Even if I show off my bravery and my strength, I can't survive alone[open, hope I'm doing it right.]

Oct 29, 2008 19:05

WHO: Tieria, Grell and Nozomu
WHAT: Meeting some new friends.
WHERE: The docks.
WHEN: Day 215(?) evening.

Tieria sat on the edge of a particularly low and rickety dock with his shoes and socks aligned neatly beside him. He idly dangled his toes in the quiet water beneath him and stared off into the quickly setting sun. He sighed, hoping he wasn't going to spend another night walking alone on the beaches. This little piece of land was rather beautiful, even for Earth...or what looked like Earth.

When he'd lived in 2307, he detested being on Earth. He hated the high gravity, the noise, the claustrophobic feeling the constantly growing cities gave him... This place wasn't so bad, though. From what he'd seen, even highly populated areas seemed open and friendly to him, and walking on the sand wasn't so bad, at least he could walk on it for a while before his feet began to hurt.

"A-tchu!" He sneezed again, cursing his fragile immune system. He picked up his notebook and flipped through, looking for any new entries from Mr. Grell Sutcliff who'd offered to take him in. Massive amounts of pride prevented Tieria from reminding him. He certainly wasn't going to beg for help and could survive for several weeks without food thanks to his abnormal genetics, so for now he decided he would just wait.

Someone would show up eventually...

[ooc: Annay~ Lilly just informed me that you were waiting for a post from me! Which is funny because I was waiting for a post from you guys! Ohgod, I hope I didn't fail miserably at this D':]

nozomu itoshiki, place - docks, lockon stratos, Ω tieria erde, grell sutcliff

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