The Conversion of Cragside into Serenity begins...

Oct 30, 2009 00:12

Since the day we moved in I have been determined to convert the new hoose into a Firefly set tribute.

Hawk actually helped things along before I'd even done anything by modifying his room after Bear disappeared. The whole 'dungeon room' downstairs is awash with blues and steel and is very Infirmary-like, especially with the sofa that looks like a waiting area and blue, white and slate shower room en suite. Anyway, my own toils began in the kitchen today, and after a day of painting it is now yellow, a shade called "Happy Daze" to be precise. Once I've had time to squint at some more Firefly screencaps and cobble up some stencils, the vine/flower pattern details will be going on in green and pink in the odd corner. I'll have to do something about the godawful aluminium blinds the boys insisted on throwing up. Bamboo rollers maybe? Whatever I can get everyone to agree on really...

Also, I did a quick sketch on the wee beastie to test out the decor I've got planned for my room. I'm separating one end off, which will consist of a bright blue and green office (featuring my silkscreen print of Death from Sandman and the Adam and the Ants BDSM poster I stole from the Brit awards). I like to work in bright, energizing colours. The thinking cupboard's also at this end, an odd little cupboard where, when you open the door, you find the bottom is about a foot and a half off the floor. I've painted all of it's inside with dark blue chalkboard paint + metallic purple magnet paint for sticking/scribbling whatever. I've also popped in a trio of rather nice LED lights Spider got me as a housewarming gift. I will eventually install carpet, many bookshelves and a bean bag then shut myself in there to chill the fuck out every now and again. There will be a curtain divider of some suitably lovely dark material that can pull across the office section, then the main part of the room will be turning into a tribute to Inara's shuttle. I'll still have the loft bed with the hanging baskets of Ivy and sofa/fold-out bed underneath, but everything's going to be red, red and more red, with lots of Chinese, Indian and Turkish kipple . Hopefully the red will feel even more bedtimey than the bright pink I used to have in my Hull room. Everyone else complained that it gave them a headache and referred to it as the 'Barbie Room', but then they were the people who never spent any time in it with just a few optic lights and candles on, which me and the ex agreed gave it a comforting womb-like feel (*yes I know I can be such a fucking dyke sometimes*)

Looking at this picture, it seems strange, but only because I know it would never be that tidy in reality (and also because I was too tired to be bothered about proper perspective). Mess is good though, not bad. I'm looking forward to seeing this as a reality, covered in kipple. To me, mess = lived in; and lived in = loved.

I think the only other place where I'm going to be allowed to infect the design with my own private obsession is the garden. So far we've got Bear's grill the shed and a platform of decking rescued from a trailer park one of Reaper's friends has just moved out of, both in a rusty brown/red. There's the grass and some odd blue lights Hawk put in around the decking that look like the emergency exit lights on a plane + everyone agreed to go in for a big asian-style iron log burner in one corner this summer. Therefore I think I may try and subtly get in some engine room references... A stripey hammock + all things steampunk that could live outside are going on the purchase list.

kipple, firefly, cragside

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