I lie here paraletic inside this soul [Vertigo Visions Week 5]

Dec 23, 2008 07:37

WHO: ANYONE! -- Add your own entry tags!
WHAT: Vertigo Visions Responses
WHERE: Specific Threads identify your location
WHEN: Night of Day 270 (Monday 12/22) and Day 271 (12/23) through the night of Day 277 (Monday 12/29)

I lie here lifeless in this cocoon / Shedding my skin cause I’m ready to ---- Reply here with vision responses as your character sees the Mysterious Haze. )

Ω cloud strife, place - market district, tamaki suou, Ω schuldig, kasandra jill warlock, ! main plot, Ω roxas, event - vertigo visions, Ω yagami light, !open, Ω riful

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Re: 2/3 iknowwhatyoudo December 25 2008, 12:17:19 UTC
There she stood, next to the Queen in the throne room. It was the first time she'd been required to advise the Queen in any kind of formal matter befitting her office in a few years.

That was before the chaos that had ended in a blood-bath instead of a beautiful ball, as the Queen had desired. And two of the culprits now lay near her, unconscious and helpless. Or so Dr. House claimed, and the Chancellor - while a way person by nature - had been able to trust him up to this point.

And thus she allowed him to ask the Queen his questions, despite his usual debonair attitude when it came to the Queen. It slightly ruffled the Chancellor that the man was so polite to Her Majesty while so very crass to anyone else over the journals.

The first: "Who is the king?"

We knew that would be asked...

"The King is my dearest adviser in the whole world, Dr. House... So when he needs something from me in return-"

"Your Majesty," the Chancellor interrupted, "That is not necessary as part of the question."

"But Chancellor, I promised..."

"To answer his question, yes, but Your Majesty has also granted him three questions for this great prize."

I know you favor the man, Your Majesty, but to know just how subordinate you are to Zikhadhara-

"He is also our God."

Oh no... The Chancellor closed her eyes and sighed, giving up at that point.

Dr. House nodded, seemingly not quite as phased by that question as perhaps he should have been. Neither Farfarello or Schuldig had yet stirred, however, so the Chancellor did not speak against him.

The second question: "How did those people in the jungle die?"

The Queen appeared slightly confused so she looked to the Chancellor, who nodded and spoke up: "I believe he means the old battleground, Your Majesty."

The Doctor's interest seemed piqued by that, but the Chancellor paid it no mind anymore. She knew how to deal with the situation, and so fingered the short staff in her voluminous sleeve. In her mind's eye, she remembered the symbol carved into the red crystal atop it. The only decent gift he ever gave the Queen's court in 100 years... ridiculous.

"That was where General De Viers' father died. About 85 years ago, one of my staunchest supporters, a man called De Viers, staged a revolt against our God... he did it in my name. It happened just west of the city and it was an utter failure, ending in his death and that of nearly every other warrior on the island at the time. Carrying on his memory and legacy is who you now know as General De Viers and the head of the Rivelata Military, one of my most loyal men at arms."

That answer seemed to give Dr. House pause, but he seemed aware of the Chancellor's irritation by that point, so the third question came soon: "You've promised to send people home as reward for capture of Cross and Batman--how would you do that, exactly?"

Immaculada appeared saddened by that thought and the Chancellor fixed the 'captives' with a glare. Never mind that they were bound, gagged, unconscious (or so she thought), and immoral killers... she was becoming more and more distrusting of House with each second, based on the questions he asked and the ever-present ringing in her ear.

"I cannot do that, unfortunately... it was promised as an exchange. God told me to inform everyone that if they brought Cross Marian and Batman to him... he would send them home." Despite being blind, the Queen still had a few mannerisms from her sighted days, and one of them was gripping her hands tightly in her lap.

"I believe that is all, Dr. House," the Chancellor said immediately.

She wanted to be the one to escort him out, because she knew she needed to be the one to subject him to her staff's power.

Nearly out of earshot, the Vision started to get blurry as the distance between Schuldig and the Chancellor increased, but the telepath caught one word amidst it all:


3/3 iknowwhatyoudo December 25 2008, 12:19:09 UTC
He'd been trying to be careful, but it was like being in Crawford's head when the vision stuck. A telepath couldn't experience a prescient's visions. The wiring of the brain was just too different. This wasn't a prescient's vision however, this was something else. Like seeing the past. But it had the same impact as Crawford's. It was a lot like a hammer striking a glass. Pieces of his mind splintered and crumbled underneath.

He dropped the mug of hot wine and shrieked mentally in fear and pain and collapsed into his own mind, not so much lost inside of himself, but having lost his sense of self completely.


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