Jan 24, 2010 09:53

WHO: Marcus, Kaylee, Seven, War, and/or anyone who has an urge to see a Terminator.
WHAT: Marcus broke and need help getting fixed.
WHERE: His room in Selene's building.
WHEN: Some time after this post.

He tried flexing his hand again. He had the same result as he had gotten the last hundred times or so: either the fingers wouldn't move, only moved a little, or moved in the wrong direction. He slipped the glove back on as he waited for one of the people he had just talked with to arrive.

After about a week of healing he'd managed to start looking like normal, but there were still a few places where the metal had still been visible. Most of these places he had bandaged to hide, but there were a few places (like his broken hand) where there wasn't much skin to wrap. He'd hidden these spots with long sleeves and gloves. It wasn't too far off what he usually wore, so no one would probably even notice. The only real visible sign he had even been injured at all was a bandage across his forehead, which was hiding one of the places the metal was showing through.

It felt strange that people were now finding out what he really was. Then again, it was amazing he had kept it hidden for so long. He was pretty sure no one would have any problems with te idea of what he was, but seeing it first-hand was a different story. It was pretty scary, he'd been terrified himself when he had seen it himself. Then agian, at that point half of his body had also been blown away. So he had good reason to be freaked out.

Suddenly a knock came from his door. Quickly Marcus walked over and opened it, wondering who had arrived first.

marcus wright

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