Hey Diddle, Diddle. [OPEN.]

Jun 13, 2009 21:08

Who: Hatsuharu (its_an_oxymoron) and those who are looking for him.
What: Haru has gotten a weeny bit drunk, and the weakness this has caused has turned him into a cow. He has wandered off.
When: During water->alcohol event.
Where: Everywhere.

As if his sense of direction wasn't bad enough when he was human, now he was a cow. And a drunk one at that. Stumbling, Hatsuharu left his journal behind, ignoring the voices of those who called through it, and headed off into the streets of Rivelata, with vague cowish ideas of finding grass.

Surely that would settle his stomach.

Thos who saw him got out of his way quickly, because he was rather large and stumbling and weaving about to boot. He didn't mind - he didn't even acknowledge them. What was surprising was that no one tried to stop him as he lumbered along, hooves clacking on the cobbles and ears flicking.

Ω robin/tim drake, Ω hatsuharu sohma, event, kisa sohma

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