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Inside their new house. Night of the day 250 gn_002 December 3 2008, 00:47:18 UTC
Lockon showed Tieria their new house. After a long month of work and savings, they could finally move out of Grell's place. He'll have to thank the man properly.

He knew how much Tieria liked big spaces and a view to the outside, that's one of the reasons why he chose this house in particular..
He smiled as Tieria clearly approved of the choice and placement of things.
The night was calm and the pale light of the moon drew Lockon's eyes outside, to the sky, to--

"What's that?" Is that the mysterious haze everyone has been talking about, the one that--
Suddenly, he was no longer with Tieria- or was he? He saw faces, colors and movement.


It was a beautiful, early autumn morning the day my husband and I decided to take the children out to the mall. It was a weekend the whole family could spend together, talk, have fun and just enjoy each other's company.
We decided to walk to the mall. Amy, my youngest and only daughter, wanted ice-cream, while my boys, my twins, Lyle and Neil, wanted to visit the Dosney shop. They probably wanted to see if the newest toy had come out, I know it.
We arrived and the boys immediately ran to the shop. The mall was full of people that day, worried, I called after them “Stay together, at least!” My husband placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

“Let them be, they're boys, after all. They know where we'll be.”

I sighed and relented. “You're right. It's just that they're growing too fast for me to keep up.” I felt a tug at my side and met Amy's pleading eyes. “Mama, I want ice-cream.” She pleaded in that voice that made her father bend in any way she wanted. Sometimes it worked on me, too.

“Alright darling.” my husband answered for me and took her and my hand, leading both of his ladies, to the nearest ice-cream stand.

We sat on a bench near where Neil was- where had Lyle taken off to, anyway?- and once he spotted us, he approached.

“Neil, where's your brother?” my husband voiced my concerns. “Uh-oh, you're in trouble.” Amy teased in a sing-sang tone. Neil only made a face at her.
“Ah, he went to the other gaming shop, the one we went to didn't have what we were looking for. I told him to stay by my side, but he didn't listen!” He crossed his arms.

That's how Neil was, and I couldn't help but smile. It got into his head that he was the 'older' twin, even though the difference between his birth and Lyle's was insignificant. He had taken the role of big brother too seriously and would conduct his siblings around, calling their attention when something was wrong, herding them when we were in crowded places and such.

“Easy, there kiddo!” My husband chortled and patted Neil's head. “I'm not holding you responsible for it, but it'll be great if you went looking for him.” Neil fixed his hair and smirked, nodding diligently.

“I'll bring him back!” With that, my little, big boy took off.

“He takes things too seriously.” I laughed. My husband sighed “He's the big brother, alright.”

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a child holding something securely in his arms, his breath was slightly labored and he had a big backpack strapped to his back. I felt slightly uneasy, specially when someone approached him and he began acting crazy.

Then, there was blinding light.


He wanted to scream, but he was too bewildered to even move, let alone make a sound. Wait- did he really cry out? Or was that the still-reverberating sound of an explosion ringing in his ears?
Why had that come back to haunt him?
He slapped a trembling hand to his mouth, a nauseating feeling overcame him and he had to muster all of his strength to calm down. His breath came in harsh and quick, as if he had been running all that time. He walked back to a wall, nearly tripping on his feet. His back did hit the wall, but he held onto it.

'It was only a memory... it had been too many years ago. Calm down, calm down. Gather yourself, damn it!' He thought to himself.

It had been too vivid. The old wound of his past once more bleeding.


-- gn_002 December 4 2008, 19:33:54 UTC

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