like him & I think he's a wanker. ANYWAY! Oliver in Smallville still is very wealthy & the head of Queen Industries, but he's been described in the most recent episode as a depraved playboy & when we see him at the start of series nine I THINK he went a touch rogue after possibly killing Lex Luthor & he is a mess. Drugs, drinking binges, total death wish, failing to keep Lois safe after Clark entrusted her to his care (he only had to keep her awake to keep her from turning into a zombie) & letting his company go to hell (& Tess, who's his business partner & was, apparently, his lover at one point dragged him back from some awful Mexican dive bar). . . yeah. It's ugly & it really didn't make me like him whatsoever. Even after he straightened out (thanks to some desperate measures from Chloe!) & became Green Arrow again, I still didn't really care for him.
However, he did one thing that really touched me - he took this girl in off the streets & started training her after he saw her in a kind of cage fight thing & then he saved her life after his former mentor kidnapped her to get to him & force Oliver to kill him. & later in the series, he & Chloe begin dating & while I kind of hate him, I know Chloe really loves him & so, I respect her judgement. But I still think he's a wanker.
(& hee, if Dinah is Black Canary, well, possibly! She's shown up sometime before & in Salvation, Chloe was apparently looking through e-mails & Oliver's were among them & he says to her after he realises she's reading it, 'Um, Chloe, those e-mails between me and Canary were strictly platonic.'
& because you know I love providing visuals, here's some Queen Industries!Oliver after he thought he was going to get blown up by Metropolis' low-rent version of the Celestial Toymaker, some Green Arrow!Oliver getting his ass handed to him by Hawkman (I LOVE THIS SCENE SO HARD, OMG.) & finally, because I'm equal opportunity & not blind, Shirtless!Oliver in his office, talking to Tess, who's in the chair & really, the only thing worth looking at in this cap. :P.
I WISH your vision of Oliver is what we'd have got. & well . . . I might be. ;D)
* ::mews::
::snugglies:: Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths, bb! Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths.
Well, Mike stated that the false dong was only used in a photoshoot, so we can expect that the bulge we see in the movie is the real thing. It does lead to some interesting thoughts while watching it, that's for certain. :P
I like to think so, yeah.
Lots of hippie chicks dressed like that - but most of them preferred to dress like Jo Grant, or with some pieces taken from Sarah Jane's earlier days (like the outfit with the head-scarf from Robot).
Ooh, on an interesting note, I'm now going through the oldest episodes of the Staggering Stories podcast - that's the 'cast Tony Gallichan was a part of before moving for the Flashing Blade. Some of the Staggering Stories episodes feature "death matches" between fictional characters, and the latest episode I've listened to (the first one after Tony's departure) had Lois Lane fighting Sarah Jane Smith. (Sarah won.)
I have the feeling you are, yes. I'm still intrigued.
(THAT'S THE FEELING I GOT. Lana was really good in the comics, but I have to agree that what I've seen of her in the odd episode I watched her Smallville version was a wreck. In the comics, Oracle is Barbara Gordon - Commissary Gordon's daughter, a librarian who became Batgirl completely by accident. After she was confined to a wheelchair, she became Oracle as a way to continue to fight crime in spite of her limitations.
Oh dear. Yes, that's definitely not the Oliver Queen I know and love - he sounds much more like his sidekick in the comics, if I'm honest. MY Oliver looks more like this, and I cannot picture him being younger than 40; Kenneth Branagh would be my ideal casting choice for him, or perhaps Cary Elwes now that he's older. And yes, Dinah is Black Canary. They were one of those long-lasting, happily-married couples while I was growing up, though I have the feeling soap-like storylines probably ruined that after I stopped reading the comics.)
Whoa. Yes, the man is gorgeous but... well, not MY Oliver, I'm afraid. *is a Brannagh fangirl*
* *pets*
* I bought some more chocolate tea today. *beams*
I'm okay, I promise. I'm still mulling over whether I was too boring, but I'm okay. *deep breaths*
. . . I'm sorry, I still find this all too funny. ::gigglesnorts:: It sort of makes you want to go back & look at every Superman promo shot ever done, in a way. ::is still giggling:: I'm such a child, sorry. :P
I suddenly find myself tempted to shout 'MOAR JOR-EL!', but . . . I'll refrain for now. Besides, it SHOULD be 'MOAR ZOD!'
I'll keep that in mind. :D
I love Sarah's outfit with her headscarf; it's so pretty! & Lis is right when she says it's v. Zelda Fitzgerald. :D
HEY WHUT SARAH > LOIS?! DUDE, NO! I think . . . ::looks confused:: Was there any talk of how Zod would wipe the floor with the Master? :D
GOODY! ::is happy with herself::
(SHE'S AMAZING. GO SEE HER IN ACTION! Wait, Lana isn't MEANT to be a trainwreck? I don't think I saw that coming. ;P I was always very fond of Batgirl, but I think that Oracle is my favourite between the two.
Did I also mention that Smallville!Oliver has slept with every major female character in the current series? He's slept with Lois [& was her boyfriend & STILL has feelings for her, apparently], Tess & now Chloe, which is part of why I can't stand him. [Besides, I very rarely like rich playboy types.] & he has a sidekick in the comics? Oooo! & hmm - well, he's a bit older & a bit less attractive, but I don't mind! At least I might care about him in this incarnation, as opposed to kind of hating him as I do now. :D & OMFG YES KENNETH BRANAGH AS GREEN ARROW! He'd be fab with a bow & he'd be so delightfully broody . . . MASSIVE APPROVAL HERE! & they get married? AWW! That sounds so sweet! Alas, I don't know what happens with them in Smallville, but knowing Oliver there, they might have just had a fling. But secretly, I hope she beat him up. :D
O, & you know, he met Zod in Salvation, I think. & as much as I want to tell you how that went . . . spoilers! ::zipped lip::
I prefer your Oliver. A LOT. ::beams:: I just can't really fall after Smallville!Oliver ninety-nine point nine percent of the time. O well! :D
* ::iz a happy kitteh::
* Tasty! Who by?
::snugs you:: That's the spirit!
It does, yes! *giggles*
Shout away, by all means - it's your journal. :P
That makes sense. I know we've discussed To Sir, With Love in the past, but I don't know if you actually got to see that movie, but there's a scene in which Sidney Poitier tells his students that the fashion of their time (1966) actually came from the 1920s - so a link between Sarah looking like the height of 1974 fashion and Zelda Fitzgerald is very doable.
It's not a matter of which one is better, you know - one of the Staggering Stories folk role-played as Lois while another was Sarah, and the last one standing after they simulated attacks and played dirty tricks on each other would be the winner. No Master or Zod yet (the episodes I'm listening to are still from 2008), though the last one I've listened ended up in a tie between Adric and Luke Skywalker.
I'm even more intrigued now that I've read the latest SFX, as there's an article on the upcoming seasons of several shows, and the bit on Smallville's tenth (and final) season has photos of Clark and Jonathan together.
(I'VE SEEN HER IN THOSE CLIPS, PWNING ZOD. No, she's not - and she's actually a redhead. Have some examples of comics!Lana here and here (and yes, those are REAL covers and not photoshopped fanart!). I grew up with Batgirl rather than Oracle, so she has a special place in my heart; it makes sense that this is so, after all - bespectacled red-haired librarian by day, Batgirl by night. :D
Goodness, what a manslut! Yes, he has a sidekick called Speedy! Actually, there are two Speedys. The first one, Roy Harper, is the one I was comparing to Smallville!Oliver, in the fact that he was spoiled by all the money he grew up with thanks to Oliver, and the fact that he slept with anything female that came before him (apart from his teammates in the Teen Titans, who were only friends). He eventually became a drug addict, had a daughter with a supervillain he met in his drug days, and eventually became Red Arrow. The new Speedy is a girl called Mia, who is HIV-positive, and whom I suspect is the protegé you've said Oliver has in Smallville. Oliver and Dinah have always been a couple ever since I've known them, but I don't remember if they really are married or if they're just living together; either way, it's a long-lasting relationship.
I prefer my Oliver too. *grins* Hmm, shirtless!Branagh...
* *cuddlecuddle*
* The Aztec Spice one. Alas, I haven't seen the chai version from Celestial Seasonings in stores for nearly a year now, but I have hope.
I might write something to their spin-off podcast, Professor Dave's Ark in Space, just to make Professor Dave say "Hello, Patricia" in his Sex God voice. *naughty grin* I just need to find a subject to write them about. (Did I send you any episode of that podcast?)
I would suggest that one of us goes back to that huge Smallville picspam that had the subsection of EVERY Clark & Lois EVER in it. Then we'd have a good giggle. :P
But it wouldn't be ladylike!
I haven't YET, but I do remember you telling me of that! I ♥ things from the twenties.
Good then! ::points to icon & cuddles Lois:: & LOLZWHUT A TIE BETWEEN ADRIC & LUKE SKYWALKER. DO APPROVE.
::grins:: Cannae tell you anything . . . ::whistles:: But SEE? You COULD watch the first episode of series ten, then watch series nine so everything makes sense . . . (& because I was all 'OMG YAY!' over it, Kara appeared in the last episode!! While I think she looked too much like a Swedish supermodel, I loved Kara. :D :D)
(TESS DOES THAT MULTIPLE TIMES & IN MULTIPLE WAYS. SHE OOZES BADASSERY LIKE WHOA. ::DANCES:: BUT YOU NEED A FULL EP, BUNNY! You know, I DID see an animated version of Lana once. She was a fashion designer & knew Clark was Superman & wasn't fazed at all about letting him know. I thought she was okay then!
& that second cover in the first link calls for a LOLWHAT, THEY STOLE THE WAY ZOD GOT HIS POWERS BACK IN SMALLVILLE FROM THAT STORY! ::DIES:: HOW MANY TIMES DID HE GIVE BLOOD & MAKE MORE SUPERPOWERED PEOPLE?! XD & dude, Super!Lois' first green outfit is so pretty . . . not digging Lana's, though. & the second one is cracking me up as well, particularly Clark being drawn as all young & sweet with a little!Lana. XD (Also, I MAY have read 'Super-Lois' as 'Super-Zod'. Dun ask. :P) I actually did as well, but Oracle's surrounded by computers & tech! I likey! ^_^
Oliver is a whore in the EXTREME - in addition to them, there are all of those rich & pretty ladies without superpowers or evilness who roll in & out of his bed! Lois mentioned a Danish supermodel once . . . & YES, Speedy sounds a hell of a lot more like Smallville!Oliver - is he an orphan who might have joined a cult once? (Yup, that's moar Oliver!fact right there.) & YES YES, Mia is is protege! I don't know if she's HIV-positive in Smallville, but she was beaten up by her pimp a lot (she was working as a streetwalker the next time Oliver met her) & was coerced into fucking Oliver over a bit at one point, but she seems to have stayed with him & off the streets. (but sadly, she only had two episodes, which IS sad because I really liked Mia & would have liked to see Oliver being a bit more selfless & training her further.) AWWWWWWWWWWWW! I don't know much about Black Canary (but I THINK, even though I don't quite remember, that she might have been featured in Birds of Prey as being the mother of the runaway that Barbara & Helena were looking after.), but yay! She made Oliver happy!
Your Oliver is teh delicious. & Shakespearean! ::heart a-flutter::
* ::mews happily::
* Ooo, tasty! Now go find a Time Lord who will make it for you & thus, marry you. :P
Cheeky missy! ::tickles:: (& I don't think you did, but I'll double check tomorrow!)
Can't you make it ladylike?
It was a very stylish era.
The downer of that battle is that they made Adric and Luke fight each other because they dislike them equally. *shakes head*
You're evil, you are! Well, if you're being like that, I just want to add that the reason why, as I mentioned before, I had a crush on Smallville!Jonathan when I was a wee girlie was because he looked like this. And he's still very much on the yummy side, even now that my taste has evolved.
(Well, if I remember correctly, in the old days comics!Kara's secret identity used to be a supermodel, so it would make sense for her to look as such.)
(IN OTHER WORDS, SHE OUT-LEXED LEX. Alas, the Smallville DVDs over here stopped sometime around S4 or S5. Yeah, Lana knew about Clark's secret identity in the comics (or at least the adult Lana did) and was okay with that. And the blood transfusion plot is a very common one - that's how Bruce Banner's cousin became She-Hulk, y'know. And I like it that both Super-Lois and Super-Lana in the catfight cover have the same superhero logo (it's probably a joke regarding the fact that all of Clark's girlfriends had the initials LL - his other famous girlfriend was an Atlantis-born mermaid called Lori Lemaris). Super-Lois = Super-Zod? O_O
Oh my. Definitely not liking this Oliver as much as I do mine. *tickles his goatee* I don't know if Roy ever joined a cult, but he's the sort of fellow who would have easily done such a thing, yes. And yes, comics!Mia was a streetwalker as well before Oliver met her. Actually, Dinah is the runaway from Birds of Prey, as they made her much younger in the show in order to play with the fact that there were two Black Canaries - Dinah Drake, the mother, was the original Black Canary in the old days, and her daughter, Dinah Lance (Oliver's Dinah) took the mantle from the '80s onwards. She was reluctant to follow on her mother's footsteps and wearing the same revealing uniform, but eventually (after wearing a rather ugly jumpsuit for a while) she caved in. And a quick browse at Wikipedia has shown me that their marriage seems to be over because the powers that be want each of them to be the star in a different comic book (they also seem to have ruined a bit of how Ollie used to be and made him a bloodlusting vigilante with at least three biological children from previous relationships). :(
Well, he always was a bit Shakespearean, with a dash or Robin Hood thrown in the mix.
...hey, now I have a mental image of Sam Troughton as a young Green Arrow! :O
* *petpet*
* Why should I need to marry anyone, let alone a Time Lord?
Well, it's funny. Professor Dave likes to make people see/hear him as a grumpy old fart, but he does a really great Sex God voice when he wants to.
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