(log) It's as close to a girls' night as they'll ever get

Jun 29, 2009 09:25

WHO: Ilena & Teresa
WHAT: Campfire time and monster killing
WHERE: Out of town, in the jungle
WHEN: Backdated a couple of days (sorry for the delay, Ash!)

Ilena had made a fire out of habit more than need. It was a ritual. In these years since that fateful day with Priscilla, that day which had stripped her of her closest rival and the woman she had lived in awe of, staring into the fire had become a hypnotic means to while away the hours. In the time she had spent away from Teresa (more than a little unnerved to see her living, she had to admit to herself, at least) the ritual had continued, and she had no intention of letting it die out, well aware though she was that the trance it bought over her would no doubt call forth more of Teresa's teasing wit. At least it was a means to deal with it.

So, all things considered, she was more than a little irritated that the fire seemed an attraction for beasts of all kinds. A look of distaste, a faint scowl, and the wet splattering of fiends' blood on the ground and the hiss of the fire all came together as her sword rendered another foe in small pieces.

"There is some merit in walls, Teresa," she said evenly to her comrade. "Number Three is not entirely without reason." Fighting beasts did not challenge her, but it was beginning to annoy her.

Ω ilena, Ω teresa of the faint smile

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