I’ve done this many times before you / watched the pattern take form [Closed]

Jan 15, 2010 16:08

WHO: Cloud Strife [amongstheclouds], Jan Valentine[bitchinbeanie], Marcus Wright [agoodheart], Miranda Lotto [oldclock], Shirayuki Mizore [anice_stalker]
WHAT: Event!
WHERE: Ruins.
WHEN: January 15th - January 16th.

It was late into the night, that much was clear. The stars were incredibly bright(probably from lack of any lights in the area and how dark it was) and the moon hung high in the sky, giving the old eroded structures of walls the only light they would get for hours to come. It was almost an eerie surrounding; the walls that seemed to form a distorted maze around the area stood at eight feet at it’s highest, and hardly a foot high at it’s lowest where time and weather had taken it’s toll.

The most distinct sound was the chirping of insects amongst the rubble and greenery that had grown over the structure. But if anyone listened closely, they could hear the quiet rumble of something in the distance. Every few minutes there was the faint sound of rucks crushing under heavy steps. But with how silent the night was and given the fact that who knew where they where, it was hard to say if it was a threat or not or how far away the creator of the sound even was. If it wasn’t something of their imagination.

What may have startled them all out of their blackouts was the sudden shrieks of birds and the sounds of a flock taking to the sky from the other side of the large structure they had been placed in.

→ Please tag yourselves as you come into the log.
→ Quicklog/Prose tags are both a-okay, even switching back and forth.
→ Posting order is nice, but not nessicary in the hopes of keeping this thread active and finishing it.
→ Any questions? Comment the Event post, or contact Ashley.

jan valentine, miranda lotto, ! main plot, shirayuki mizore, Ω cloud strife, marcus wright

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