WHO: ANYONE! -- Add your own entry tags!
WHAT: Vertigo Visions Responses
WHERE: Specific Threads identify your location
WHEN: Night of Day 270 (Monday 12/22) and Day 271 (12/23) through the night of Day 277 (Monday 12/29)
[[OOC Note: Blind characters see this in their dreams on Monday night.]]
As cold as it had been getting the pas week with the wind-chill factor, it was finally getting cold enough that the snow was sticking on the ground and the slush was freezing into ice, so while there were invisible slick patches all through the city, the biggest area was the Skeleton Field turning into something like a frozen-over lake low in the valley.
This time, as the shape in the sky danced with color and various levels of white light, it was almost too bright, so shielding your eyes became absolutely important. Drawing your arms up, however, turned out to be more confining as your arms appeared almost stuck up around you. No, you were inside a warm container... the light in the sky was barely perceptible now from within, the membrane of the cocoon holding in the goo that cradled your now-naked form like a newborn.
Stretching to get out, the sense of Vertigo came to you. At the end, however, you were still not returned to Rivelata. Instead, pushing out of the cocoon seemed to be the only option. As you press against the walls of it,
flashes before your eyes seem to give you an intuition of what to do.
It's freezing cold, falling naked into fresh-fallen snow, but thankfully there are
people to guide you. Confused, the world dissolves away until Rivelata returns, the visions of a second birth haunting your dreams.
[[Note: Yes of course characters not receiving their visions during Week 5 can still participate in this log, they must simply react differently to the more expanded text - that is, when they look at the haze, they do not look too long/too hard and the light is not very intense.
Also yes the temperature has dropped just below 32 degrees Farenheit / 0 degrees celsius. I'm sorry this one was short! ;~; ]]