(but honey we're just passers-by in another leaving scene)

Aug 29, 2009 03:54

I know I'm posting these a bit later than usual & I'm sorry, but ah, here they are!

& before we hop into this week's recaps, I want to take this moment to pimp this totally fab Jamie/Victoria mix that the ever-lovely nentari recently posted: Hero and Heroine. Go & procure it!

Okay! This week we have the final two stories in which our lovely Patrick Troughton appeared as the Second Doctor, along with Jamie's first Companion Chronicle. Our first story is, to sort of follow the trend of last week, is a multi-Doctor story, namely The Five Doctors!

The Five Doctors

- This was the first time I'd ever heard the 'go forward in all your beliefs' speech - AGES before I ever properly heard it! But I've always loved it, & hearing it always does make me a bit soft, even when I heard it here.

- Hello Five! ::waves:: & since we're at Five momentarily, this was my first Five serial ever - I've only recently seen Castrovalva (around last New Year's) & Time-Flight (sometimes this year).

- Hello ginger minx Resident Evil Turlough! & he's sketching! (there's a whole story about this for me, but that's for another time.) I wonder what he was sketching. & I'd love an icon of him in that scene.

- Also, very beautiful music in that scene. Just saying.

- The Eye of Orion . . . I puzzle as to if this would be in the Orion constellation, & if it is, is it pre or post-Cyber war?

- 'allo One! Um, One, there's a - O DEAR, HE GOT EATEN BY A BLACK TRIANGLE!

- 'Are you alright?'

'Just a twinge of cosmic angst.'

::pets Five:: & I do love that line. (& nentari, yes, you were a bit right about the idea that Five could be the more Shelley-esque one, as opposed to Eight being the more Byron-esque one. At least in that scene. & you know I'd never say that lightly!)

- ZOMG, THE BRIG! ::squeals & hugs him:: O, bonus trivia: a) Nick Courtney's moustache in this? It's actually his own for once. & I approve of it! & b) the Brigadier's replacement, as it were, is none other than David Saville, who you may or may not remember as Lieutenant Carstairs from The War Games! & the next time we see him, he's in a serial with Patrick Troughton - even if it's only for a few minutes. Bit of connecting threads there as well. ::laughs::

- 'Wonderful chap. All of them.'

Awww. You know the Brig always loved the Doctor.

- ZOMFG TWO BB! ::jumps on him:: In his giant fur coat from The Abominable Snowmen! & OMG, PAT. STILL LOOKING QUITE DISHY! & they even gave him back his proper trousers that he wore when he was the Doctor! (by now, I will know these things.) & he sounds just like he does when he was the Doctor. ::snugglies::

- 'Yes, mine was pretty unpromising too.'


- 'You've had this place redecorated, haven't you? Hmm, don't like it.'

Two, you never like redecorations, do you? ::giggle:: You should see Eight's redecorations!

- Aww. He's not breaking the rules, but bending them - for old friends. LOVE.


- Um. Five just fainted. ::does more petting of Five::

- THREE! & BESSIE! ::squeals:: & I didn't know Three was a driving gloves man.

- 'A man is the sum of his memories, you know. A Time Lord, more so.'

I thought that was so lovely & true, that it became a tag of mine.

- SARAH JANE! & K-9! & SARAH JANE, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING? Did you lose all your fashion sense when you left Four? ::shakes head:: & aww, K-9. Good ol' K-9!

- Ah, Four & Romana. More or less. I do love Four's outfit - most well worn by him! & Romana's just cute in her outfit.

- Ah, thankyou for emphasising the 'strong pair of hands' bit for us, Four. Not that I thought any less of you, of course! ::swoon::

- Then they got eaten by the black triangle. Sigh. What a way to spoil a nice holiday.

- & so did Sarah! (IN THAT UGLY OUTFIT OF HERS, UGH.)

- Five, stop fading in & out like that - that's scaring me.

- 'According to the instruments, we're nowhere and no time.'

How very Mind Robber-esque!

- Um. I don't like Tegan's dress or shoes. They're a bit too garish for me.


- O! O, hello there Ainley!Master, the most Shakespearian Masters of them all.


- OMG, SUSAN! SUSAN! ::hugs her:: & she's with her grandfather again! & she knew he'd be there when she arrived there - o, Susan.

- Meep, Dalek! A black one, as well. & yes, if you don't know better, you'd assume that they were on Skaro.


- 'A cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about.'

I wonder how obvious Doctor/Master is to like, EVERYONE ELSE ON GALLIFREY. I mean, COME ON.

- & Susan & One are still running from the Dalek - & it's just like when they travelled together. ♥

- LOLZ, ACCIDENTAL DALEK SUICIDE. & EWWW, I'd forgot how gross the inside of a Dalek IS.

- HELLO TWO & BRIGADIER! ::cuddles:: Hmm. Quarry. WITH A CYBERMAN? O, it's going to break the Brig's arm off - YAY, TWO SAVED HIM! WITH A STICK.

- Ah, the 'cliff' falling scene - yes, I'm sorry, it's just awful - Lis does well in it, but o, that was the silliest thing to happen - she could have just walked back onto the road!

- Aww, Sarah & Three!

- 'You became all . . .'

'Teeth and curls? Yes, maybe I did. But I haven't yet.'

Jon Pertwee nicked that line from Lis Sladen! But I still love it madly. ::giggles:: & I should add that like Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee is still looking damn good here! & I love his cape-cloak . . . thing. It's TARTAN!

- O, Susan found the TARDIS! Er, the wrong one, but it's the TARDIS all the same!

- 'More to the point, what are you young people doing in my TARDIS?'

- Aww, look how nice One is to Five! & Five knows Susan - of course.

- O dear - don't send Tegan to put a kettle on, she won't like it!

- Ah, Two. It should be you that explains just how sickening your race can be at times.

(though, Doctor, I'd like to debate the notion of Rassilon being 'the single most important figure in Time Lord history' - I feel that this title should be either shared, or given solely to Omega - were it not for him, you would all be stuck on your miserable little planet, after all.)

- Okay, I'm nicking this from David Tennant in the hidden commentary - Turlough's drinking absinthe! & apparently, so is Susan! ::gigglesnorts:: Well, they did get to stay in the TARDIS for almost all of the story, so a little absinthe is fine, I guess. Though Susan's having quite a big glass of it!

- Fashion note number one: Three is wearing the EXACT same jacket & cape-cloak that he wears in The Curse of Peladon. But his shirt has a red trim on the ruffle, so it isn't the same shirt.

- Hello Ainley!Master. & OHAI, YOU GET TO MEET SARAH JANE! But you don't get to have any mindfuckery with her . . . ::looks sad::

- 'Errant nonsense' - I am stealing this.

- O, Sarah's sweet - she doesn't want to leave the Master behind! But Three's going to be a bitch & let him suffer. Hmm . . . ::looks a bit sad::

- Hello again Two! ::curls up in his fur coat::

- O, so it's established that Rassilon was an asshole well before the Neverland-Zagreus audios - no wonder I hate the bastard.

- Random fashion note two: Turlough's collar is bugging the hell out of me - FIX YOUR COLLAR, BOY!


- I will say, I'm kind of . . . eh on the Davison-era Cybermen - the heads are great, but the rest of the body . . . no. It just looks too tin-foily for me. The voices are a bit more human as well - I prefer how inhuman they sounded during the Troughton era, really.

- LOLZ, TWO'S SINGING A NURSERY RHYME OF GALLIFREY! & the Brig's all 'Are you alright, Doctor?' ::pokes him::

- 'Like Alice, I try to believe three impossible things before breakfast.'

::hugs Five:: Five knows the best way of getting on my good side, apparently.

- & I loooove Five/Ainley!Master, I have to say. Where do you all hide the porn, people?

- Random fashion note number three: Ainley!Master's working a Dracula-esque look with that cape - Bram Stoker's version, of course! (hmm. I wonder if the Master ever read Dracula . . . okay, there's fic in that, I'll explain later.)

- Hee - the scene with the Cybermen shooting at everyone reminds me of an anecdote that Peter Davison shared about that scene - apparently the charges that were going to make everything blow up were louder than expected & while he sort of just ducked, he looked back & saw that Anthony Ainley running like crazy to get away from all the flying Styrofoam shrapnel - Peter said he was actually quite a bit of a coward, but he said it with a smile, so I found the whole thing very adorable. & it reminded me of the stories Jon Pertwee told about filming The Sea Devils with Roger Delgado - he said he was really quite a scared person & also, he couldn't swim, so quite a few of those scenes were just hell for him to do, but he did them anyway. Every time I hear one of those tales, I think of the other. Aww.

- THE ABSINTHE IS WHY SUSAN SPRAINED HER ANKLE! Let that be a lesson to all companions - no drinking while travelling!

- Okay, so everyone that can is making their way to the Tower . . . & Sarah Jane & Three have found themselves with a Raston Warrior Robot - THE BEST FUCKING ON-THE-SPOT INVENTION EVER TO MAKE IT INTO A DOCTOR WHO SERIAL, HANDS FUCKING DOWN.

- 'Come on, Doc, you can make it!'

'Of course I can young woman. And kindly refrain from addressing me as 'Doc'!'


- The Black Scrolls of Rassilon . . . the Tower of Rassilon, the Seal of Rassilon . . . you can do a drinking game to how many 'the _________ of Rassilon' are featured in this story, I think. HEY, LET'S DO THAT GUYS. LET'S MAKE A DRINKING GAME OF RASSILON!

- 'What? No, not the mind probe!'


- IT'S A YETI, BRIGADIER! Don't worry, you know them - they're just robots!

- HAHA, LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF TWO HAS IN THE POCKETS OF HIS OVERCOAT! & he makes the Brig hang onto the jellybabies for safekeeping. ♥ Jellybabies are important!

- 'It's a Galactic Glitter!'


- ::giggles:: Well, it is your planet, Doctor . . . you should go through the door first!

- OMG, WE'RE COMING UP TO MY FAVOURITE SCENE IN THIS SERIAL - THE RASTON WARRIOR ROBOT V. THE CYBERMEN. All the beheading, shooting, dying, dismembering, the throwing up of neural dampening fluid . . . I fucking love that scene. It's EASILY the best of death scenes for Cybermen. Tops the new series ANY TIME.

- Aww. Five's still concerned for Gallifrey. I would have laughed at all of them & told them to blow themselves up a few centuries early. But I don't like Time Lords, so that's just me.

- OMG. Three's getting all the action, isn't he? He's climbing mountains, driving & now abseiling! Three is totally the action!Doctor & it's mad awesome & mad sexy.

- How convenient, a door right in front of them.


- O my . . . One meets the Master. For the first time, in a way.

- You know, maybe the Cybermen do work better in black&white - they didn't look like tinfoil people in monochrome!

- Ah, & the Master kills a Cyberman! I'm not sure if I agree with Tegan or applaud him for it.

- Okay, I have no idea of what One is talking about with pi & the board. I just know the Greek letter pi & the very basic idea of it. Unlike Tegan, I don't know any basic mathematics.

- I have to admit, Flavia is on the list of Time Lords I wouldn't mind sitting in a room with. So far.

- Ooookay, everyone's in the Tower now . . . ::is nervous::

- Mike Yates! CHEESE STEALER. & Liz Shaw! Um, hello there! & Liz is still pretty . . . even if she & Mike are only ghosts.

- Random fashion note number four: Lis Sladen has managed to ditch yet more of her hideous costume! APPROVED, APRROVED.

- Now it's the Brig & Two in the Tower . . . um . . .

- JAMIE! ZOE! ::SQUEALS:: O, look at them! Jamie looks . . . well . . . um, give me a minute . . . very nice & Zoe's wearing bubble wrap!

& you can see how desperately Two wants to save them - until he realises that they're only ghosts as well. Sadly. But he takes it so well.

(& because I can't come to this point without talking about it - this is my favourite bit in the companions' commentary feature - I just die of giggles when Mark Strickson's all 'WHY ISN'T FRAZER ALL BUTTONED UP - EVERYONE ELSE IS FREEZING!' & Carole Ann Ford singing the bubblewrap song! SO funny & SO adorable. It'll never fail to make me laugh.)

- 'Have faith, Brigadier. Have I ever led you astray?'

'On many occasions.'

'This will be the exception.'

I love that bit - it's perfectly Two & it sounds like something right out of his era. O, Two.

- Five's playing THE HARP OF RASSILON. Hmm. I didn't know he could play the harp.

- Ah! One, Three, Sarah & Tegan have arrived in the - main room of the Tower. & yay, Two's here now! & the Brigadier! Five just needs to show up & all will be shiny.

- I do love watching the Doctor bitch at himself - it's so lulzy in its own way.

- & I have to say, I feel kind of bad for Ainley!Master - he was sent to try & help, but everyone was pretty mean to him - even the Cybermen! - so I don't blame him for resorting to his evil ways in the end.

- He likes the idea of killing the Doctor three times over. Kinky! & LOLZ, THE BRIGADIER TAKES HIM OUT WITH A VERY WELL-AIMED PUNCH! Ah, gotta love the Brig.

- The Cybermen are still planning to blow up the TARDIS with Susan & Turlough inside . . . o dear.

Also, Susan/Turlough, anyone? I mean, they were in the TARDIS for such a long time . . .

- Hey look. Borusa's sporting some of the bling of Rassilon on his head! It makes me think of a jam tart.

- Ahem. Borusa wants to be king President of Gallifrey forever, to which I say 'O RLY?' That's Romana's job, so step off, bitch!

- REVERSING THE POLARITY OF THE NEUTRON FLOW! FTW. Can't have all of the Doctors together without that being mentioned! ::grins::

- Aww, Five's looking quite pretty right now.

- Ooo, mind control. Yes, most kinky - & we can blame Rassilon for this!

- O, Two. You do look better in monochrome. Colour works well for you, but I really prefer the monochrome. ♥

- You know . . . Five being under mind control is rather believable, I'll admit, but yes, it would have worked better with Four - & it would have been hotter too - no, I had to say that, you all know my feelings on Four.

- O look. Bitches beat Rassilon's fancy little mind control gadgets! ::grins::

- KNEEL, ALL OF YOU. YOU'RE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD RASSILON! (sorry, recalling Romana in Neverland here.)

- UGH. Those faces coming alive & then Borusa being added to to them is just chilling. I mean it really is. It must be like being buried alive in cement. ::shudders::


- ::sparkles:: & in the end, One's the badass one in the room! ::grins::

- Aww, everyone's leaving now - bye One & Susan. Bye Two! ::hugs him goodbye::

- 'I'm definitely not the man I was. Thank goodness.'

- ::waves to Flavia:: I love how she's actually cool with the idea of the Doctor being the President of the High Council - but wait, AGAIN? O, yes, I think Four was president for a time . . .

- 'Won't the Time Lords be very angry?'


'You mean you're deliberately choosing to go on the run from your own people in a raggedy old TARDIS?'

'Why not? After all . . . that's how it all started.'


While I do love this serial, it still runs second to The Three Doctors for me.

::grins:: Okay, now that I got that out of the way, I have to admit, I really do enjoy this serial when I watch it - it's so hugely epic, even with its slight weak bits, & I think it's just a great story overall. It was great seeing four Doctors together, even though, alas, we'd long since lost William Hartnell. But I thought Richard Hurndall made a splendid One in his own way - he made the First Doctor his own, but he kept him as those of us that have seen One's serials - I thought it was quite well-balanced & very well played. Though, of course, I'll always think of William Hartnell as One, as I think most of us always will.

& o, yes, this was partially a Five serial, wasn't it? ::laughs:: Well, this was the first time I'd ever seen the Fifth Doctor in a serial - I admit, at the time I watched it, I was so solidly attached to Four as my Doctor that I wouldn't watch any Five serials & I was just determined to hate him - I know, very childish of me but that's how it was then. But I wound up watching this FOR Four, kind of got cheated, but in the end, the lack of Four didn't really bother me - in fact, I really enjoyed the story. & Sarah meeting Five wasn't what I'd thought it would be, so I didn't feel so upset over that either.

Now, about Two . . . I have to say, that, kind of ironically, I think I liked Two in this even more than I did in The Three Doctors - he just felt SO Two, like he'd never left & there hadn't been anyone before him & just . . . well, it felt very well-written, all of his bits. They really seemed like they could have come from his own era & of course, it was a joy seeing Pat playing Two again, even though I don't think I'd seen a Two serial prior to this - that's more of a comment on the present for me, really. But it was great seeing him in this, even without his recorder, or one of his original companions.

Lastly: Romana >>>>>>> Borusa. NOT UP FOR DEBATE.

Now, we come to the very last serial to feature Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor, as well as the serial that finally, after a long wait, introduced me to the Sixth Doctor & miss Peri Brown - The Two Doctors.

The Two Doctors

- Right off, I have to say, I LOVE Colin Baker's opening titles - they're really good, I think.

- ZOMG TWO & JAMIE IN MONOCHROME! Then they slowly fade into colour!

- 'Look at the size of that thing, Doctor!'

'Yes, Jamie, it's a big one.'

- Aww, Two slapping Jamie's hand! & MARRIED BICKERING! ::SQUEALS::

- 'All you have to do is stand in the background and (at the same time) admire my diplomatic skills.'

- Ooo, Two's playing the Time Lord card - interesting, as he rarely does that. (hey, playing the genius card is TOTALLY different!)

- Shockeye freaks me out. Anyone that extols on the deliciousness of human flesh disturbs me.

- Ah, Chessene! With the ugliest hair & makeup I've ever seen. I like her . . . sort of - but her hair & makeup are just EW.

- Dastari! Dastari, who looks like he could have come out of the film version of Barbarella in my opinion.

(ha - Destari = Duran Duran? & the Doctor = Barbarella? Hmm, that might make Peri or Jamie Pygar.)

- 'One meal a day is quite sufficient, Jamie.'

Two & I have the same diet plan! ::high-fives Two::

- O, Two. You haven't changed at all. ::snuggles him::

- Random fashion note number one: Patrick Troughton is STILL sexy, even with grey hair.

- O, it's Six & Peri! & Peri's super-tiny top!

- 'Well, what's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it?'

- Peri is ADORABLE. & I LIKE her accent, even if it is a bit exaggerated. SO THERE!

- Aww, Six. He goes fishing! He has a bit of poetry in his soul! He's . . . I LIKE HIM. Actually, as I DID see this beforehand, I can say I really enjoy Six. He's not as bad as I thought he was!

- I love Two's bitchy streak when he whips it out.

- 'What are you smiling about, you hairy-legged Highlander?'

'I'm just admiring your diplomatic skills.'


- Random fashion note number two: Pat appears to have blonded his fringe a bit!

- I want an umbrella like Six's - what a lovely thing to have on grey rainy days!

- O! Six just collapsed!

- SONTARAN HAND. WHAT ARE YOU SONS OF BITCHES DOING TO TWO?! ::stabs them in the back of the neck:: LET HIM GO!

- Random fashion note number three: Shockeye seems to have a touch of Scottish Highlander fashion in his outfit. Well, I think he does.

- 'What happened?'

'I think you fainted.'

'I never faint.'

- Poor Six - I think he should maybe have a lie-down, with some tea. & maybe a bit of Thorazine?

'Circular logic will only make you dizzy, Doctor.'


- You know, I like the relationship between Six & Peri. I think it's kind of cute, actually.

- Okay, so Six & Peri have landed on Space Station Camera, far after Two & Jamie did, & after the Sontaran attack - which would account for all the decayed bodies around them.

- Six is quite poetic on the smell of death, isn't he? It's rather scintillating to listen to - no, I'm serious.

- O! Now Peri fainted!

- As Chessene & Shockeye set up shop in Spain, I'd like to, just for a moment, talk about Six's fashion. I actually think it's not so bad - in fact, it looks like something from the Japanese fashion maison Comme des Garçons, or like a lot of Japanese fashion that I've seen pictures of. His coat, I think, could be rather well-liked over there - I'm sure someone would be able to wear it in a stylish manner, as well as parts of the rest of his outfit. So, while some may sneer & say I have no taste, I think Six's clothes could be wearable - just perhaps not all at once, though I think he looks fairly nice in it - it isn't so bad, really.

- O, Peri's come around again. ::pets her::

- I see Six has kept the tradition of carrying EVERYTHING in his pockets alive & well.

- Goodness, so much death in this serial & we haven't even finished the first - WHOA, SONTARAN. & DAMN, they sure got ugly since The Sontaran Experiment. I mean, they got ugly!

- ::giggles:: So Six & Peri are now in a playland of sorts? 'cause that's what all of those tubes & colours are making me think of!

- Random fashion note number four: I also don't much care for Chessene's dress. It looks like a rubbish bin liner all tarted up to look fancy & space-age!

- I love how Peri can climb on pipes & such in summery shoes & in an outfit like that - that's a point in her favour!

- O, hello Oscar & Anita! ::waves:: I love Anita's dress, by the way. & she's quite lovely as well!

- Hmm, am I the only one reminded of Henry Gordon Jago from The Talons of Weng-Chiang when Oscar talks?

- Random fashion note number five: Anita is very possibly wearing a riverdress! In pink! O my giddy aunt!

- I totally wish I looked like Anita - she's super gorgeous!

- Peri screams, Six gets gassed & some . . . some THING in a bag is attacking miss Peri!

- ::stares at Peri a bit shamelessly::

(o, come on - like YOU don't? ::giggles::)

- Jamie? Jamie, you attacked Peri? Well, he's a bit unconscious now - o, Jamie, it's alright, no one's going to - well, no one's going to maliciously hurt you!

- 'I seem to remember I was always rather fond of Jamie.'

O, SIX. ♥

- O, Peri, you're being a sweetheart to Jamie. ::hugs her::

- 'I exist, therefore I am. And was!'

(I never knew this was a Six quote. But I've always loved it.)

- O, Jamie, look at you . . . ::hugs him:: & Six is hypnotising him a bit. No, I'm not fussing over that; it was important.

- & Jamie looks so lovely while more or less unconscious - & all grubby-looking.

- Six is quite calm when talking about the possible collapse of the universe. Scarily calm, actually, but still.

- O, he really does have a bit of a poetic side, I think. But it's unfortunate that no one ever says anything about that.

- Ah, Jamie, you're awake!

- 'I was him, he will be me.'

'Who will I be?'

::giggles & hums the beginning of I Am the Walrus::

- Okay, Dastari may be a bio-geneticist, but he still reminds me of Duran Duran. ::grins::

- 'I think your Doctor's worse than mine.'

- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY POOR TWO?! ::flips out:: Let him go!

- 'Something to do with getting my hair cut.'

As soon as Six said that, I TOTALLY GOT THE REFERENCE. ::beams::


- 'Small though it is, the human brain can be quite effective when used properly!'


- WHOA, CHECK THE SEXY SCOTSMAN IN THE TARDIS! ::flails:: Sexy sexy, Jamie! But then again, this is Jamie we're talking about. ::giggles::

- O, Two, I hope they're looking after you - after they bloody drugged you!



- LET HIM GO! O, Two - o! ::looks upset::

- Random fashion note number six: OMFG I LOVE SIX'S OUTFIT WHEN HE ARRIVES ON EARTH! Cute, low-key & kind of sexy. (look, I have . . . interesting taste when it comes to these things, you KNOW this!)

(the only problem with this is that I have a cousin that looks a bit like Six - hair & face. So I couldn't really be attracted to Six, you see. That would be odd.)


(& yes, Two is totally Barbarella here. He may not be in her skintight space suits or trapped in an orgasm machine [. . . um. brain. melted. guhwant.] but he's sexy & all kickass like she is!)

- 'Oh my giddy aunt. Oh, crumbs.'


& also, I HEART Two when he's all shouty & really mad - I don't know why, I just like seeing him pushed that far.

- O, GOD. I - I CAN'T EVEN. How I'm even getting through this story without freaking out over all the medical creepy & all of the cannibalism . . . I DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW. Those things scare the living fuck out of me, especially any kind of torture involving medical instruments & such. It absolutely petrifies me. I don't even KNOW how I can watch this calmly.



- O, did I mention that I think Pat gets slapped really well? Um, take that as you will, I suppose, but I like that moment. He does it well!

- Random fashion note number seven: I kind of like Chessene's nails, but at the same time, they're a bit tacky, I think. But maybe that's why I like them.

- Ah, Jamie. You look beautiful under Spanish sunlight, you know.

- OMG! Peri has freckles! ::snugs her:: Even more darling!


(& yes, I may like getting a needle every now & again - at the doctor's that is! - but I CAN'T watch people being tortured with them! Yes, I actually did look away & cringe during this scene - & when Dastari had that little . . . saw thing, I really did have to look away. Just . . . NO THANKYOU.)

- ::giggles:: Shockeye talks of eating a Sontaran, but says they seem tough & tasteless. I look at them & think that - well . . . they might taste like potatoes. With a bit of cheese & chives, maybe they could be edible?

. . . & I did not just discuss the eating & styling of a Sontaran. Er . . .

- Random fashion note number eight: I love Jamie's ruffled shirt. It's not a poet's shirt, but in a pinch, it would do. But he wears it well, even as ruffled as it is.

- O dear me . . . Shockeye wants to make Peri the first course for dinner . . . this is quite disturbing you know . . .


- Oooo . . . Jamie's got a hidden knife & he stabbed the bastard in the leg! YES! Jamie McCrimmon's always prepared for this sort of thing!


- Ooo, Jamie's ready to fight for Peri's life! & his Doctor's, of course. ♥ Jamie/Peri!

- O GOD, MORE MEDICAL TORTURE. ::hides her head::

- I feel the urge to rip Chessene's face off suddenly . . . .

- Six is just as awesome as his predecessors so far - & I still love him! He really doesn't seem as bad as everyone says!


- Androgum!Two = just killed Two's raging sexuality. & that takes a LOT to do.

- I do like the Sontarans' space suits - THOSE are pretty awesome, compared to the hot mess that is Chessene's look.

- OMG - TWO'S WEARING A TOP HAT. A TOP HAT! He looks . . . well, this time, he looks a bit silly, but he still looks kind of good, in some odd way, you know what I mean?

- O, WAIT! He looks like the Mad Hatter a bit, that's what I'm thinking of! If it weren't for the Androgum aspects all over his face, he'd look just like the Mad Hatter!


- 'When you travel around as much as I do, it's almost inevitable that you'll run into yourself at some point.'

- . . . Eight or NINE main dishes? ::looks sick:: That is disgusting.

- Great. All this talk of food is making me hungry - very hungry. ::pouts & slaps Two::

- Yay, more of a mangled Sontaran. I could lose an appetite like that.

- O, hello again, Oscar & Anita!

- Aww, a cat! Six is a cat person! But Six . . . please don't talk about eating kitties, it's very upsetting.

- Gah, this is just a horrid abuse of edible things! Good thing I'm on a diet.



- Oscar! He's been stabbed! The poor man!

- . . . he's dead. He's been killed. ::cries::

- LULZ, MORE OF SIX FIGHTING WITH HIMSELF. (no, I never get tired of watching Doctors bicker with each other - it's happily lulzy in itself!)

- Poor Peri. ::snuggles with her:: She looks so upset.


- Chessene's an ungrateful little bitch of an Androgum, isn't she?

- The one in the SKIRT? Bitch, you are SO getting stabbed for that, even if I have to do it.

- Random fashion note number nine: I love Peri's shoes!

- O GOODNESS - Jamie can scream when he's in pain, can't he? ::cries:: STOP HURTING HIM!

- There's a very rude term for Chessene's hold over Dastari & while I shan't say it, I'll say that it would apply here.

- O! Shockeye's got Six in the leg! Six, you should bandage that up if you can . . .

- O, look, Chessene's reverted back to her basic instincts. Bitch.

- & Jamie's ready to slash Shockeye up himself - & I would be more than pleased to see such. ::glares::

- Okay, the cyanide scene & the death of Shockeye - some people, as I've heard, use this as a reason for why they dislike Six as much as they do - I don't. I like Six, for one, & two, this was an extreme circumstance - if he didn't kill Shockeye, he himself, along with Jamie, Peri & Two would have been killed by Chessene or by Shockeye. Also, Shockeye had already attempted to kill both Jamie & Peri, & was after Six.

& for everyone that bitches about Six killing him - hi, remember Ten in The Christmas Invasion? No second chances & all of that? Two himself in Tomb of the Cybermen, rewiring the doors so that anyone, human or not, that tried to open them, would get a fatal shock? Or even Four in Genesis of the Daleks to a certain extent? No. The Doctor has always had the capacity to kill, but he chooses not to & only would in a very extreme circumstance. This was one of them. Therefore, I consider it quite useless to try & smear Six with this argument when the Doctor has shown he can kill, past & future.

I summed this up in more detail in a recent couple of comments to nentari:

Well, I for one, think that's a SILLY reason - if that's the only bit of the serial one is going to focus on, then you've wasted your time watching it because you've missed all the good stuff! & I didn't actually have a problem with Six killing Shockeye - though it is surprising to see the Doctor killing someone, evil or not, I'll admit - it was a kill-or-be-killed-then-eaten situation, so Six had to do what was necessary to save himself & the others! (I was more worried about Six sniffing the cyanide, honestly - I was like, 'SIX, DON'T SNIFF THAT! YOU COULD DIE!')

. . . .

Sigh. Then it's hopeless to try & reason with those sorts, I say. & I wouldn't be surprised if they also doubled as the ones who have all the Seven-hate going on, when Seven is BUCKETS OF BADASS. & funny, too! But anyway, this suddenly makes me think of Two in Tomb of the Cybermen - he has no problem wiring the door to the Cybermen's tomb to give a fatal shock to the opener, Cyberman or not - that's considerably ruthless in itself & shows that even Two would have been willing to kill to protect others. & he also handles a gun in that serial, not just Victoria, which was something surprising to see. ALL of the Doctor can be like that, I think - he can kill, but only as a last resort. Look at Four's moral freakout in Genesis of the Daleks - he could have killed them with just two wires. But he didn't want to - he didn't feel he had the right. But he still could have done it.


- O, Two whistled for the TARDIS! Aww.


- ::giggles:: Aww, Six & his natural charm! ::nose scrunch::

- 'No. From now on, it's a healthy vegetarian diet - for both of us.'

& after that adventure, I'd feel the same way if I wasn't already a vegetarian. ♥


O, I AM SO GLAD I GOT TO SEE THIS STORY, FINALLY. ::jumps up & down:: It was a really disturbing, very well-written & totally exciting serial & I think it's a great introduction to Six & Peri, if you wanted to show someone a Six serial. Six was awesome, Peri was adorable, kind & helpful & OMFG TWO & JAMIE. Yes, they were just FAB in this, especially Two, I think. Just . . . OMG I LOVED IT, EVEN THOUGH IT DISTURBED ME LIKE HELL IN SOME PLACES & I WANTED TO RIP CHESSENE'S FACE OFF WITH MY BARE HANDS. It's definitely a favourite serial of mine now & it's also led me to check out more Six & Peri serials - Attack of the Cybermen is one I'm really excited about seeing.

& as this was Pat's last appearance as Two . . . I thought it was brilliant. He still had the same verve & charm & wit that made Two so loveable back in the sixties & I felt like all of his parts were just perfectly written for him. It was a lovely way for him to make a last appearance.

& I don't much care what anyone says - he (& Frazer, of course, you don't think I'd leave him out, do you?!) was STILL dammed sexy in just about every scene he had. (& in Frazer's case, he was dammed sexy in ALL of his scenes, beginning to end!) Siiiiiigh! ::faints happily::

& now, for the last story of the set, we have Jamie's first Companion Chronicle, Helicon Prime.

Helicon Prime

- Hmm. So Jamie would be telling this story a fair bit of time after he was returned to his own time, I would surmise, at least from how he begins it.

- O MY WORD! Okay, Frazer does a bloody impeccable impression of Patrick Troughton - he really does. If I didn't know better & just happened to hear it, I'd think Pat actually was IN this audio! THAT'S how good he is.

- Oooooh. ::sighs dreamily:: Helicon Prime sounds like a truly amazing place to be! O, it sounds so luxurious & beautiful! I wonder if any other Time Lords have ever been . . .

- Hee! Two's starstruck by miss Mindy Vor! ::giggles::

- O, sonic sculpture! What a lovely idea!

- Aww, Jamie won a yo-yo! & learnt table tennis! & is apparently quite good at it!

- Jamie likes his adventures! He'd rather fight with Daleks than lie around on holiday. What a man. ::sighs::

- Wow . . . the visitors to Helicon Prime sound just as exquisite & fascinating as Helicon Prime itself. Strange, beautiful, fascinating . . . o, I'd love to go.

- EEP! Two's playing his recorder! & OMFG TWO & JAMIE ARE HAVING DINNER TOGETHER. DINNER TOGETHER! ::squeals & bubbles like a tea kettle::

- Even in audio format, Two & Jamie are so totally married. I ♥ it.

- Ooo, Jamie McCrimmon - super spy & always ready for an adventure!

- ::giggles:: Jamie's just been OMG DAZZLED! But not by sparkly vampires.

- I feel sort of bad for admitting this, but since I'd only heard part of this audio before, I just can't stop myself from sitting & listening to it! It's just . . . well, I'm enthralled, I suppose! & it always is a bit hard to recap an audio.

- I don't like the sound of the ambassador saying he's 'seen' to Two. Not one bit.

- O goodness! The scene in the ambassador's quarters reminds me of the poisoned wine scene in The Enemy of the World - did so as soon as I heard it.

- Ah, Two's alright! ::clings to him:: O, splendid! & I kept expecting them to hug each other when they saw each other again. ::smiles::

- 'Mindy Vor could have been such awful danger!' he said. 'And you too, Jamie.' he said, seeing my expression.

Two, do you have a crush on Mindy? ::giggles::


- OI. Mindy's got a high voice! ::cringes::

- TWO! Don't give Jamie's yo-yo to pop stars! ::sighs::

- Hmm. Jamie's audio reminds me a bit of Eight & Fitz's story in The Company of Friends audio. I think it's all the TOTALLY MARRIED aspects of Two & Jamie's relationship & all of the sneaking around corridors Jamie's doing.

(hmm. Eight/Fitz = Two/Jamie version 2.0?)

- While I trust Two very much & I know he knows what he's doing, please, Two, no talking, just get out of there!

- O, JAMIE. ::looks all dreamy-eyed:: You're such a brave thing, aren't you?

- Wait . . . it - no, it can't just end there, the story isn't finished!

- WAIT. Mindy? Mindy, you're his nurse? I'm lost . . . but I think I called it early on in this audio . . .

- Okay, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?! WHAT is Mindy doing on Earth, what is happening to Jamie & he doesn't have the treasure! But . . . I am so lost . . . Mindy killed everyone? It was Mindy all along? (I totally knew it!) But - wait, NO! BITCH, YOU GET AWAY FROM JAMIE, NOW. Or I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I'll end you.

- I . . . I just . . . HOW THE HELL IS THAT AN ENDING?! THIS ISN'T AN ENDING, IT DIDN'T MAKE ANY BLEEDING SENSE! Just . . . I am beyond confused here. Very, very confused. As in, MY BRAIN HURTS confused.


Um, so audio! I liked it well enough, I really did, but WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF ENDING WAS THAT? I mean . . . no, sorry, I'm still confused. Call me an idiot, but I am SO fucking lost. What happened in there & just . . . WHAT THE WHAT. But up to the ending, the story was pretty good.

& I knew it was Mindy. That was just too easy to call, folks.

& that was our last major set of recaps! Next week we'll have the final recap of the great & mighty Troughton rewatch-athon, which will come full circle with the new series episode Midnight, as well as our little wrap-up party!

(O. Did I mention I am now not only hungry, but in a terribly fierce mood for some Two/Jamie porn fic? So I'm confused, hungry & mischievous a bit fangirlish now. At nearly three-thirty AM. Sigh! Only me, really.)

Previous recaps
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Time Meddler
The War Machines
The Smugglers
The Tenth Planet
The Power of the Daleks
The Highlanders
The Underwater Menace
The Moonbase
The Macra Terror
The Faceless Ones
The Evil of the Daleks
The Evil of the Daleks - audio version
The Tomb of the Cybermen
The Great Space Elevator (Victoria's Companion Chronicle)
The Abominable Snowmen - audio & serial
The Ice Warriors - audio
The Enemy of the World - audio & serial
The Web of Fear - audio & serial
Fury From the Deep - audio
The Wheel in Space - audio & serial
Fear of the Daleks (Zoe's Companion Chronicle)
The Dominators
The Mind Robber
The Invasion
The Krotons
The Seeds of Death
The Space Pirates - audio & serial
The War Games
Spearhead From Space*
The Curse of Peladon*
The Three Doctors

(* = bonus story)

vislor turlough aka resident evil, lovers: eight/fitz, what is this fuckery?, the honest cricket playing five, lovers: two/jamie, the master very strangely pwns, jamie brings the badassery in monochrome, girlshapes: elisabeth sladen, sarah jane pwns the universe, zoe heriot dreams in binary, liz shaw's legs of science!, the great&mighty troughton rewatch-athon, peri the once & future queen, boyshapes: patrick troughton, boyshapes: frazer hines, one's some snarky win right there bitch!, ode to an air hostess, susan goes forth in her beliefs, six of the technicolour dreamcoat, obsessions: doctor who, space beatniks are awesome, asdfghjkl;lkjhgfdsaomygod, lovers: jamie/peri

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