Sympathy's wasted on my hollow shell

Jan 17, 2010 18:39

WHO: Larsa Ferrinas Solidor {solidor_heir } & Penelo {danceofrapture }
WHAT: The lonely future of the Emperor is finally revealed.
WHERE: Ivalicean residence
WHEN: Early afternoon
STATUS: Closed/Complete

Penelo: *quiet, secures the shawl about him*

Larsa: Penelo
Are you well?

Penelo: I'm fine, sweetheart.

Larsa: You have been quiet as of late

Penelo: *wraps her arms firmly around him, cupping his head to her shoulder*
I've been so worried.

Larsa: Worried? Why for?

Penelo: You know why.
When I lost Vaan, I thought I wasn't going to be able to stand.

Larsa: Penelo
He was in my life
That alone is enough to outweigh his departure

Penelo: Which makes it all the harder to lose.
*strokes his hair, sits atop the counter with him*

Larsa: It was better to have him by my side, no matter how brief, than to not have had him at all
I waited so long for him
I am grateful for what time we had

Penelo: *purses her lips, squeezing him close*

Larsa: I just wish...I just wish I could have asked him o let me accompany him to where he ventured.
 I would have gladly followed

Penelo: I know, love.
*smooths his hair* I wish you could be with him, too.
Because I know then you'd be happy.
*quietly tucks the shawl around him, doesn't seek to speak until he's ready, but keeps her arms about him*

Larsa: I am happy here with you
I do not wish for you to feel insulted by my words

Penelo: I don't.
But I know what it's like to be tired of this place, too.

Larsa: We have been here for so long
I begin to wonder where home truly is

Penelo: I don't know, either. I don't even know if I'm the same person. Who are we now? Where are we now?

Larsa: If we are to return to Ivalice would we be recognized?
Perhaps this place is our home. We are expatriates of our countries

Penelo: *oofs a bit as she stoops to cradle him* You're getting bigger.
And I'm getting older.
I'm almost a woman now. I would have debuted in society.
If Dalmasca still had a society to debut in...

Larsa: *brows crease* I am sure it would. Princess- Queen Ashelia said Dalmasca prospered after negotiations with Archadia
*after all this time- he still did not know*

Penelo: *just begins to cry, pulling him close to her side*

Larsa: *alarmed* Penelo!
Please do not cry... *holds her tightly* We can still have a celebration for your debut here!

Penelo: Damn everything!
Damn the Occuria, damn all of it...
*noses his soft, warm brown hair*

Larsa: *confused expression that he hides in her shoulder, concentrating on just trying to comfort her for the moment*

Penelo: I never want you to go back to that place...
There's nothing waiting for you there, just broken memories...
*kisses his hair, squeezing him tight*

Larsa: Broken memories...?
But Archades is my home...

Penelo: *traces his face, biting hard on her lips*
*puts her brow to his*

Larsa: My brother is there
My guardians

Penelo: *tries to bring herself to tell him as gently as she can, but it only comes out as a mild choke*

Larsa: *still blissfully unaware*
*takes his kerchief and gently dabs her eyes and cheeks*

Penelo: *takes a deep breath* Larsa, you're the heir, aren't you?

Larsa: I am, despite my brother being older

Penelo: *slowly* If you go back, you would go to the throne... With Basch as your guardian.

Larsa: *innocent expression of bewilderment*
Basch? Nay, that is unthinkable. He is the guardian to Queen Ashelia, and is not even a citizen of Archades
I do know I am to ascend the throne, Lord Brother is a Consul

Penelo: *takes his shoulders, gently* Larsa. Remember when Basch first came here? And his hair was trimmed short?

Larsa: Yes, that was odd

Penelo: He had to, Larsa.
He had to take his brother's post.

Larsa: *for a moment he tips his head to the side, confused at her words*
His brother's post?
*and then it all pieces together and his expression is one of utter anguish and heartbreak*
*his breathing escalates, tears in his eyes as he looks around himself wildly*
*in his panic he pushes her away and stumbles out of the house*

Penelo: *panicked* Larsa!
*doesn't even put on her shoes as she tails him* Larsa!

Larsa: *screams* You're lying!
He would never leave me!
He would never leave me unless he-
Unless he-
*sobs* unless he -died-

Penelo: *eyes filled, softly* Vaan told me...
Ashe, too.
He sacrificed everything for you.
Because he loved you so much.

Larsa: *face in his hands as he wept, chest heaving for breath*

Penelo: *knew this anguish well- having lost everything herself, whispers* Because he loved you. He left you in the care of the only one he would trust to love you as much as he did.
*cautiously slips her arms around him* I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Larsa...

Larsa: A-and my brother?

Penelo: He wasn't himself anymore, Larsa.

Larsa: *lip trembling* So he was killed, right?

Penelo: *nods slowly*
Yet in the end, he sought to protect you.

Larsa: And what of my other guardians?

Penelo: *shakes her head*
*tries to lead him inside, seeking a glass of water for him, lest he dehydrate himself and give himself a fever from grief*

Larsa: *looks at the glass in his hand*
So I am the Emperor of Archades at twelve years of age
With a palace of strangers
And a man who would rather be halfway around the world

Penelo: *gently brings the glass to his lips, an arm around him securely*

Larsa: *does an odd thing*
*he puts down the glass of water and just laughs*

Penelo: *disturbed by the gesture*

Larsa: *arms around his middle as he laughed and laughed, the sound so empty and grating*

Penelo: *haunted, gently* Larsa...

Larsa: I'm the child Emperor of the most hated Empire in Ivalice
And I'm ruling it alone
What a joke!

Penelo: *swallows thickly, quiet*

Larsa: *quietens, clamping his hands over his mouth because he couldn't bear to hear himself cry*
*shakes his head, eyes clenched shut*

Penelo: *slips off to his room for a moment, returning with Mandy, praying it might offer him some comfort*

Larsa: *takes the plush, his eyes so glazed he could barely see it*
This is all I have left of my older brothers
Without me in Archades right now
The Solidor lineage is gone

Penelo: *scoops him up to carry him to the chaise, settling him somewhere comfortable; it was the least she coulddo for him. Every piece of her hated herself for tearing this innocent boy's world apart; she knew, she knew what it was like to have everything ripped from you bit by bit*

Larsa: *sits quietly on the chaise, holding the plush almost absently*
*mostly still except for the tears falling from his eyes*
I-I hope Dalmasca returned to the beautiful place you remember
And people are happier

Penelo: Dalmasca will be fine, and so will Archadia, under your hand.

Larsa: Perhaps that is the only consolation I am permitted
And I must be content with that
My Empire
*eyes water* Did some terrible things

Penelo: *lies beside him on the little chaise, her head beside his, an arm draped around him*
Oh, but Larsa, haven't I told you?
You are not your empire.
Especially not here.

Larsa: *softly* Liar
Now I know I -am- my Empire
For there is no one left but me
*goes to stand by the window*
I wonder how long I will reign before someone assassinates me
Will I have the chance to marry?

Penelo: I shouldn't have told you...

Larsa: A life of ignorance is not the way one should endeavour to live
Now it makes sense
Why you would give them those glances
It was so they did not tell me of my future
You wanted to spare me

Penelo: I wanted nothing more than for you to always be happy.. To have all of the happiness I could give you.

Larsa: You tried
But it seems I am not permitted happiness
No matter where I reside

Penelo: *pulls him into her arms*

Larsa: Thank you for telling me the truth
It is rarely pleasant
But it is always necessary

Penelo: *cries quietly against him* I'm so sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.

Larsa: *gently rests his palm to her back*
It is alright
I must speak to Basch when he returns
I wish to release him from his duty. He has no reason to guard me when his heart belongs to both Dalmasca and Her Queen

Penelo: Then what about you?

Larsa: Just because life has robbed me of my guardian
Does not mean I should rob another of theirs
I will find another from my own city

Penelo: *just stands there a while, holding him close*

Larsa: *had stopped crying a while ago, seemingly detached from his grief by focusing on what lay ahead*
I wonder…I would have changed my Cabinet
Begun negotiations with all annexed countries to return power to their own government
Demoted Consuls to be diplomats
But how would my own city have taken such actions?

Penelo: *concerned with his lack of grief, gently smooths his hair, offering him the cool glass of water*

Larsa: Thank you
*sips it, still staring out the window*
*soft smile* I hope you return to your restored Dalmasca some day
And see the coronation of your Queen

Penelo: I don't want to.

Larsa: I would like to see such a thing
Wouldn't it be beautiful?
Your city will rejoice for the first time in years...

Penelo: I can't find joy knowing someone I love is pained.

Larsa: Do you not think I have been groomed for such a life since my birth?
*shaky smile*
To bear the weight of an Empire on my shoulders, no matter how young, is my duty

larsa ferrinas solidor, penelo

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