for great joy! The massive Harry Sullivan picspam continues!

Sep 27, 2008 22:18

OMG, part two is actually not just a pipe dream of mine? & is being posted in a timely fashion?! ONOEZ, THE WORLD IS COMING DOWN AROUND YOUR EARS!

::cough:: Ahem. I mean to say that the next part of my massive, multi-part Harry Sullivan picspam is up now! This time, our story is his second one, namely The Ark in Space, which, fittingly enough, was the second classic!Who serial I saw after The Sontaran Experiment (which is part three of our spam!)

So everyone should pop on the Four scarves & whip out the jelly babies because part two is a go! ::dances::

(& I SWEAR, I'll restrain from stitching up my random, intentionally idiotic Four/Harry faerytales in this part. I PROMISE! Mostly because this is a lot more Harry/Sarah-ish, but that's just 'cause I have so many caps of them together & most of the ones I had of Four & Harry turned out so shitty.)

& of course, as before, if you desire a cap for yourself, (though I don't know why you'd want one) feel free to take it!


SO! We last left off with Four & Sarah kidnapping inviting Harry onboard the TARDIS for a little trip to the moon.

Apparently, this ain't the moon.


Four: Ya, rly.

Harry Sullivan + buttons to press = Sarah almost asphyxiating in the next room. No breathplay for these two!

OMG SO CUTE. Er, if you overlook the almost asphyxiation bits.


I kind of adore this bit - LOOK AT THAT SMILE! (of course, just WHAT brought that adorable smile on is purely up to you, lovelies.)

Though this cap is rather BAD, I have my . . . reasons for its inclusion. Yes, reasons. ::moves on::

Aww, cutely!dominating!Four. I CAN HAS, Y/N?

Dear ME, how EVER did this find its way here? ::looks shocked::

& there it is AGAIN! OOPS.

This bit contains one of my absolute favourite Four speeches out of almost everything I've ever heard him say. & ah, I love how damn epic this shot looks. [/unrelated drivel]

Can't have too many Harry closeups, mmmkay?

See above. ::pets Harry::

I call this the 'newlywed shot', 'cause that is SO how Harry & Sarah would look at their wedding, yes? ::giggles::

& now, for you pleasure & for the Fourth Doctor's life, Harry Sullivan will now play doctor.


Space maniacs with loaded weaponry are VERY SRS BZNS. (& Harry is teh pretty right there.)

Bubblewrap monsters? In OUR ark? OMG O NOES!

The IDENTICAL looks on their faces bring me such LOLZ.

Nope, didn't get prepared for this . . .

Okay, second sort of newlywed shot, eh?

Lessons in entomology with Four! I WOULD GO.

Yes, yes, VERY shitty cap, but who could resist Four staring at Harry's backside Harry's lovely display of flexibility here? (o, let me have my silliness!)

Harry Sullivan thinks your shit is bananas.

Harry's most lovely when he looks so serious, isn't he?

'Come on Sarah, he would have wanted you to be brave. And I need you to be brave too. Please.' O, I love these two. ::draws hearts madly::

'Well, the Brigadier did tell me to stick with you Doctor, and orders is orders.' HE'S SO HOOKED. I LOVE IT. & his smile, obviously.

Off they go! ::waves::

The next part miiiight be a bit slow coming, since I just acquired The Three Doctors (which I'm on the second rewatch of & I LOVE it) & The Time Warrior today & I've got to squeal/fangirl/watch/rewatch twice each, but I'll try & get on it as soon as I'm done!)

(& y'know, my next subject for a vintage!Who spam might have to be Three. Or Four. I can't decide really, I do so love them both. A Three&Four fashion spam would be fun to do. ::thinky::)

obsessions: doctor who, delights: boyspam!

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