this rotten world's gonna chew you up, swallow you whole then spit you back out

Aug 16, 2010 03:30

WHO: Joshua and Carrie
WHAT: greeting a new arrival!
WHERE: the docks
WHEN: not long after this entry.

Why did Carrie have the feeling that she was going to end up babysitting yet again? She hadn't signed up for this. Really, really hadn't. But even if the newest arrival didn't exactly strike her as babysitting age, that snarking. It'd been annoying enough through the few comments they'd exchanged on the journal, she found herself a little hesitant to meet him in person.

But, still, it was the right thing to do, right? Helping people, and all that. Rivelata didn't exactly have a lot of crime to be stopping, and it left her schedule pretty open for more mundane acts of assistance. And, unfortunately, that included helping out potentially annoying new arrivals.

She touched down from her rooftop highway at the edge of the docks, and with a muttered command, killed the motors in her skates and retracted the wheels. Even in civilian clothes, the shoes came in pretty useful. Made getting to the docks a lot faster, at least. She glanced around once, picked out the vaguely familiar features (those sketches provided by the book's magic were useful, if nothing else), and started toward the kid.

"Kiryu, right?" He'd told her 'Joshua', sure, but she had a certain fondness for less names. It kept things impersonal.

yoshiya "joshua" kiryu, robin/carrie kelley

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