Doctor or Vet? [In Progress; Closed]

Apr 30, 2008 19:16

WHO: Yu Kanda and Gregory House
WHAT: Kanda visits the doctor, but this time not for his own sake.
WHERE: House's place
WHEN: Dead of night; the day the blood curse increased and everyone started acting like cats.

There was not a soul to be seen as Kanda quietly ran through the empty streets of Rivelata with only one particular destination in mind. And it was not the jungle.

It was unnerving; he didn't remember his body feeling so light beneath his skin. He was running hard and yet it felt as if his feet were barely touching the ground. His eyes could see far better into the darkness, enough to make him realize the difference. He could pick out the individual scents and sounds of the city, not all clumped in a chaotic blur.

His warrior instincts rejoiced in this new awakening. His heart was terrified. Already, he was feeling tingling in various parts of his body, warning signs of metamorphosis. Kanda would know; he had only gone through such a transformation not even a month ago.

And he didn't like that Daisya was taking this whole thing much too calmly. Kanda needed to find a solution and he needed to find it fast, and personal agenda aside, there was still only one man he could go to.

Within minutes, Kanda came within sight of the residency of Dr. Gregory House. He slowed down, not even out of breath despite running faster than he ever had before. The tingling in his body was becoming more persistent, but he ignored it as he forced his senses on high and stalked towards the house. He thought he could sense the presence of another, something in the air that his nose was picking up, and decided that sneaking around the house and trying for one of the windows would be a bad idea. And so, ignoring whatever other presence he was feeling, Kanda went straight up to House's front door and knocked loudly.

Ω kanda yuu, Ω gregory house

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