(no subject)

Nov 05, 2008 13:13

WHO: Plusle and Fujisaki Nadeshiko
WHAT: Meeting at the docks
WHERE: The docks
WHEN: After Plusle's post

Plusle was a very curious little pokemon. He'd wound up on that wooden thing and climbed out and there were all these people around but no pokemon! Some of them seemed scared of him, too. Why? He wasn't mean.

Then he had found the journal book thing and started talking to him, and the people understood him. They usually didn't. It didn't matter much, though, since no one knew where Tory and Minun were. But that was ok, because there were nice people and one of them was coming to get him! She had a long name and purple hair. He could definitely find her.

"Paiii!" he called out, climbing up on a half wall near the docks to look out for her.

place - docks, Ω plusle, Ω fujisaki "nadeshiko" nagihiko

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