(no subject)

Apr 04, 2008 19:23

My dreams? Are so incredibly cracked out & occasionally, completely fucked up.

♥♥ I KNOW I had a dream wherein River Tam was sitting in some cold, white-metal-walled room with Martha Jones. & River was just sitting there & said something along the lines of, "Isn't it strange?" & Martha asked her what she was talking about & River said "how gravity fails us." Or maybe she was looking into Ten's mind & Martha wasn't there at all, or vice versa.

♥♥ That wasn't the last dream I had that had Martha in it last night. I was walking home from my old middle school & this woman was walking in front of me & was talking about how she knew Rose. I began walking next to her, hoping I could talk to her as Rose's friend & she began talking about using Rose for something, but I don't remember what - it might have been for food or display or somesuch. Then I was in a shop with Martha & Ten was in the same shop & apparently, I had to protect Martha from the woman I'd encountered, because she was apparently an alien who kidnapped various lifeforms on planets she visited & shrunk them down to doll-size, only they didn't have the physiology of their species anymore, they were just dolls of living skin. After he told us this, he got so into looking at crystal swans that he completely ignored everything else. I said to him, "Doctor, when this is all over, I wanna sleep with you really badly," he kept ignoring me! Then Martha said something about us not having sex but meant that we were going to anyway. He STILL ignored us.

So somehow, we wound up in this dressing room with purple saloon-type doors & the alien woman was following us because she wanted Martha. She got up in my face & started GROWING SQUIGGLY EYES IN THE MIDDLE OF HER FACE. & I still had to protect Martha!

Insert STUFF I CAN'T RECALL. Then, there was a way to save Martha, but it involved a charm & being possessed a la Rose in The Parting of the Ways. So we let this huge Bigfoot-looking guy who was with us get possessed & it drove away the crazy alien woman & her posse, but then the Bigfoot-type guy was going to haunt us! (that's what he said), so Ten popped in & saved us. & there might have been kissing of the Betsy & Ten variety. Maybe. I don't remember. (SHOCKING.)

♥♥ My first dream makes me think of the Little!River fic snippet I still haven't posted.

♥♥ This article is at turns fascinating & mind-boggling. But I think some of the comments are really mean.

♥♥ I spent some time with yasolo today, & showed her David Tennant on YouTube. She thinks he's cute. (yay!) She also returned my SGA DVDs, but I'll have to lend them to her again sometime, because she didn't get to see all of season one.

♥♥ I may finally get to talk to lost_little_nat tonight! I've missed her so!

she always did love to dance, she: real life, obsessions: doctor who, life: dreams,

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