WHO: Princess Nuala, the CORINTHIAN, EVERYONE ELSE! Who wants to join? You should join. EVERYBODY JOIN!
WHAT: A chance meeting.
WHERE: The beach!
WHEN: Day 181, midday.
It was comforting in an odd way, how Rivelata's star resembled Earth's so closely. This strange, old land wasn't so different from the early days of the world she knew so well. It lived-- flourished, even-- in this tropical landscape. The air was fresh and crisp, the soil moist. Rivelata was new in its antiquity, and just as weak as it was strong.
Just as Abraham had mentioned, there was something uneasy about this strange land. There was a depth she couldn't quite reach; a secret she couldn't figure out, It nagged at her gently, but like the soft breeze that flitted across her cheek, she couldn't quite grasp it, despite her attempts.
It would come to her when, and if, it meant to.
She smiled warmly against the wind that washed up with the cresting waves, wondering of Abraham's condition. She could only hope that his health was improving. It seemed so unfortunate how quickly he'd become ill in the wake of her own recovery.
Perhaps time would be kind to him.