exploring [Open]

Mar 12, 2008 18:12

WHO: Buffy (Open to anyone)
WHAT: Exploring time
WHERE: Marketplace
WHEN: This afternoon

Buffy wasn't someone who liked being cooped up. She hated it, actually. It was nice to be able to live with John, since he was good company, but she was curious about the other people in town. She wanted to meet whoever she could, find out what information they knew. If she found out anything interesting, she'd have to let her group of friends know. It was strange to not have Willow or Xander to talk to and report any findings to, but she was grateful to have the people she did. John, Ruby, and Faith were all people she could easily tolerate and even get along with. Well, maybe not so much Faith, but she was going to make a huge effort to. They were stuck in hell together, after all. And Buffy wasn't going to leave a fellow slayer behind when a way back home was uncovered.

The young woman made her way through the busy marketplace, eavesdropping on people's conversations as she slowly walked. She was listening for any key words, such as kidnapping or queen. She was still very interested in getting a chance to meet with the queen, but wasn't going to hold her breath on that being easy to do. She was going to have to come up with one hell of a plan in order to do so.

But until a plan formed in her head, she was perfectly content to meander along the street. She'd find someone to talk to eventually. She always did.

place - market district, Ω renamon, Ω buffy summers

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