Yay! and also, Bleargh.

Dec 22, 2005 14:21

So I went to see U2 in Portland on Monday with primal_sanshin and astartesyriaca and had a BLAST. It's the fifth time I've seen this band and I am never disappointed. They're the kind of band that even people who don't like them much will have a rockin time at a live show. There was a very uplifted almost spiritual feel to the stadium that night. It was like for 2 hours all those thousands of people were united in their appreciation for this band, what they stand for, and a larger sense of hope. I know it sounds corny--you had to be there I guess. The set list was great and they sounded as tight and passionate as ever. Plus, they played "I Will Follow" (their first hit from 1980) and that made me happy. Prior to the show astartesyriaca and I stopped by the MAC counter at Nordstrom and got some concert-worthy make up done. My eyes were all turquoise and peacock--I loved it!--so of course I had to buy some. On the credit card. Ugh. We also went to Kells and paid $20 for a t-shirt and buffet. It was actually great! Plus, since it was a U2 fan party everyone there was totally excited about seeing the band. I screamed a lot and made my throat sore.

Speaking of sore throat...I appeat to be getting sick. Last night I had a horrible time trying to sleep. My throat was really dry and scratchy. Every time I lay down I would start coughing. I finally got my bed chair thing and slept sitting up (suck). This morning I could barely speak and my chest is really tight. It sucks having asthma. Every time you catch the least little thing it goes to your chest and (often) turns into bronchitis. I've been drinking numerous cups of herbal tea and taking yin chiao and vitamins...let's hope it works; Jordan's mom gets into town tomorrow and I really don't want to be sick while she's here or over xmas.

Someone please call the plumber and get him to remove the hose clamp from around my lungs?

u2, illness, xmas

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