ღ I have sinned, covered in your blood / [in-progress]

Jun 20, 2009 19:16

WHO: Euphemia li Britannia (despisescombat) & Alphonse Elric (armored_alchemy). Oh, and a guest appearance by Uryuu Ishida (mercury_sparrow) \o/!
WHAT: Euphie the newcomer gets some much needed help from a rather kind young man.
WHERE: The docks.
WHEN: Not too long after this.

All of them staring, and covered in blood. )

place - docks, ishida uryu, place - eagle's splendour, Ω euphemia li britannia, alphonse elric

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Comments 69

armored_alchemy June 21 2009, 02:35:27 UTC
Al trotted through the streets, headed for the docks. He hadn't been able to ignore the new arrival who needed help, and he didn't think it would be too hard to find her, given that her pictures seemed to indicate she had bright pink hair.

He wasn't sure what she meant by being off-put by her appearance, and he hoped he could make good on his offer to clean her dress - but, assuming all that was wrong was some staining, it would be easy enough to remedy. Alchemy would be able to deconstruct the molecules of whatever was staining the material and lift them right off.

He drew closer to the docks and spotted a figure seated on the very end, with the pink hair he was looking for. From here, her dress didn't look too bad - no real damage Al could see on the red-and-white pattern. With a smile, he moved down the dock toward her, only realizing as he drew closer that the dress was not patterned red and white naturally, and that those dark red stains looked suspiciously like ( ... )


despisescombat June 21 2009, 03:04:48 UTC
Euphemia looked up to see who she'd been waiting for, and she immediately felt guilty for dragging the young man out to see her in the pathetic state she was in. Smiling as best as she could with that little bit of guilt, she stood up so he could see the extent of the damage to her dress. It was rather torn, the front of the white underskirt ripped up to her thighs and barely long enough in the back to cover her shins while the pale purple part of the skirts were nearly non-existent. Combined with the blood, she knew she looked like an awful mess ( ... )


armored_alchemy June 21 2009, 03:27:31 UTC
The smile turned much more natural - he'd been afraid she was injured. But she was not, she'd said, and anything other than that was not really his business. She needed help, and he could do that. Well...to an extent.

He hadn't quite been expecting that much damage to the dress.

He approached her and crouched, reaching out to place one of his hands over hers gently, and with a smile.

"You have nothing to worry about, Miss Euphie. I'm glad to hear you're uninjured, and if you'd like, I can do something about cleaning your dress off for you."


lol, sorry, I'm used to replying to logs like that, fff. despisescombat June 21 2009, 03:52:09 UTC
Watching him come forward, Euphemia's own smile turned more natural as well -- he wasn't leaving, he didn't look disgusted, and best of all, he seemed to not even care about it. That was probably the best thing she could've asked for at that moment.

She tilted her head a bit as she smiled, pleased that he even came near her, and put more at ease about the whole situation thanks to his hand on hers. Though why he felt the need to crouch down, she wasn't sure of, but she wouldn't question it, either. She'd been told that some people had special powers, and maybe he was one of them.

"I'd appreciate it. Thank you, Alphonse. You're a very kind young man, and you even remind me of someone I know."

Ah, yes. One Kururugi Suzaku, the one she had chosen to be her knight, despite her sister Cornelia's protests about a Japanese boy -- yet an honorary Britannian -- being the one she chose. That was someone else she wanted to ask about, but before she did, she would let Alphonse do whatever it was he needed to do first.


No worries, bb. armored_alchemy June 21 2009, 04:27:32 UTC
He smiled, leaning down and running one hand through the cool water.

"It's nothing, Miss Euphie," he said softly, then looked up at her. "Unfortunately, I can't do much about fixing your dress, not without extra material. But, if you don't mind getting wet for a moment, I can take those stains off your dress."

With a little water, it would be easier to work the stains free, and it would be easy enough to flash-steam the material dry.

He glanced up at her again, reaching into the pocket of his red coat and pulling his gloves free. She was really quite pretty - almost stunningly so, and Al couldn't imagine how beautiful she might be once she got into some proper, clean clothing.


despisescombat June 21 2009, 05:10:53 UTC
She nodded, a gentle smile still on her lips as she watched him dip his hand into the water. "Do whatever you need to."

It wasn't as if it was that big of a deal, to be honest -- it was just a dress. But if she were to end up walking around the island, that might cause unrest with the people, seeing her covered in blood like that. Lifting a hand to her chest, she could feel the nearly-dried blood splatter on her skin, and she grimaced a little, rubbing at it to get it off. There was always the method of ripping off a small piece of her skirt that wasn't stained to get it wet so she could get the blood off of her skin, but that'd just make more of the dress that had to be replaced, and she didn't want to have to bother such a sweet young man with more of her problems.

"How hard would it be to find material to fix it with around here?"

And Euphemia couldn't help but add comparisons to Suzaku and Alphonse in her mind. It wasn't as if she was trying to replace Suzaku, but it would be nice to have someone to count on that was like him, ( ... )


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