[OPEN TO ALL] just follow me now;

Dec 29, 2008 01:34

WHO: Maka Albarn, Patti Thompson, Soul Eater. Open to whoever the hell saw Maka's Post and wants to come.
WHAT: Ice Skating!
WHERE: The jungle's skeleton field.
WHEN: Today, evening.

With the recent snow, and the cold that didn't seem like it wanted to go away anytime soon, it shouldn't have been a surprise when Maka found the frozen pond in the jungle. Honestly, she'd only been looking for Black Star. But when that failed, she wound up slipping down a snowy hill(which would have been ideal for tobogganing, really) and across a snow-covered patch of ice. If the snow was just cleared off, it would be good for skating around. Sure, they didn't have any skates -- but it could work.

Which was why she planned to drag the rest of her house out to see it. Maybe let the journals know so other people could take advantage of it.

It wasn't long before she succeeded in dragging Soul out. Patti came along willingly, of course. Which was easy. Donning a heavy sweater under her black jacket, she pulled Soul along the jungle's path. It was easy to find; with her footsteps leading back to the frozen over pond that was just beyond the hill.

With her hand wrapped tight around Soul's wrist, she hurried up the hill to reach the other side where the pond was.

Ω maka albarn, Ω nala, Ω soul eater evans, Ω chrona, place - jungle

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