WHO: ANYONE! -- Add your own entry tags!
WHAT: Vertigo Visions Responses
WHERE: Specific Threads identify your location
WHEN: Night of Day 242 (Monday 11/24) and Day 233 (11/25) through the night of Day 249 (Monday 12/1)
Reply here with vision responses as your character sees the Mysterious Haze. )
Not when he could feel that room in his soul getting stronger and more like what it had been before he'd come - more "physical" as far as it went. The imp had yet to appear, but he was certain it would. Eventually.
How disappointing. Really. He simply couldn't bear life without the stupid thing. Ugh.
His red eyes wandered the sky until he sat up and glanced around. His eyes caught the haze along the skyline. That hadn't been there when he'd arrived, right? The odd sensation of being pulled by his head into what he had been seeing disturbed him but soon was lost in memories not his own.
As abruptly as it had started, he felt himself falling back out.
He gagged for air, kneeling down. What had that been...? A memory? A vision? He couldn't decide. But one thing was certain: he'd been there, only this time he'd been seeing what Maka saw rather than his own versions of the events.
Something stuck him as odd. Did she really enjoy his awful playing? No, no one could. It was awful when put against Wes's violin. He was awful at it when compared to anyone, no matter what the music-stupid Maka thought.
He held his hands against his temple. Was it just a vision? The imp playing games? Nnnnrgh. This wasn't what he was made for. Cool guys didn't do this. Didn't have out-of-body experiences like that. He stood and brushed off his red jeans.
Soul planned to think on it. What had he seen? It wasn't inside himself. He knew what that felt like. Some part of him wanted to blame the imp and the black blood, both of which he was familiar with. Neither forced him to see visions quite like that... They were more violent, more persistent, and more haunting.
No, this was different. But what? He had been there, he could recall it vaguely, but now Maka's thoughts and feelings persisted much more strongly in his mind.
What was all this? Screw that. What was this place?
Ugh... He hated unanswered questions. They made him think.
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