I lie here paraletic inside this soul [Vertigo Visions Week 5]

Dec 23, 2008 07:37

WHO: ANYONE! -- Add your own entry tags!
WHAT: Vertigo Visions Responses
WHERE: Specific Threads identify your location
WHEN: Night of Day 270 (Monday 12/22) and Day 271 (12/23) through the night of Day 277 (Monday 12/29)

I lie here lifeless in this cocoon / Shedding my skin cause I’m ready to ---- Reply here with vision responses as your character sees the Mysterious Haze. )

Ω cloud strife, place - market district, tamaki suou, Ω schuldig, kasandra jill warlock, ! main plot, Ω roxas, event - vertigo visions, Ω yagami light, !open, Ω riful

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Day 272 totaldrama_king December 24 2008, 07:02:06 UTC
Tamaki was walking back to the house with bags filled in his hands. He had met so many new friends in here, which meant that he had so many friends to buy presents for Christmas. He could just imagine their smiling faces when they all saw what he had gotten them. It all seemed so exciting!

As he walked, he noticed odd colors floating above him and glanced up. Suddenly, the light became very bright and Tamaki forced his eyes closed and looked down.


He felt as if he could not move. Tamaki was trapped in a warm and comfortable place and he really did not feel like trying to escape. Sure, this place wasn't real and it was probably a hallucination but it was comfortable place. He did not mind that he was constrained or that he was naked. All he could think about was how calm everything was. The last time he felt like this was before he left his mother in France to go to Japan.

Slowly, his eased his eyes open. No matter how nice the place was, he knew this was not where he wanted to be. He fought his arms away from him to escape. Then, the scenery changed again.


"Mei!" Tamaki called out to a girl with a lot of make up on her face. He skin was also abnormally tan but he seemed familiar with her.

"Ah! Tamaki!" She shouted.

"I am sorry for inturrupting your meal. Where is Haruhi?" Tamaki was smoothly dressed in black slacks and a black shirt with a white suit jacket over it and a scarf to add style.

Mei appeared nervous. "Oh. If it's about Haruhi, then she's-"

"Tono!" Tamaki heard from behind him. Before he could turn his head, Hikaru grabbed his hand and dragged him with him. "Come along! Quickly!"

"Hikaru?!" Tamaki yelled, trying to figure out what he was doing. Hikaru led them into a room and shut the door. "Wha? Hikaru!" Tamaki glared at Hikaru, who now had black hair.

"Tono, I got turned down by Haruhi." He told Tamaki, whose eyes had grown wide. He had known of his liking for Haruhi but never thought that it was in such a way... "But... I am not giving up!" He exclaimed to Tamaki. His eyes help looks of determination. For some reason, Tamaki's expression grew softer.

"I'm sorry that I made Tono hold back on a lot of things. I even broke the atmosphere in the Host Club. If I have made Tono worry, I am sorry." He continued. "But we don't have a relationship so weak that it can be broken but such a trivial matter, right?! Face yourself, me, everyone else and Haruhi with how you really feel! Open your eyes for once and look at us!" Hikaru shouted to him.


Once again, Tamaki was enveloped in the warm container. He seemed to have gotten somewhere and finally escaped from it. He shivered as he lay in fetal position, naked in the snow. Shaking, he brought his head up to see blurry figures standing above him.

He tried to push himself up as his vision became clearer. Tamaki noticed his sleeve and arm and grew curious as to what he had seen. The previous two visions had not included the container part. What was that? He had many questions as to what he had just seen but it would take time to realize everything he had seen.


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