This is a healing song, oh and I don't know if you can tell

Jul 09, 2009 04:42

WHO: Raine [wisehealer] and Magda [songinherheart]
WHAT: A clinical check-up and meeting to be done after some beautiful singing.
WHERE: Bardo's.
WHEN: Evening, after this.

Raine made her way to Bardo's, the outside looking quite nice with small patches of greenery growing nearby. She was sure that it probably looked quite quaint during the day, but at night the light bled out onto the street and shadows convulsed on the ground. Taking a little breath, Raine stepped inside and was pleasantly surprised to find it well-lit, for a pub, and with a range of customers. It was a little noisy, although that was only to be expected-- it was late, most likely around the peak time for the entertainment.

Making her way to the bar, Raine felt a little uncomfortable. She had never frequented places like this, but at least it wasn't smarmy or dark. Rather, the tone of the place was warm, and after asking for a simple glass of water, Raine looked around a little more closely for Magda Harris.

The woman said she was a singer, so Raine assumed she would be singing tonight. With a steady job as an entertainer, she probably wasn't the one with the illness described; such a disease sounded as though it would leave whoever had it stiff in bed or weakly walking.

After getting her water, Raine glared at the man who had distastefully eyed the long, wooden staff she carried. As a healer, staves helped immensely with her spells, and she wasn't about to go check up on a patient without the proper tools solely because of inpropriety.  Of course, she had also brought along a bag with a roll of bandages and herbs, but with the years of training under her belt Raine knew the real healing tools were the spells she had spent so much time and toil learning.  It was nicely ironic that the most important tools were the ones easiest to carry and impossible to steal.

Ω oc - magda harris, Ω raine sage

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