Now when I think about tomorrow, I can feel possibilities [OPEN]

Nov 24, 2008 22:06

WHO: Yuuko Ichihara (whatisyourwish), Mokona Modoki (white_manju_bun), her employees, and the customers.
WHAT: The grand opening of the White Bun Cafe!
WHERE: The White Bun Cafe!
WHEN: Day 242

I can try any crazy schemes that excites me )

Ω konishi mitsuki, Ω riku, yuuko ichihara, Ω lex, Ω kobato, Ω kairi, Ω mokona modoki, kasandra jill warlock, lockon stratos, place - white bun cafe, Ω tieria erde, !open, Ω the medicine seller

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Time: JUST AFTER OPENING whatisyourwish November 25 2008, 07:35:17 UTC
shadow_tigris November 25 2008, 16:28:50 UTC
Konishi made her way to the White Bun Cafe, having heard information slipping through everyone's mouths and her journal about the grand opening event. With Mr. Kariya gone from her workplace, it would be beneficial to scout out rival and ally businesses and research what tactics they employed in order to succeed. She made sure to reach the White Bun Cafe just after opening in order to test how well the employees of the Cafe worked together and their attitude at the beginning of the day compared to their attitude at closing times, and had brought enough pewter knights to last her well throughout the day.

Finally making her way inside, Konishi looked around, ready to be attended to.


heartsdestiny November 25 2008, 17:57:54 UTC
Kairi grabbed a menu and tried not to skip over to her first customer. She put on her brightest smile and clung to the menu as she spoke. "Welcome to the White Bun Cafe. This way, please!" Kairi waited until Konishi was seated before speaking further.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Kairi flashed another smile as she handed Konishi the menu. If it was something simple to remember, she wouldn't need the pad and pen she tucked into the pocket of her apron.


shadow_tigris November 26 2008, 22:49:11 UTC
Konishi felt her lips curl upward a little as she stared at Kairi, the stitches of her uniform giving the name away. The girl was so eager, it reminded Konishi a little of Yashiro back when she was just starting out, always burning to do better. Their hair was even the same color.

At Kairi's question, Konishi's slight smile turned into a slight smirk. While she only wanted water, really, unless they could really offer her something better, her foremost priority was to gather data. And it wouldn't hurt Kairi to learn how to think fast on a job, either-- or maybe she already could?

"What drinks do you serve? Are there any specialty drinks you offer? What would you recommend as a drink at this moment in the day? And," Konishi paused, thinking ahead. It would be enjoyable to stay at a cafe that offered high-quality drink... "Do you offer wine?"


heartsdestiny November 26 2008, 23:46:07 UTC
Kairi had studied the important parts of the menu and looked at the desserts, so she knew the basics of what the cafe served without looking.

"I'd recommend the tea and cake set. We have several kinds of tea, and a light yellow chiffon cake." Kairi opened the menu she was holding to the page listing the different kinds of tea. "We also offer specialty coffee drinks and espresso. If you're in the mood for something sweet, I'd recommend the white mocha, which can be served hot or over ice."

Kairi leaned over and pulled a small insert from the menu, setting it on top of the page with the tea. "Yes! Here's our wine list. Would you like a few minutes to decide?"


shadow_tigris November 27 2008, 07:47:02 UTC
Konishi frowned at all the sugar products Kairi listed, only interested in the tea so far. Of course, Konishi had noticed how full of children Rivelata seemed to be, and she had to admit it was particularly advantageous to cater to their whims when running a food business.

Then Konishi looked at the wine selection. And simply stared.

Besides the usual respectable Chardonnay and Merlot, this Cafe had Merdoc and Pinot Noir! Konishi had expected that any non-native business that served wine would have to have a better wine selection than the natives, as all they seemed to be interested in was brandy or coarse spirits. But this was... Surprising. An unforeseen circumstance that was proving even more profitable the longer she stared at the menu ( ... )


heartsdestiny November 27 2008, 18:33:25 UTC
"Of course!" Kairi tried not to skip off, but this was her first customer, so it was special. She didn't know anything about wine, so Kairi needed a little help from one of the other employees, but returned a few moments later with a glass of wine, setting it to the right of the plate like she had been told. "Are you ready to order, or would you like some more time?"


Re: Time: JUST AFTER OPENING white_manju_bun November 28 2008, 11:26:24 UTC
Bouncing lightly, the white manjuu bun watched as customers started to pour in. It looked like the cafe was going to be a successful one. Some of the other workers were already there and serving the customers.

With a happy grin plastered on its face, Mokona bounced over to help. Hey, talking manjuu buns can be of great help too!


Re: Time: JUST AFTER OPENING heartsdestiny November 28 2008, 16:28:39 UTC
In between customers, Kairi was distracted enough to watch the little white thing bouncing around. She had never seen anything like it, and was genuinely curious.

She tried to make it seem as casual as possible, and eventually ended up cleaning up a nearby table that didn't really need to be cleaned, watching the little white thing the entire time. "U-um, hi!" Would it talk back? Kairi wasn't really sure, but she might as well find out.


Re: Time: JUST AFTER OPENING white_manju_bun December 1 2008, 13:14:35 UTC
Mokona was busy bouncing around and helping. All the time, it could feel the curious stares of everyone, even the workers. It wasn't everyday you see a talking white manjuu bun as a waiter in a cafe. But it shrugged the feeling off.

However, Mokona was a little surprised when a red-haired girl in a waitress uniform said hi, albeit stuttering a little. She was probably one of those curious.

Giving her a huge smile as it leapt off the table, Mokona waved back. "Hi, miss! You're really working hard!"


Re: Time: JUST AFTER OPENING heartsdestiny December 1 2008, 17:24:41 UTC
The little white thing was just so cute. "Oh, thank you! Um!" Kairi fidgeted a little with her apron. "What's your name?"


Re: Time: JUST AFTER OPENING white_manju_bun December 2 2008, 04:22:49 UTC
Mokona bounced before saying, "The name is Mokona! What about you, miss?"

It was always fun to make a new friend. Mokona was really grateful to Yuuko for opening the cafe.


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