
Apr 27, 2008 11:49

WHO: Froi Tiedoll, Kanda Yuu (Closed for now)
WHAT: After serving Daisya a fine dish of of kick ass and sanity pills, Kanda goes after his General to attempt to serve that to him.
WHERE: Somewhere in the town, near the exit.
WHEN: Nighttime. The day everyone in the Order went batshit.

The General was mixed, his brain was screaming at him to sit down, shut up, and maybe go hide in a corner and find a kitten to pet or something. But the rest of him was throughly intoxicated. He had hoped his students had listened to him.

Do as I say, not as I do. his brain chirped at him. Making him growl a little, he would wait before exiting, he had that much control over himself. He leaned against the wall and pulled out a piece of charcoal and started to draw furiously. Whomever had seen him drawn before this, would have seen there was a problem. Instead of almost life like drawings that he could normally create quickly, there were rough lines, scribbles when he messed up, and instead of just skipping the page, he ripped it out, crumpled it and tossed it. Making a mental note to go after it.

Ω kanda yuu, Ω froi tiedoll

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