It's natural selection... [OPEN/QUICK LOG]

Jun 29, 2009 10:44

WHO: The arrival (& departure?) of Robo!Rex. id est the life-size robotic dinosaur from the Bat-Cave. And of course, our local heroes.
WHAT: Trying to keep Robo!Rex from trampling Rivelata, oh yes. [Quick log!]
WHERE: Outside the city walls, partly in the forest.
WHEN: Back dated to Sunday night.

[First on the scene~ and while this big guy is still only sniffing the flowers, Nightwing ambles up one trunk of a leg, over one hulk of a body and settles himself on one huge mother funking head.

Someone's gotta keep this guy from being drawn towards the city with all it's lights and explosions and people.

Robo!Rex, who is currently not known to be a robot (although Nightwing is beginning to wonder about the texture of this guy's skin) but- WOAH Robo!Rex turns his head sharply, possibly having caught the scent of something or seen something with it's highly advanced motion sensors.

Nightwing lifts his head in the same direction. Now what could they see?]

!quicklog, gabriel "sylar" gray, Ω roy harper, Ω sunako nakahara, Ω nightwing/dick grayson, place - jungle outskirts, galatea, !open

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