The Catalyst

Jan 11, 2009 13:05

WHAT: Reactions from Brad Crawford, Alice Cullen, Ichihara Yuuko, Kasandra Jill Warlock, Meiou Setsuna, Hino Rei, C.C., and Renya Balquis (Pirate NPC)
WHEN: Morning of Day 290 / Sunday January 11th 2009

It looks like you're staring at Rivelata from above, looking up - the city is upside down. Dancing along the tops of the buildings was a wisp of energy that vaguely resembled a human in stick-figure form. As the vision became clearer, the shape came into focus: a miniature man, seemingly made out of blue lightning.

Then the buildings started to move, alighting into the air and trying to reform themselves. They broke apart, stones crashing into one another, until finally a new form was made: a great cat with symbols raised up all over the body, stark white against the grey rock. Covering half of his face was a mask that made it a little clearer what the white substance was - probably bone. But why use a softer substance like bone do cover impenetrable stone skin?

Red eyes glowed behind the grey and white of its face as the being roared dryly. The world spun until everything was right-side-up even as it trembled from the roar. The cat bounded after the little blue man, all of the stone making such a racket as it collided, grinding with each movement the cat made.

The little blue man still danced on the air, though, and the stone cat could not reach him. Pulses of lightning even bigger than the tiny figure launched out at his pursuer, but it only glanced off the hard skin with a few sparks for all that effort. Again and again the small figure tried to fend off the stone-and-bone menace, but to no avail.

And still the cat cried out, but there was no emotion in the cries, so why was the cat chasing the man? To kill, as all predators do? To catch, as a toy? To attack, as it was commanded to? Or perhaps for some other reason?

A hawk had been circling high this entire time, watching it all. Swooping down across the vision between the blue man and the stone cat - but not stopping their fight - suddenly the bone started to peel away. Another layer could be seen underneath - turquoise feathers and golden ornamentation.

The black hawk descended again, just as the blue man's lightning came out once more. It crackled against the hawk but did not harm him, instead of washing over it to strike at the stone beast once more.

This time, cracks emerged in the skin-armour. And underneath it all was muscle and blood, red as any newborn.

[[OOC: Please add your own tags for places and characters; any Prescient characters may bring in (i.e. invite) other characters into the log to interact with, or go straight to the journals with this information, or keep it to themselves, whatever - your choice.]]

Ω c.c., event - edensphere crossover, ! main plot, kasandra jill warlock, event - vertigo visions, yuuko ichihara

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