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treespiritmiko February 14 2009, 09:57:09 UTC
Ayako had been glancing out the window every few minutes, wondering if Gokudera would actually show up. She saw him approaching, told Dr. Romero that she'd be busy for a little while, and ran out to the front desk to meet him.

After he and the other man had written about seeing spirits, Ayako had spent some time worrying. The island was abundant in trees, certainly, some of them reaching her requirements to exorcise, but it was rather difficult to find a purified location on this island. And with the way the island seemed to limit power, she did not know how well her counterspells would work, if they did at all. Still, she had done what she could, preparing some charms, for herself as well as for Gokudera and the other man.

She slowed her pace as she got to the front desk. She had her coat and purse with her, should he prefer to talk somewhere more comfortable than the Clinic.

"Gokudera-san?" she said, adopting her professional tone of voice, "I'm Ayako Matsuzaki. Very pleased to meet you."


sorry for the delay D8 happy valentine's day! 10thcomplex February 14 2009, 23:35:32 UTC
Turning around to face her, Gokudera’s face broke apart into a friendly smile and he walked towards her, hands pulled politely out of his pockets. “The pleasure’s all mine,” he replied, thrusting a hand forward to shake hers. Pleasure ha, it was a honour. From what he had seen she looked just as professional as he had hoped, almost more convincing than those overenthusiastic old aunts they had hosting exorcism shows on television. No, Matsuzaki-san was a pro, one could see that. A pro that worked in an office, an association actually dealing with the occult; his head was spinning.

Even if she most probably didn’t hail from the same world as he did, the mere prospect that something as mysterious and intriguing as an occult agency with professional workers filling their offices actually existed somewhere was enough to raise Gokudera’s spirits. Way, way cool.

“Thanks again for taking time out of your schedule for seeing me, Matsuzaki-san,” he said. “It really is a privilege.”


No problem, I've been busy too. Happy Valentine's Day. treespiritmiko February 16 2009, 23:00:10 UTC
Well, he seemed fairly agreeable so far, at least. That was a plus. She didn't like having to deal with ungrateful jerks.

"Would you like to discuss this privately? There are some empty rooms that we could use."


10thcomplex February 17 2009, 20:15:22 UTC
“Uhm sure,” he replied, replacing his hands at his sides and hooking his thumbs into the belt straps of his jeans. “Whatever is most comfortable with you.”


treespiritmiko February 18 2009, 08:29:37 UTC
"Alright, then," she said, "It's this way."

She led him to an empty room with a couple chairs. She sat down and pulled out the protective charms she had made.

"I made these. There's supposed to be a limit on powers on this island, so I don't know how effective they'll be, but if it'll make you feel better, you can hang them on the walls of your room."


10thcomplex February 18 2009, 22:27:08 UTC
Following Matsuzaki down the corridor to an empty room, Gokudera then sat down opposite her, eyes shining as she pulled out the charms and handed them over to him. He examined them from his outstretched palms. He knew all about these, of course. Spirit-charms; hung up at all four corners of your bedroom they were deemed to create a protective spiritual wall around you that warded off evil spirits and kept you safe from harm. He had seen them on TV several times and had once even contemplated buying some himself but until now he had never been in direct need of them. The timing for acquiring a set was perfect ( ... )


treespiritmiko February 19 2009, 17:48:13 UTC
The question took Ayako by surprise. She had never charged for making charms. SPR was the one who hired her for cases, and therefore the one to pay her expenses. Back home in Japan, she wouldn't have needed to charge for them, being a doctor meant that her financial situation was quite secure, but this was Rivelata. Even though she didn't pay rent to the other members of her housefold, she and Dr. Romero had a Clinic to run, without major backing from sponsors.

She thought back to what she'd read about the monetary system in Rivelata. She did the math quickly, and thought carefully about what a fair price would be.

"Why don't we say one silver lady, and that will also cover the cost of teaching you the counterspell?" she said smiling.


10thcomplex February 21 2009, 12:00:11 UTC
“Wonderful!” Relieved that the matter had been settled, Gokudera fished a handful of copper-and-silver pieces out of his pocket and handed a Lady over to Matsuzaki. He was paid well at Bar Hades and therefore - even after buying supplies for his dynamite and secretly slipping some coins to Haru for food items now and again - he had gathered a rather good amount of spending money by now. The Lady would go away to a worthy cause.

“So … uhm,” he said, slipping the rest of the coins back into his pocket. “I suppose different exorcists use different counter-spells or …?” he wasn’t sure just how much his previous knowledge on chants and anti-spirit spells would help him in his teaching but he was willing to show her everything he knew if possible.


treespiritmiko February 21 2009, 23:07:53 UTC
"Well, that would depend on the type of exorcist," she said, "I'm a miko, so the prayers and such that I use during an exorcism are Shinto. But I've also worked with a Buddhist monk, and a Catholic exorcist. And of course, pschic mediums don't usually use counterspells."

Thinking about that made her wonder how the others were doing back home. The situation had been a dangerous one, and she hoped they were okay.


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