Now when I think about tomorrow, I can feel possibilities [OPEN]

Nov 24, 2008 22:06

WHO: Yuuko Ichihara (whatisyourwish), Mokona Modoki (white_manju_bun), her employees, and the customers.
WHAT: The grand opening of the White Bun Cafe!
WHERE: The White Bun Cafe!
WHEN: Day 242

I can try any crazy schemes that excites me )

Ω konishi mitsuki, Ω riku, yuuko ichihara, Ω lex, Ω kobato, Ω kairi, Ω mokona modoki, kasandra jill warlock, lockon stratos, place - white bun cafe, Ω tieria erde, !open, Ω the medicine seller

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Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 25 2008, 07:33:39 UTC
Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 25 2008, 08:57:04 UTC
Kairi rushed over as fast as she could, after spending too much time making sure she looked nice. For the day, she added some extra accessories to her usual attire. This was her first job, and she wanted to do well on top of looking nice for work.

For a few moments, Kairi paced outside the shop before knocking gently on the door, assuming it hadn't been unlocked.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 25 2008, 09:03:01 UTC
Yuuko opened the door for Kairi and smiled at her.

"Hello, Kairi," she said, stepping aside to let her in, "I like your outfit."


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 25 2008, 09:06:33 UTC
"Hello, Miss Yuuko!" Kairi practically bounced into the store, wearing her usual smile. "Thank you! I hope it's all right. I'm not too early, am I?"


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 25 2008, 09:21:44 UTC
"Not at all," said Yuuko, closing the door behind her.

She disappeared into the back room for a moment, then returned with a white apron. Kairi's name was embroidered onto the chest in red thread.

"This is for you. You can consider it your uniform, if you like."


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 25 2008, 09:32:24 UTC
This was already turning out to be one of the best days ever. Kairi was convinced that she would love her job and nothing could change her mind! She'd get to meet people she hadn't met, and that was good enough for her.

"Oh, thank you, Miss Yuuko!" Kairi didn't waste any time in putting on her apron and spinning around a few times, if only because she was incredibly happy and no one else had come into the cafe yet.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 25 2008, 09:52:13 UTC
Yuuko smiled at Kairi's enthusiasm. It would be nice to have someone this cheerful working for her. Hopefully, her enthusiasm would rub off on the other employees.

"You're welcome," she said with a smile, "Now, could you help me set the tables?"


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING heartsdestiny November 25 2008, 17:55:34 UTC
"Of course!" Kairi disappeared off into the cafe, gathering dishes, napkins and silverware and began to set the tables. She sang a little song to herself that she'd made up about forks going on the left and knives and spoons going on the right. She didn't really care if anyone heard, because there were no customers yet. Other than that, the only sound Kairi made was the soft clinking of dishes as she set the tables.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 26 2008, 02:03:44 UTC
Yuuko smiled and went back to what she had been doing. Kairi seemed a little like Sakura-hime, full of warm smiles and eager to help in any way she could. This would be fun.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING carnivaltoday November 25 2008, 16:02:30 UTC
Lex felt stupid. She had completely forgot she'd been hired by Yuuko to work in the cafe. Well, no, that wasn't quite right. She hadn't forgotten that. She'd just forgotten to tell Yuuko that she'd started working with Tifa at the magic shop. Running the shop actually.

And then she'd seen the notice that it was opening and oh dear. Well, it was too late now.

Lex knew she couldn't be flakey about this, and just bail on Yuuko after she'd been so nice and given her a job... No, Lex would have to be responsible for her mistake, and be completely exhausted for the next two weeks while Yuuko got time to find a replacement for her and she juggled two jobs. At least right now at the magic shop it was just a lot of inventory and arranging things.

Lex came into the Cafe, her hair curling under just right and dressed nicely but entirely in black.

"Hello." She greeted.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 26 2008, 02:08:51 UTC
Yuuko turned and smiled at Lex.

"Hello," she said. As soon as she looked at Lex, she could tell that there was something wrong.

"What is it, Lex?"


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING carnivaltoday November 26 2008, 14:36:34 UTC
Yuuko had that look. The sort of look Angelique would give them when they were doing something stupid. The kind patient one--not the exhasperated one. So, Lex did the logical thing and smiled.

"I wanted you to know how thankful I am that you gave me this chance." She said, standing straight and being appropriately polite, because it was true. What would she have done if no one had offered help? She wasn't Sebastian. She couldn't grant her own wishes just by wanting something. She still needed to rely on people's kindness sometimes, in small ways, so she could help herself. She mustn't forget that.

"Is there anything that still needs to be done?" She asked, smiling.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 28 2008, 09:06:42 UTC
"Yes, there is," she said, "Is that all you wanted to say?"

Yuuko's powers let her know that there was something more that was troubling Lex, but if she was unwilling to say it, she would not force her. She just watched her, her expression showing that she was willing to listen to what Lex had to say.


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING carnivaltoday November 29 2008, 15:12:10 UTC
“I’m afraid I made other arrangements, and I wont be able to continue working at the café. As soon as you could find a replacement for me within two weeks, or less, I would appreciate it.” Lex said


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING whatisyourwish November 30 2008, 04:39:18 UTC
"It's quite alright, Lex," she said, "There's a young man who just asked for a job, so he can be your replacement. After today, I'll pay you for your work, but you won't need to keep working here."


Re: Time: BEFORE OPENING gn_002 November 26 2008, 07:16:12 UTC
Lockon looked at the sign outside of the White Bun's cafe. He had made sure to come with a bit more spare time in case he could help with anything extra. Also, it would be a good way to get to know the people he would be working with.

He had worn black pants, dress shoes and a simple, long sleeved white shirt. He didn't know the uniform protocol, but this would have to do until Miss Ichihara told him what to get.

He entered the cafe and smiled at his employer.


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