Shadows and Regrets [Closed, In Progress]

Dec 01, 2008 21:52

WHO: Lelouch Lamperouge, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, and Black Star
WHAT: A first meeting, and an explanation of times long past
WHERE: Moonflower Teas
WHEN: Evening, Day 250

Lelouch strode swiftly through the warm night air, expression grim and troubled. Cooper. A loose end. He didn't like loose ends. He didn't like unknown factors, especially when they developed capabilities they had never shown before. Admittedly, he probably could gather his allies and confront Cooper and defeat him. But that would be a gamble, and an unnecessary one. Cooper had never gone out of his way to attack Lelouch's own, and, until he did, Lelouch would gather information. After all, powers don't appear from nowhere. Some outside factor had done this-- which might mean allies, allies which he can't risk all of his current forces against.

Nevertheless, he could not allow Tsubaki or any of the others come to harm. They were part of his, now, and Lelouch protected his own-- he had lost too much to this place to allow her or anyone else to be snatched from him so easily. Why, precisely, he found this girl so particularly intriguing escaped him, though his witch continued to tease him for it. Nevertheless, given her own rather impressive abilities, there was nothing illogical, nothing irrational about it. It wasn't as if he was intrigued by a completely normal, average girl. So why was the witch so particularly interested herself in this one?

Well, it was, in the end, immaterial to the goals he had to accomplish tonight. Arriving at Moonflower Teas approximately 15 minutes before the appointed meeting time. Having changed into work into dark, elegant, but practical clothing, the former Britannian seated himself in a corner, visible from the entrance, but at the same time, private, ordering his tea as the server came around, flipping through his journal to mark the proper pages. All there was left to do now was wait.

place - moonflower teas, Ω tsubaki nakatsukasa, Ω lelouch lamperouge, Ω black star

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