How soon is "now"? [Vertigo Visions Week 1]

Nov 25, 2008 02:10

WHO: ANYONE! -- Add your own entry tags!
WHAT: Vertigo Visions Responses
WHERE: Specific Threads identify your location
WHEN: Night of Day 242 (Monday 11/24) and Day 233 (11/25) through the night of Day 249 (Monday 12/1)

Reply here with vision responses as your character sees the Mysterious Haze. )

Ω maka albarn, iggy, kuja, Ω yami yugi, Ω axel, event - vertigo visions, Ω zexion, Ω sora, Ω soul eater evans, !open, Ω josh, larsa ferrinas solidor, yuuko ichihara, ! main plot, Ω roxas, Ω rikku, Ω gwendal von voltaire

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The White Bun Cafe, in the market district whatisyourwish November 25 2008, 08:01:48 UTC
Yuuko took a moment to look out the window at the night sky. She had been busy in the cafe, and was enjoying a brief moment of peace. Suddenly, she saw something in the sky. A blur, like a cloud, but different. The moment she looked directly at it, she became dizzy. She reached out, to grip the edge of the nearest table. Her vision swirled, and then what she was seeing changed.

It was night, the streets of Japan. Yuuko understood that this must be a vision. She allowed it to play out before her. It looked familiar. She felt something brush by her cheek.

“Did you just feel something cold on your cheek?” It’s the voice of the Mokonas.

She looks up at the sky.

“Huh? What? Something soft, fluttery and cold is falling down on us. It’s cold. What is this stuff?”

“It’s snow.”

For a moment, she was surprised at the sound of her own voice speaking to her. Then she remembered. This was not just a vision, it was a memory. The first time that Soel and Larg had seen snow. She was seeing it now through their eyes.

“Snow. It’s not rain?”

"Snow is rain in a different shape. When rain freezes in the sky, then it falls down to earth like this."


So this is rain, but transformed! That's amazing! We love the rain, but we love the snow, too! Before it transforms, or after, both are so pretty!

She could hear their thoughts and feel their emotions. The two beloved creatures that she had created with Clow, Soel and Larg. The Mokonas. She could feel their wonder at this simple, beautiful thing.

"It'll pile up tomorrow."

“Pile up?”

"The snow. If it does, then we can have a snowball fight at Clow's!"

“A snowball fight?”

"I'll show you tomorrow."

“Okay! Yay!”

Their young hearts were excited at the idea of another new experience. She watched through their eyes as they arrived at Clow’s, and as he greeted them. She could see herself through their eyes, feel their overwhelming love for her and for Clow. It made her eyes sting slightly with tears, made her heart ache just a little.

“You two get along really well!”

She hears Clow laugh and sees her past self tilt her head as she says “What? How do you figure?”

But they do! They get along so well!

She could feel how puzzled the Mokonas had been when they said that, and remembered what she herself had been thinking when they had said that. It was amusing, how the Mokonas were just as puzzled at what she said as she had been at what they had said.

“It’s warm inside Clow’s house.”

She continued watching the vision. It showed the scene just as she remembered it, but now she could feel the happiness of the two Mokonas as well as remember the complete contentment that she had felt as she sat in front of the fire that evening.

“Hey, what are we here to do, anyway?”

She saw her past self smile down at the Mokonas.

“To get ready for Christmas.”

The vision faded and Yuuko was standing in the cafe again. She blinked, and turned away from the window. For a moment she was still stunned, but she recovered. She sat down at one of the tables. She was lost in thought for a moment, then she smiled lovingly, stood up and went to find Mokona.


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