this is not a petting zoo, revisited

Apr 14, 2006 23:16

This week was the epitome of why I hate living here. I need to go and soon.
1. Planning a Mother's Day brunch for student moms. That isn't the problem. The problem is getting e-mails from men complaining that the event excludes fathers. People, there's another day for that! If you have issue, take it up with Hallmark.
2. Various and sundry incidents of racism that I am just too tired to recount.
3. It is still cold and rainy. When will we get a proper Spring?
4. Sexless Wife is on my last nerve and we have a class together this term. I would drop it except that I have been waiting for this class to be offered for almost two years and this is my last chance to take it.
5. Someone asked to touch my hair-- while already in the middle of touching my hair! This time it was in the Office of Affirmative Action. There are just some places you go expecting people to know better.

I have joked about this in the past, but I do think that it is time to write a mini-manifesto-- something to hand out to people so that I don't have to repeat myself. I at least need a card to give to people explaining why they can't touch my hair and why I am offended that they would even think of that as an appropriate thing to ask of a complete and total stranger.
     In other news, I have about 30 good pages on my thesis-- rough starts for the first two chapters-- but still no idea how close I am to finishing the whole thing. I really need to be pretty damn close to a polished first chapter by the end of next week.
     There's more, but I think I need to make myself another gin and tonic.

blacktalk, bellyaches, lists

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