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Junkhouse , Night 249 part 1 book_of_mirage December 3 2008, 02:48:47 UTC
Zexion was following Axel. He had his suspicions. Axel had been acting... strangely, lately, telling him to stop the business with the Resonance Crystals. Part of him did think Axel might be right, but the rest was too prideful to admit any such thing.

He wrapped himself in invisibility and tracked Axel's distinctive scent (woodsmoke, oiled brass, and brimstone) across the city, finally coming to Junkhouse. He arrived long after Sho and Axel had been inside talking, and while he knew they were inside, he was reluctant to walk into the building with so many people there. Invisible though he was, he didn't want to risk attention bumping into anyone, and while he COULD appear to be someone else... no, better to wait until Riku got here. He didn't smell the boy anywhere NEAR here, so he had plenty of time.

Waiting outside, he sighed, breathing in the evening air. Thankfully it would be a few hours before the moon rose, so he had time to enjoy his human form for a little longer. His hair, unfortunately, still consisted of soft feathers during the day, but that was better than being fully avian.

Looking at the sky, he squinted then. The haze seemed... different. Its form had changed, somehow, but how, and then he was falling, his invisibility flickering and fading as he fell to the earth...


That is the first thing he felt.

Was it over? God, was it over? No, it couldn't be over, it wasn't over. He knew this and he was afraid, and he also knew that they wanted him to be afraid.

Before he'd defied them. But day after day of too little food, no sleep, and then...

And then Ienzo walked in.

As always, the first thing the young man did was place his glasses on the small table beside him the dreamer remembered this gesture well, then smooth out his labcoat and settle into the chair. Of course, without his glasses he squinted slightly, and so once he'd re-adjusted his coat, he put the glasses back on, brushing the hair out of his face.

The man behind the humming force wall leaned against the cold stone wall of his cell, his sunken eyes still alive with hate.

Ienzo took out a notebook and gave a wan smile. "And how do you feel?"


Junkhouse , Night 249 part 2 book_of_mirage December 3 2008, 02:51:20 UTC
The man only responded with a snarl.


From the shadows emerged a much taller man with blond hair, holding a curious device of crystal and wire. It made a distinctive clicking sound, like a giger counter. Ienzo nodded, then turned back to his subject.

The man in the cage glared, pushing off the wall and falling to the floor, only to lie there, his unwashed hair falling across his face. He watched his tormentor loom before him as the scientist approached the force field, and inside his head Zexion screamed, for he was seeing this from the poor, condemned soul's perspective and he knew what was coming...

"You gave him the injection, yes?" asked his tormentor, as if the man behind the field wasn't there. The tall blond (Even) nodded.

"Good..." Ienzo turned his attention back to the man. "You won't escape this place. There is no one outside to care for you. We checked your family records carefully - your wife and daughter were informed that you died in a tram accident-"

He threw himself at the force field, the impact bruising his shoulder as he screamed. The shield crackled and hummed, ripples spreading from the point of impact, but it would not break. Ienzo didn't even flinch.

"And there was a problem with your life insurance, I'm afraid. That, combined with your pitiful income to begin with, well... it's only a matter of time before the eviction notice comes, and then..."

Again, he picked himself up off the floor, adrenaline fueling his starved muscles as he threw himself at the field again and again, hurling himself until he could not stand, then beating his fists against the wall, screaming and crying and shouting no, no, you monster, you shadow walker, and Zexion felt all his rage, all his despair and anger, every moment

"Not that you were a particularly good husband or father to begin with. They would have been on the streets without our intervention. Really, we're doing your family a favor..."
"Work. Faster," snapped Even. The counter was clicking much more loudly now, and Ienzo shot the man a withering glare.

"It's no matter. Perhaps you're more competent than I've given you credit for. After all, we've had so few female subjects and it's so much easier to snatch the downtrodden, the destitute..."


Junkhouse , Night 249 part 3 book_of_mirage December 3 2008, 02:54:04 UTC
He had his hand on he force field, one arm clutching his abdomen as he glared at Ienzo, his chest heaving, his hands bleeding now from pounding on the immovable field. Ienzo flexed his fingers, laying his hand parallel to the man's, leaning his own forehead against the other, a dark mirror.

"Say it," Ienzo whispered. "Say it."

"I hate you," he hissed. His heart burned with the emotion, and he wanted nothing more than to hurt this man, to tear him apart for all the evils done; and then to move onto the others, to end this.

And then...

give in. sink. Open your heart...

"I. hate. you," he said again, and then shuddered. His whole body hurt, but especially his chest. Yet somehow, he didn't care, he hated and he hated and hated and burned and let it end because there was nothing left but his hate and then there was pain as he fell backwards and then there was something inside him and he screamed as his head tilted back and then it was crawling out of him, a black thing all claws and anger, his hate made flesh, or was he the monster now casting off that inconsequential shell, his antennae twitching as he sensed the sweet, delicious darkness inside Ienzo's heart, festering and growing even darker than what he'd been born of...

Zexion lay still locked in the vision, growling under his breath as his fingers flexed, clawing at the earth, his eyes rolled back in his head. Anyone who came too close to him would start to see flickers of his vision, of the dark dungeon, smell the cold air - just the faintest impressions, but there nonetheless.


fuego_bailando December 3 2008, 02:58:57 UTC
Axel blundered into the night air, so distracted by what he had just seen, what he had felt, that he wasn't aware that Zexion was having a fit in the middle of the street until the toe of his boot connected with the other Nobody's side.

Axel did not want to talk to Zexion right now, so he stepped over him.


book_of_mirage December 3 2008, 03:03:39 UTC
"I will NOT let you hurt my family!" he snarled, "I'll KILL YOU ALL!"

He grabbed Axel's ankle (and LIGHT his hands were cold and almost clawlike, like ice), trying to trip the other man. In another movement he was leaping into the air, trying to pounce on Axel, his movements almost identical to a Neoshadow's.


fuego_bailando December 3 2008, 03:06:57 UTC
Any other day, and Axel would have brushed this off as Rivelatan weirdness.

Today was not any other day. "Let go of me!" he cried, voice high and cracking with panic and fear. He violently tried to jerk his leg away, and ended up sprawled on the ground, rolling out of the way of Zexion's attack.

Something was definitely wrong with Zexion, but in all honesty, Axel was too wrapped up in his own mental instability to worry about Zexion.


book_of_mirage December 3 2008, 03:14:10 UTC
Scuttling away, Zexion crouched, then almost pounced again. Halfway through springing upwards, however, he had the strangest sensation of falling, and then an impact.

He screamed, then doubled over, clutching his chest and shaking. He was like that for several long moments, staring at Axel with wide, terrified eyes (but eyes that were now open and clearly his own again).

He closed his eyes and took two deep breaths. It wasn't there anymore. That horrible driving heart wasn't there, wasn't pounding against his ribcage and trying to break free (oh Light, a second time having to go through THAT? even in memory?)

Yet he was still shaking for some reason. The man's utter, utter hate for Ienzo had flowed through him - hate for himself. He had been hating himself, loathing himself. He had... oh Light, what had he done?

"What am I? What have I done?" he whispered to himself. He stood up then, unsteadily, shakily, staring at his hands... and then turned tail and ran.


fuego_bailando December 3 2008, 03:16:17 UTC
Axel watched him run. "If only I knew..." he said quietly, before heading home himself.


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