I'm so tired of / I've had enough / If there's one thing I've learned... [SEMI-OPEN, IN PROGRESS]

Jan 11, 2009 00:26

WHO: Jack (bigbibadass) and Jenny (loverunning) and anyone from the Doctor's house who wishes to walk in
WHAT: Talking about the joys and sorrows of having siblings over coffee
WHERE: The Doctor's house
WHEN: Uh... today?

Jack was in the kitchen, talking to various other people on his journal. And hitting on a few of them. Then one of them had sent his younger brother to talk to Jack. And the kid reminded him so damn much of Grey. It wasn't funny. Though it had gotten Edward off the hook for a good long while. At least from Jack hitting on him, at any rate. For a good deal of time, as it happened.

Now Jack was crying on the counter, the two cups of coffee directly under his face, so that a few tears fell into them when he screwed his eyes shut. No. Grey was gone. He'd accepted that. Grey was dead. Dead and gone. He hadn't felt this bad about Grey in years.

Then again he hadn't met anyone's younger brother who was that kind in years. So that was probably why this was happening now. But as objectively as he tried to look at the situation... he still suddenly felt extremely deep sorrow at the loss of Grey. Even however many years later, it still hurt that he was gone. Well, that was only natural for any human, even an immortal one, right?

Regardless of how he felt, Jack had coffee to deliver. So he put the cups on a tray, pocketed his journal, and walked into the room where Jenny was, his face directed down so as to try and hide the fact that he was still crying slightly.

Ω jenny, Ω the doctor, Ω captain jack harkness

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