I know I'm posting these a bit later than usual & I'm sorry, but ah, here they are!
& before we hop into this week's recaps, I want to take this moment to pimp this totally fab Jamie/Victoria mix that the ever-lovely
nentari recently posted:
Hero and Heroine. Go & procure it
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Jacqueline Pearce had very short hair when she played the villain in Blake's 7, and I think it was probably still that short when she did this. I think the fringe was hers, but the rest was indeed a wig.
Good thing I don't remember how the new series Sontarans looked then. I LOVED their look in The Sontaran Experiment; they should have stayed that way in my opinion. Plus, the tongue was really creepy.
Yes, the masks in The Sontaran Experiment were also good. But I like it that Linx has a creepy tongue - it helped to make him look repellent.
WELL, AT THE TIME I SAW IT, I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS OUR BELOVED JAMIE! :P I thought it was just some . . . thing in a bag!
All right, I'll give you that. And Jamie has to accept it as well - he'll be the first to admit it wasn't his finest moment.
O, I couldn't even IMAGINE wearing something like the Dreamcoat in a Spanish summer - NO WAY.
Thanks to leaving the Dreamcoat behind, Colin was the only one in the trio who got it easy with the heat. Frazer had a kilt, yes, but because it was made of wool it was nevertheless uncomfortably hot, and Peri's top was made of metallic fibres and it burnt poor Nicola's skin.
Nor could I - look how I dealt with they way they tortured my dear Two! ::sniffles again::
And let's not forget the agony he was clearly experiencing when he was under the impression that Jamie had died.
& you know . . . that may be the rare time, if not the ONLY time, that Jamie screamed IN PAIN. I mean, he NEVER did that as far as I can remember! I mean, he really did scream! ::cuddles him::
Yeah, I've seen him experience extreme pain a lot of times, but he has always expressed it silently, or just letting out moans and grunts. This must have been the only time he actually screamed.
As it's very early for me & I'm just a little DEAD, all I can say on this is, Two's remark about Dastari augmenting an earwig to the point where it could understand physics? It applies here, I think.
Oh yes - this is exactly what he meant. *nods*
I remember how disappointed the poor thing looked when he missed out on a kiss from the lovely miss Anita! So he took the initiative & kissed Peri. GOOD ON YOU, JAMIE, EXCELLENT!
And let's not forget a certain webcomic farewell...
I still need to get the rest of Blake's 7 - I have almost all of series one, but nothing else, which is why I haven't started watching it yet. But I'll look for her when I do!
(& I still hated her wig, even during the commentaries tonight.)
Yes, the masks in The Sontaran Experiment were also good. But I like it that Linx has a creepy tongue - it helped to make him look repellent.
The Sontaran Experiment, being my first Classic!serial & thereby making the Sontarans my first Classic!villains, was what I actually saw around the time they were reappearing in the new series - which is part of why I was so disappointed when I saw how they'd been redesigned - they were WAY creepier in the original style! & really, you CAN'T make them look any different I think - they always WILL look like potatoes in space suits! In The Two Doctors, they just looked like slightly squashed potatoes that hadn't even made it to the oven yet.
All right, I'll give you that. And Jamie has to accept it as well - he'll be the first to admit it wasn't his finest moment.
Okay then! But he got a leg over Peri! So he had ONE good moment in the sack. :P
Thanks to leaving the Dreamcoat behind, Colin was the only one in the trio who got it easy with the heat. Frazer had a kilt, yes, but because it was made of wool it was nevertheless uncomfortably hot, and Peri's top was made of metallic fibres and it burnt poor Nicola's skin.
O yes, I heard that - & having worn a slightly shorter wool skirt in heat, I can say that YES, it is not a fun thing to do, even with bloomers underneath. & Nicola had to have a lining sewn into her top-coat! Poor lass - that must have been an uncomfortable time.
And let's not forget the agony he was clearly experiencing when he was under the impression that Jamie had died.
::weeps:: That was, I think, the moment where I wanted to beat everyone to death with a stick, then run over to poor Two & try & nurse him back to health. & of course, tell him that Jamie was quite alive & wearing a nice plaid over his shoulder! Poor Two. How could they hurt him like that?!
Yeah, I've seen him experience extreme pain a lot of times, but he has always expressed it silently, or just letting out moans and grunts. This must have been the only time he actually screamed.
Yes! So much for all the silliness about how it's only the female companions that scream all the time - put a male companion in such major pain & he'll scream too!
And let's not forget a certain webcomic farewell...
O my! Jamie does like many girls, doesn't he? :P
I know her character was called Servalan, and that she's the most famous and celebrated baddie in that show. Servalan apparently is a lot like Chessene, only with Romana I's sexiness and sense of style. (Photographic evidence here)
The Sontaran Experiment, being my first Classic!serial & thereby making the Sontarans my first Classic!villains, was what I actually saw around the time they were reappearing in the new series - which is part of why I was so disappointed when I saw how they'd been redesigned - they were WAY creepier in the original style!
My first contect with the Sontarans was with The Two Doctors, which is why I was so positively impressed with Linx in The Time Warrior - after all, anything could be better than those naff loose masks.
But he got a leg over Peri! So he had ONE good moment in the sack. :P
Yes, but sadly he was a bit too crazed at the time to be able to fully enjoy it. :P Remember his dream-like interpretation of that scene at the very beginning of Jamie.
::weeps:: That was, I think, the moment where I wanted to beat everyone to death with a stick, then run over to poor Two & try & nurse him back to health.
Oh, me too. Two was so distraught with Jamie's death that he was struggling and kicking and screaming even with the sedative. *hugs him*
O my! Jamie does like many girls, doesn't he? :P
Well, in Ace's case Jack told him to do it - probably in order to see if Jamie would be thumped. If he wasn't, then it would be safe for Jack to have a go himself. :P
WHOA! Not too keen on the hair, but YES, that's quite Romana I! ::beams:: I wonder if she's in any of the first series . . .
My first contect with the Sontarans was with The Two Doctors, which is why I was so positively impressed with Linx in The Time Warrior - after all, anything could be better than those naff loose masks.
Agreed - the earliest Sontarans looked WAY better than the ones that came later on & then in the new series. (RTD, THEY ARE NOT DWARVES, OKAY?)
Yes, but sadly he was a bit too crazed at the time to be able to fully enjoy it. :P Remember his dream-like interpretation of that scene at the very beginning of Jamie.
Alas, he was. But maybe he'll have some fond memories of it later on. ;)
Oh, me too. Two was so distraught with Jamie's death that he was struggling and kicking and screaming even with the sedative. *hugs him*
& I imagine that it must have been very powerful stuff - & he was STILL freaking out over the idea of Jamie being dead! ::snuggles with him:: Poor Two. :(
Well, in Ace's case Jack told him to do it - probably in order to see if Jamie would be thumped. If he wasn't, then it would be safe for Jack to have a go himself. :P
::gigglesnorts & pokes Jack:: Sacrificing Jamie to the wolves, as it were, before going in yourself, Captain? So . . . did she?
I'm not very familiar with the show, so I can't say. I do know that she's the B7 equivalent to the Master in terms of villain importance.
Actually, they *are* meant to be small and bulky because of the low gravity in Sontar. That's the only thing in RTD's depiction that I'm pleased with, and the thing that annoys me the most about the Sontarans from The Two Doctors. (THEY ARE NOT GIANTS! LOW GRAVITY, JNT!)
Alas, he was. But maybe he'll have some fond memories of it later on. ;)
I think he might appreciate the kiss more, since he was a willing participant in that one. Plus all the sneak peeks he gave to Peri's bosoms. :P
::gigglesnorts & pokes Jack:: Sacrificing Jamie to the wolves, as it were, before going in yourself, Captain? So . . . did she?
She didn't react beyond her startled expression as depicted in that icon I made, so I guess it was a favourable one. most of the readers of the webcomic were disappointed, as they were expecting Jamie to end up with a broken nose.
Ooooo. Yes, then she MAY possibly be in the first series.
Actually, they *are* meant to be small and bulky because of the low gravity in Sontar. That's the only thing in RTD's depiction that I'm pleased with, and the thing that annoys me the most about the Sontarans from The Two Doctors. (THEY ARE NOT GIANTS! LOW GRAVITY, JNT!)
AH! Yes, Four says they aren't used to Earth's gravity, I remember that! I've just seen them as giants always, so when I saw them as small things in the new series, I was really bugged by that.
I think he might appreciate the kiss more, since he was a willing participant in that one. Plus all the sneak peeks he gave to Peri's bosoms. :P
Ah, yes, the kiss! & Peri's lovely bosom . . . ah, all splendid. ::dreamy sighs:: Uh, I mean, yes, you're probably right.
She didn't react beyond her startled expression as depicted in that icon I made, so I guess it was a favourable one. most of the readers of the webcomic were disappointed, as they were expecting Jamie to end up with a broken nose.
::giggles:: Well I'm glad Jamie's nose stayed in one piece! Jack on the other hand, I would have enjoyed seeing with a broken nose. :P
(& this from a girl who's been contemplating Ace/Izzy lately! :D)
I can understand that, but yes, they've always been small. They do discuss that in the Two Doctors commentary, stating that having two tall actors as Sontarans was a mistake because they were meant to be short.
Ah, yes, the kiss! & Peri's lovely bosom . . . ah, all splendid. ::dreamy sighs:: Uh, I mean, yes, you're probably right.
*grins* Wakey, wakey. :P
(& this from a girl who's been contemplating Ace/Izzy lately! :D)
Actually, I can see that working. I don't think Fey would have been happy, though...
I remember that. Hmm. Aww, now I suddenly feel bad for hating on the newer Sontarans - I think.
*grins* Wakey, wakey. :P
::comes back to something like Earth:: Peri? O, wait, you're not Peri. Never mind!
Actually, I can see that working. I don't think Fey would have been happy, though...
Well . . . aside from the Fey factor, Ace/Izzy would be AWESOME! THIS HAS TO EXIST, RIGHT?
No, don't feel bad - just focus on the fact that they're annoying. :P
::comes back to something like Earth:: Peri? O, wait, you're not Peri. Never mind!
No, definitely not Peri. My cleavage is not as fabulous as hers. :P
Well . . . aside from the Fey factor, Ace/Izzy would be AWESOME! THIS HAS TO EXIST, RIGHT?
I guess it's just a matter of searching for it.
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