(full of spider bites & all your lovers)

Apr 02, 2008 23:48

♥♥♥ I got to see more Doctor Who last Sunday! I saw the full episode of Blink (::hides under bed::) & part of the double eps where Ten was human for a bit. (OMG HE KISSED GIRLS AT LEAST TWICE.) & OMG Martha is kind of AWESOME.

My mummy thinks my glasses DO resemble Ten's a bit. (but his are a lot darker & thicker-framed than mine; mine are pretty delicate looking & a rather faded black. But Ten is suddenly making me appreciate my glasses more! Well, him & my boything, who wants a picture of me in them. ::giggles::)

♥♥♥ Also on Sunday, I did the dumbest fucking thing. (at least for myself to do right before I go to bed at TWO IN THE FRAKKING MORNING.)


Rest of silly Betsyshape: MAH BRAVERY, LET ME SHOW YOU IT!

Two hours later, at four in the morning: CAN'T SLEEP, JIGSAW WILL EAT ME.

Yeah, UM. The next time I decide that it's a FABULOUS idea to know the plots of all the Saw movies & both Hostel films before I go to bed, SOMEBODY DISTRACT ME WITH SOMETHING CUTE & FLUFFY, OKAY?

Apparently, the nightmares I had from the 30 Days of Night & Friday the 13th graphic novels didn't teach me a damn thing.

(but oooo, I loved the newest volume of 30 Days of Night!! The art = fucking hallucinogenic & I loved it.)

♥♥♥ I had the most romantic (& crackalicious) dream about Captain Jack Harkness last night. Basically, it was set in the 1940s & Jack was supposedly working for the Nazis, but I think he was undercover or somesuch. Somehow, he wound up meeting Ginger from Gilligan's Island (I love Ginger! & I was once a Ginger myself.) & wanted to recruit her to work alongside him. He promised her 'satin dresses of every colour' (he totally said it in a faux German accent & it was hot, OKAY?) & Ginger went along with it, but only because she liked him.

Then . . . STUFF happened that I don't remember. What I do remember next is Ginger was in my house & this general came to see her, apparently to sleep with her, because he had a big thing for her & was jealous of Jack. They were about to get it on, but Jack came in right at that moment (sidenote: WHEE CAPTAIN JACK IN MY HOUSE!) & Ginger, who was mostly in her (very forties & very pretty) underthings, hid behind the door & flailed at Jack & claimed she was innocent & hadn't been about to cheat on him. Then . . . MOAR STUFF happened that I don't remember. I DO remember Jack sitting on my couch (SHINY) & Ginger noticed that he had trails of iridescent seafoam green/pearl green nail polish all over his (bare!) upper arm. & she wasn't wearing any. So she FREAKED OUT about his having been with some other chick & stormed into my closet & started throwing the dresses he'd given her at him. & as she did so, she started naming them. As in, she'd throw a dress at Jack & scream 'Jean the wedding singer!" or "Sophie the druggist!" She didn't stop until Jack was basically sitting there under a mountain of satin & lace slip dresses.

Then . . . MOAR STUFF THAT I CAN'T REMEMBER happened. Then my dream was ending & Jack was getting into a car (or maybe it was a carriage) & wishing Ginger well. He was still in love with her & she with him, but I think he was stepping down & letting another man have her. Then he drove off & . . . that was NOT the end of my dream! The real end of my dream was apparently, that everything up until this point, had been just an old movie from the forties that I'd been watching with my mummy. I was all depressed over the ending & said "If he loved her, he should have stayed with her!" My mummy agreed totally.

O, & did I mention that at one point in my dream, Captain Jack turned into Ten who was rather tipsy in a bar & had no shirt on? How could I have forgotten that bit . . .

♥♥♥ I slept through April Fools Day. Bummer, 'cause I wanted to reread Arkham Asylum in celebration. (ack, I don't even KNOW where my copy is!)

♥♥♥ I literally banged my head into a wall in public on Monday. Why? Being out with my mummy will make me do that, it just will.


& speaking of Tennant goodness, there's been a lot of David love floating around my flist lately! THIS IS A GOOD THING. BUT I NEED MORE. FRIDAY & SATURDAY CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH.

♥♥♥ I haven't listened to this song properly in a while. ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ One more thing some of you may like. Y HELLO THAR JOHN BARROWMAN, MAY I BORROW A CUP OF SEXY TODAY?

boyshapes: john barrowman, life: stupid fucking nightmares, boyshapes: david tennant, obsessions: doctor who, characters: captain jack harkness, life: the stupid things i do, life: dreams

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